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  1. Please see attachments as I cannot expose any link.
  2. My email address is added to our account. Thank you very much for your assistance on this. Now, back to the issue with the script error, we are using a "UniMainMenu" and this menu is consist from several options and sub menus which are "UNIMENUITEMS", If you set the UNIMENUITEM.checked = true; from Delphi IDE when it produce the page on the browser you get a script/ajax error which says: " Object doesn't support property or method 'setChecked' " and the object is the UNIMENUITEM which we previously in Delphi we set this as "UNIMENUITEM.checked = true;". In case you need more details or even print screens, please do not hesitate to ask for it. Thank you very much Nick
  3. Hello, We just purchased a license for UNIGUI and we converted 2 existing exexutables from Win64 to UniGUI. The result is awesome! Thank you all! I just noticed that specifically the indy components are pre-compiled using record field allignment Quad. And our software is compiled with byte. I can change our programs by putting the word packed in front of all the records (about 1500 records) and it will work but i was wondering if there is any other way. Also i found a bug in Sencha where if you have a UNIMAINMENU and the UNIMAINMENUOPTIONS contain a checkbox, if you set the check option then it popups with a script error "There is no setChecked method for this object". Thank you very much for any ideas or resolutions regarding this issue. Nick
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