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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. procedure TMainForm.UniFormResize(Sender: TObject); begin UniPanel1.Left := (Self.Width - UniPanel1.Width) div 2; UniPanel1.Top := (Self.Height - UniPanel1.Height) div 2; end;
  2. Hi erich.wanker! Try this: document.getElementById("'+UniScrollBox1.JSName+'_id-body").scrollTop = 0; UniSession.AddJS('document.getElementById("'+UniScrollBox1.JSName+'_id-body").scrollTop = 0;'); Sincerely.
  3. Hi Farshad. Why is the folder C: \ Program Files \ FMSoft \ Framework \ uniGUI \ ExtPascal \ greatly curtailed? 1. I corrected the mistake UniDBGrid, using ExtData. 2. How can I use the following code, without ExtData? uses ..., ExtData; type THackUniDBGrid = class (TUniDBGrid) procedure RemoveAll; end; procedure THackUniDBGrid.RemoveAll; Var ST: TExtDataStore; Begin ST: = TExtDataStore (Self.ExtGridPanel.Store); ST.RemoveAll (True); end; procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtn1Click (Sender: TObject); begin THackUniDBGrid(UniDBGrid1).RemoveAll; ClientDataSet2.Close end; 3. Or you fixed this bug? http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3145-error-using-multi-header-in-unidbgrid/ On the one hand does not take into account the versioning is bad, especially when the project is large! 4. Or, we can simply replace the ExtData on the ExtPascalUtils?? Please Farshad, give us the solution .... Sincerely ...
  4. +1 may help? http://blogs.walkingtree.in/2012/07/16/badge-text-in-extjs-4-1/?goback=%2Egde_4247930_member_135834455#%21 Sincerely
  5. procedure TMainForm.CreateComponents(Grd: TUniDBGrid); var I,editcnt,datecnt,labelcnt,top,fldcnt: Integer; begin labelcnt:=0; datecnt:=0; editcnt:=0; top:=50; left:=16; fldcnt:=0; for I := 0 to Grd.Columns.Count - 1 do begin inc(labelcnt); SetLength(labels,labelcnt); labels:=TUniLabel.Create(self); labels.Parent:=FldsPanel; labels.Top:=top-19; labels.Left:=left; labels.Caption:=Grd.Columns.Title.Caption; if (Grd.Columns.Field.DataType=ftDate) or (Grd.Columns.Field.DataType=ftDateTime) then begin inc(datecnt); SetLength(datearray,datecnt); datearray[datecnt-1]:=TUniDateTimePicker.Create(self); datearray[datecnt-1].Parent:=FldsPanel; datearray[datecnt-1].Width:=150; datearray[datecnt-1].Left:=left; datearray[datecnt-1].Top:=top; datearray[datecnt-1].TabOrder:=I; end else begin inc(editcnt); SetLength(editarray,editcnt); editarray[editcnt-1]:=TUniEdit.Create(self); editarray[editcnt-1].Name:='UniEdit'+inttostr(editcnt); editarray[editcnt-1].Parent:=FldsPanel; editarray[editcnt-1].Width:=150; editarray[editcnt-1].Left:=left; editarray[editcnt-1].Top:=top; editarray[editcnt-1].TabOrder:=I; end; left:=left+156; inc(fldcnt); // УФБ 5 РЕДЙБ КБФЕВБЙНЩ ГСБММЗ if fldcnt = 5 then begin top:=top+56; fldcnt:=0; left:=16; end; end; // end of for I end;
  6. Hi skepsis. First try this: datearray:=TUniDateTimePicker.Create(self); specify nil, instead self datearray[I] := TUniDateTimePicker.Create(NIL); or datearray[I] := TUniEdit.Create(NIL); ... Secondly: when (where) you destroy objects? Sincerely
  7. not yet possible to download the file http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1312-development-status/page-29&do=findComment&comment=16639
  8. SORRY i not understand I log in with this password
  9. I do not understand, I logged to the forum?
  10. Thank you Farshad! I sent by email ...
  11. I'm happy for you. I changed my email, but to no avail!
  12. Dear Farshad, What is the problem why I can `t enter in Customer Area .....??? ???
  13. Invalid email or password. Strange!! 1. Email - email address in forum 2. Password - password to enter the forum.
  14. Hi Ulugbek. Like this one: UniToolButton1.Enabled := False; does not help? Sorry, maybe I did not understand the question? Sincerely
  15. Hi mehmet pak. If I understand correctly. You want to freeze the first row? Honestly I could not do it in the stringgrid ... If anyone can, it would be good ... But, in my opinion, you can use two unistringrid on one panel. 1. Unistringgrid1: rowCount = 1, Align = AlTop, you need to find the height of ... (e.g. Height = 24) 2. Unistringgrid2: rowCount = 100, Align = AlClient procedure TMainForm.UniStringGrid1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if UniStringGrid2.Col <> UniStringGrid1.Col then UniStringGrid2.Col := UniStringGrid1.Col; end; procedure TMainForm.UniStringGrid2MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if UniStringGrid1.Col <> UniStringGrid2.Col then UniStringGrid1.Col := UniStringGrid2.Col; end; Sincerely ...
  16. Hi erich. can help: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3205-creation-tunilabel-in-runtime-and-getting-width-property/&do=findComment&comment=14874 Sincerely
  17. HI All! Do you think, this approach is correct? procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); begin if RemoteAddress <> '' then begin UniSession.Terminate(RemoteAddress + ' is not allowed...'); end; end; Sincerely ...
  18. Hi Ulugbek. I know there are other solutions, but for now can use the following code: type THackGrid = class(TUniDBGrid); THackGrid(UniDBGrid1).CurrCol := 0; DataSource1.DataSet.Close; DataSource1.DataSet.Open; Sincerely ...
  19. OR UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.getView().scrollBy(-100, 0, false);');
  20. Hi Ulugbek. Gone was an error while rendering? Just this code returns the position of scroll in its place: UniSession.AddJS('var gridScrollXValue='+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.getView().el.dom.scrollLeft;'+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.scrollByDeltaX(-gridScrollXValue);'+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.scrollByDeltaX(gridScrollXValue);'); DataSet.Close; DataSet.Open; And this code returns to the starting left position: UniSession.AddJS('var gridScrollXValue='+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.getView().el.dom.scrollLeft;'+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.scrollByDeltaX(-gridScrollXValue);'); DataSet.Close; DataSet.Open; The problem is that if you select the last column, then the code is not executed correctly, ie in the sense of running, but again, the highlight remains the selected column. Gone was an error while rendering? Sincerely.
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