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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Solution: 1. UniStringGrid -> Options -> goEditing = true 2. UniStringGrid -> ExtEvents -> add event beforeedit function beforeedit(editor, context, eOpts) { var FixedRow, FixedCols; FixedRow = 1; FixedCols = 1; if (editor.cmp.uniRow < FixedRow || editor.cmp.uniCol < FixedCols) { return false; } } Sincerely...
  2. Sorry I just didn't understand the question, now everything is clear. Now I will try to find a solution...
  3. Hi mehmet pak. Try this: UniSession.AddJS('document.getElementById("'+UniPanel1.JsName+'_id-body").style.backgroundColor = "green";'); Sincerely Sorry I hurried to answer... may just need to change the class UniServerModule - > CustomCSS add .x-mask { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #000CCC; opacity: 0.5; }
  4. Sorry, What a component is shown in the image, can clarify the issue?
  5. Hi Marko Kastelic. Use this: grid.headerCt.move(oldColumnIndex, newColumnIndex); UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid1.JSName + '.headerCt.move(1,5);' + UniDBGrid1.JSName + '.view.refresh();'); Sincerely...
  6. Hi Oscar Flor Try: UniDBGrid1 - > UniEvents function beforeInit(sender) { this.view.emptyText = "<div style='width:150px;margin:0 auto;'><br><h2>No records!!!</h2></div>"; } Or change empty text in runtime: UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid1.JSName + '.view.emptyText = "<div style=''width:150px;margin:0 auto;''><br><h2>No records!!!</h2></div>"; '+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.getView().refresh();'); Sincerely
  7. Hi All ... One of the solutions ... (Can be useful to someone) After editing the grid, move to the next cell to the next line. 1. UniDBGrid1 -> ExtEvents -> function edit(editor, context, eOpts) { ajaxRequest(this, 'modified', []); } 2. procedure TMainForm.UniDBGrid1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); begin if (EventName = 'modified') and (UniDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.RecNo <> UniDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.RecordCount) then begin if UniDBGrid1.WebOptions.Paged then UniSession.AddJS('if (('+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.getStore().pageSize - 1) != '+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.uniRow){'+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.getSelectionModel().setCurrentPosition({row: '+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.uniRow + 1, column: '+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.uniCol})} else {'+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.getStore().nextPage(1);'+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.uniRow = 0};') else UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.getSelectionModel().setCurrentPosition({row: '+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.uniRow + 1, column: '+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.uniCol});') end; end; Sincerely...
  8. Hi Farshad. This feature is implemented in the current version? Thank you.
  9. Hi huangrenping. In designtimes: 1. UniStringGrid -> Options -> goEditing = true In runtimes: 1. Uses ... Vcl.Grids ... 2. UniStringGrid1.Options: = UniStringGrid1.Options + [goEditing]; Sincerely...
  10. Please Farshad! Give the solution ... Thank you!
  11. Hi Farshad! Can you help us?! Sincerely...
  12. Hi Farshad! Can you include "SpreadSheet" in the framework??! http://www.extjs4spreadsheet.com/spread/10/examples/spread-full http://www.extjs4spreadsheet.com/en/introduction Thank you! Sincerely.
  13. I think, to set the width UniMenuItem, easier to use caption with "<br>" Sincerely ...
  14. Thank you very much, I'll try...
  15. Hi rullomare! Thank you for your response. How did you know that "O3B", this is UniMainMenu? Thank you ...
  16. Hi Farshad! I use this plugin. If the cell is active and click mouse to another row or to another column, there is an error row mismatch, if you go on the same row there is no error. Can You correct this plugin? Thank you, Sincerely.
  17. more precisely width UniMenuItem
  18. Hi All! Does anyone know, how to set the width at the UniMainMenu, (with word-wrap...)? Sincerely...
  19. Hi... Try to read this: (http://www.objis.com/formationextjs/lib/extjs-4.0.0/docs/api/Ext.util.Animate.html) example: UniSession.AddJS(UniPanel1.JSName + '.animate({ duration: 1000, to: { x: 10, y: 10, opacity: 100}});'); Sincerely ...
  20. procedure TMainForm.UniFormResize(Sender: TObject); begin UniPanel1.Left := (Self.Width - UniPanel1.Width) div 2; UniPanel1.Top := (Self.Height - UniPanel1.Height) div 2; end;
  21. Hi erich.wanker! Try this: document.getElementById("'+UniScrollBox1.JSName+'_id-body").scrollTop = 0; UniSession.AddJS('document.getElementById("'+UniScrollBox1.JSName+'_id-body").scrollTop = 0;'); Sincerely.
  22. Hi Farshad. Why is the folder C: \ Program Files \ FMSoft \ Framework \ uniGUI \ ExtPascal \ greatly curtailed? 1. I corrected the mistake UniDBGrid, using ExtData. 2. How can I use the following code, without ExtData? uses ..., ExtData; type THackUniDBGrid = class (TUniDBGrid) procedure RemoveAll; end; procedure THackUniDBGrid.RemoveAll; Var ST: TExtDataStore; Begin ST: = TExtDataStore (Self.ExtGridPanel.Store); ST.RemoveAll (True); end; procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtn1Click (Sender: TObject); begin THackUniDBGrid(UniDBGrid1).RemoveAll; ClientDataSet2.Close end; 3. Or you fixed this bug? http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3145-error-using-multi-header-in-unidbgrid/ On the one hand does not take into account the versioning is bad, especially when the project is large! 4. Or, we can simply replace the ExtData on the ExtPascalUtils?? Please Farshad, give us the solution .... Sincerely ...
  23. +1 may help? http://blogs.walkingtree.in/2012/07/16/badge-text-in-extjs-4-1/?goback=%2Egde_4247930_member_135834455#%21 Sincerely
  24. procedure TMainForm.CreateComponents(Grd: TUniDBGrid); var I,editcnt,datecnt,labelcnt,top,fldcnt: Integer; begin labelcnt:=0; datecnt:=0; editcnt:=0; top:=50; left:=16; fldcnt:=0; for I := 0 to Grd.Columns.Count - 1 do begin inc(labelcnt); SetLength(labels,labelcnt); labels:=TUniLabel.Create(self); labels.Parent:=FldsPanel; labels.Top:=top-19; labels.Left:=left; labels.Caption:=Grd.Columns.Title.Caption; if (Grd.Columns.Field.DataType=ftDate) or (Grd.Columns.Field.DataType=ftDateTime) then begin inc(datecnt); SetLength(datearray,datecnt); datearray[datecnt-1]:=TUniDateTimePicker.Create(self); datearray[datecnt-1].Parent:=FldsPanel; datearray[datecnt-1].Width:=150; datearray[datecnt-1].Left:=left; datearray[datecnt-1].Top:=top; datearray[datecnt-1].TabOrder:=I; end else begin inc(editcnt); SetLength(editarray,editcnt); editarray[editcnt-1]:=TUniEdit.Create(self); editarray[editcnt-1].Name:='UniEdit'+inttostr(editcnt); editarray[editcnt-1].Parent:=FldsPanel; editarray[editcnt-1].Width:=150; editarray[editcnt-1].Left:=left; editarray[editcnt-1].Top:=top; editarray[editcnt-1].TabOrder:=I; end; left:=left+156; inc(fldcnt); // УФБ 5 РЕДЙБ КБФЕВБЙНЩ ГСБММЗ if fldcnt = 5 then begin top:=top+56; fldcnt:=0; left:=16; end; end; // end of for I end;
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