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Roberto Nicchi

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Everything posted by Roberto Nicchi

  1. Personalmente ti consiglio sempre di creare un piccolo programma di esempio quando hai una problematica come questa. Roberto
  2. Hello, in the login form probably you have a button to confirm. In this button enable the ScreenMask property. Roberto
  3. Hello, i'm trying to make work SSL with a test unigui application (standalone) I have generated a certificate as explaing in this link: Developer's Guide > Deployment > SSL Configuration > Generate a Self-Signed Certificate (unigui.com) I have created the certificate with a password and have inserted the password in the SSLPassword property in my application. I suppose i have done it right. Of course i have enabled ssl (ssl.enabled=true) The application is correctly executed using but the browser tell me the the connection is not safe. Does it happens because i'm using a self-generated certificate ? Below you can see the properties of the servermodule. thanks Roberto object UniServerModule: TUniServerModule OldCreateOrder = False TempFolder = 'temp\' Title = 'New Application' SuppressErrors = [] Bindings = <> SSL.Enabled = True SSL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile = 'root.pem' SSL.SSLOptions.CertFile = 'cert.pem' SSL.SSLOptions.KeyFile = 'key.pem' SSL.SSLOptions.Method = sslvTLSv1_2 SSL.SSLOptions.SSLVersions = [sslvTLSv1_2] SSL.SSLOptions.Mode = sslmUnassigned SSL.SSLOptions.VerifyMode = [] SSL.SSLOptions.VerifyDepth = 0 SSL.SSLPassword = '050302' ConnectionFailureRecovery.ErrorMessage = 'Connection Error' ConnectionFailureRecovery.RetryMessage = 'Retrying...' Height = 150 Width = 215 end
  4. you could use the inputmask property to limit the valid input characters ...
  5. The button is connected to a TuniNativeImageList (svg image) If i use the following CSS the icon is not centered horizzontally. It's aligned to the left. .okIcon24 { height: 24px !important; width: 24px !important; background-size: 24px auto; background-image: url("files/icone/okIcon.svg"); } If the line width: 24px !important; is changed to width: 24px; the icon is centered (correctly) horizzontally. I'm wondering why the "!important" option in CSS is causing the icon not to be centered horizzontally. thanks Roberto
  6. I can't understand how to change the selection of the current record by code. I i had this information it would be easy...
  7. The application will be used in a touch monitor. The user click (touch) the record and it should be selected. thanks Roberto
  8. Hello, i'm using a TuniDBgrid component to allow selection of multiple records. Options = [dgEditing, dgTitles, dgIndicator, dgColumnResize, dgColLines, dgRowLines, dgRowSelect, dgCheckSelect, dgAlwaysShowSelection, dgConfirmDelete, dgMultiSelect, dgAutoRefreshRow] My problem is that the record selection is possible only clicking in the checkbox only. I would like to select/unselect the record clicking in any column of the grid. Possible in some way ? thanks
  9. the application will be used in a touch screen PC so i would like to have larger buttons in the standard messagedlg dialog box. Possible ? If not i'll write my own confirmation form. thanks Roberto
  10. I have created my own numeric touch keypad in Delphi code, as suggested by Ron thanks
  11. Thanks, i have tought to that solution .... How to update the value in a TuniNumericEdit component clicking in a button ? Are you using Javascript ?
  12. Right, the problem is that my knoledge in JS is too low to make that lib works with Unigui...
  13. Hello, i have an Unigui application that will be used in a Windows PC with a touch monitor. The user have to insert a numberic value into a TuniNumberEdit. I would like to have a button (next to the number edit) that will open a form with a virtual numeric keypad. The user type the number (the keypad must have large keys) and press enter. The number is inserted into the TuniNumberEdit. Is there something like this ? For the moment i need only a numeric keyboard but would be nice also to have an alphanumeric keyboard. I have found the following thread but the keyboard is very small. thanks Roberto P.S. My knoledge of JS is zero
  14. Hello @Sherzod i'm still having problems with the TUniButtonWidget. If the image is squared, it's rendered correctly. But if the image is rounded it's cut in the left and in the right. See the attached example. How to fix it ? Thanks apptest.zip
  15. Seems to me that if tabstop is false at designtime the html tabindex attribute is missing in html. I guess this is the problem...
  16. Hello, look at the attached demo app. Seems that the monitored key is ignored if the focused control is a TuniHTMLMemo. The default browser action is executed instead of the code in the onkeydown event of the form. Roberto Project1.zip
  17. I think @Sherzodis suggesting to not change the tabstop property at design time (leave it with the default true value) and change it only at designtime. Roberto
  18. I think this could be very usefull. In the HyperServer's "Upload New Version" dialog you could add the possibility to upload also a zip file. The zip file will be unzipped in the main exe folder. Roberto
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