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Roberto Nicchi

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Everything posted by Roberto Nicchi

  1. Hello, i'm wondering if is possible to set a TUniFormattedNumberEdit object so that it displays the number formatted with 2 decimals (for example) but it allows to insert more decimals (for example 4). Of course if more decimals than two are inserted than all the decimals must be visible. In other words the effect should be that same than the #0.00## display format string. If it's not possible you could add this as a request for future implementation. Myabe adding a new property to indicate the minimum decimals to format. In my example DecimalPrecision=4 and new property FormatPrecision=2 Thanks
  2. I have created a small demo app that shows the problem. Please take a look, it's attached to this post. thanks Delphi XE 10.2.3 UNIGUI Ver DemoApp.zip
  3. OK, consider a grid with some columns. When the focused cell is in a specific column we want to activate a button in a tool bar that allows to perform some task. For example open a list where is possible to select some value for the cell. In the oncolumnenter event we could check if the focused cell is in that column and, if so, setup the tool button (enable it, maybe change the button icon, and set the onclick event with a specific procedure). In the oncolumnexit we will disable the button. thanks.
  4. I have just tryed and it seems to work fine. Thanks a lot. Another thing that would be usefull (anyway i don't need it immediately) are two grid events that allows to detect when the focus exit (oncolumnexit) or enter (oncolumnenter) a grid column. Thanks
  5. I would like to execute some Delphi code when the focus enter the grid and when exit. In detail the code active (entering) and deactivate (exiting) some components ... The events are present in the Tunidbgrid class but are not executed. I remeber there was some problem in unigui (probably related to the Sencha framework ?) and so was impossible to detect the focus entering/exiting the grid. Maybe the grid enhancements have/will remove this problem. thanks
  6. Hello, Does the grid enhancements (2021 Roadmap) will include the implementation of onenter and onexit events ? thanks
  7. Hello. I simply block the login. Anyway the idea to close the session if the user has been inactive too long is good. I'll take a look to the threads provided by Sherzod. In particular this one:
  8. Hello, in my application each user login using an ID. i want to have only one session with a specific ID. In the app's database i have created a LOGIN table where a record is added when an user log into the application. When the user session is closed the record is of course removed. The problem is that if the user switch off the PC and keep the browser open it takes time to have the user id available again for application login. Is necessary to wait the session tinmeout (10 minutes). My solution is to reduce the session timeout to a short time (10 seconds instead of 10 minutes). Then in the main form of the app i have placed a timer that do something every few seconds. In this way there's not a timeout if the application is left untouched for a while. I'm wondering if this is the right way to go or for some reason i could have problems with solution ? thanks Roberto
  9. Ok, delete from memory the thing that the problem is in two PC. I have had a wrong information. The problem is anyway very odd. If i open the application using in Edge i see the problem with TuniURLFrame (blank pages). If i open the application with localhost:8077 the problem is not present. mmmm, evidently is not an unigui problem (i suppose). I would really happy to understand... I have tryed to disable the AV. thanks
  10. Thanks, i have tryed with others web browser. I see the problem with Edge only. Tryed in two PC.
  11. Thanks. I was using the TuniURLframe until today but i have changed because for some reason (using the Edge browser) some reports are visualized completly blank. The pages are created but no text or anything else is visible inside. The TUniPDFFrame doesn't have this problem but have others ...
  12. I see the exact same problem in with my application and with the demo app provided by Frederick Do you have a fix for this ? It' not a secondary problem... thanks
  13. I still see this problem in The progress dialog should automatically close if the print is completed or if cancelled. Now ramains always visible.
  14. Hello. CHR function doesn't work for your needs ?
  15. Would be usefull some way to change the creation order (Createorder property) of unigui components at design time. Similar to the tab order dialog. thanks
  16. Ok i have found in the manual that my idea to use criticalsection is correct: http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/index.html?handling-concurrency.htm Anyway, for support the incoming Load Balance Server, i will remove this component and will save data into a database table.
  17. Hello, i see. Yes, this is a thing i have to consider. Thanks.
  18. I'll take a look to TThreadList class, thanks. Anyway what about if i use TCriticalSection ? Is it ok ? example: type TUniServerModule = class(TUniGUIServerModule) procedure UniGUIServerModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure UniGUIServerModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FTheStringList:TStringList; Fcs:TCriticalSection; public procedure AddSomethingToTheList(avalue:string); end; ... procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Fcs:=TCriticalSection.Create; FUtenti:=TStringList.Create; end; procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin FTheStringList:TStringList.Free; Fcs.Free; end; function TUniServerModule.AddSomeThingToTheList(avalue:string); begin Fcs.Acquire; try FTheStringList:TStringList.add(avalue); finally Fcs.Release; end; end;
  19. In the example i see that the variable UserInfo is created inside the unit but OUTSIDE the class definition. That way for sure can't work in a UNIGUI application because the variable is common to all session. But creating the variables (public) inside the mainmodule should be in my mind the same than using a property and a private variable. Probably there's a tecnical thing that i miss. Anyway i'll do as suggested and use properties. I guess it works also if the variable is a complex object. For example if i need a Tstringlist. The only thing i have to do more is create it in the oncreate event of the unimainmodule. TUniMainModule = class(TUniGUIMainModule) private { Private declarations } Fsl:TStringList; published property sl:TStringList read Fsl write Fsl; ... thanks
  20. If i had created the variable as public and didn't use the property, it wasn't correct ? thanks a lot.
  21. I have to share a TStringList between all sessions. Sessions needs to insert/delete items in the list. I have defined the Tstringlist object in the uniservermodule provate section and created some public procedure to update the list. The list is created in the oncreate event and destroyed in the ondestroy event of the uniservermodule. What's the right way to access the object in the session ? thanks
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