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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hi, Try this: ajaxRequest(sender,"geturl" , ["_value="+sender.iframe.src]);
  2. Hi, Like this for example: UniDBNavigator1.DataSource := DataSource2; ?! Or can you please clarify your question in more detail?
  3. Hi, We are online Can you make a simple testcase for this?!
  4. Hi, Can you make a simple testcase with "the starting URL is google.com" ?!
  5. Hi, Yes sorry, Try this: function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { // focus on field var cmp = sender; Ext.QuickTips.init(); Ext.defer(function() { cmp.inputEl.dom.focus(); cmp.inputEl.dom.style.width = "70%"; }, 100); // listen virtual keyboard keys cmp.inputEl.on({ mousedown: function(ev) { if (ev.target.tagName === 'TD') { // We trigger change event only on textfield with the focus if (document.activeElement) { if (document.activeElement.id === cmp.inputEl.dom.id) cmp.fireEvent('change'); } } }, delegate: '#keyboardInputMaster' }); VKI_attach(sender.inputEl.dom); var vkb = cmp.el.query('.keyboardInputInitiator')[0]; if (vkb) { vkb.style.position = 'absolute'; if (cmp.rtl) { vkb.style.left = '0px' } else { vkb.style.right = '0px' } vkb.style.top = '0px'; vkb.style.padding = '3px 1px'; } }
  6. Hello, Which edition and build are you using?
  7. Hi, Can you try this?: function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { // focus on field var cmp = sender; Ext.QuickTips.init(); Ext.defer(function() { cmp.inputEl.dom.focus(); }, 100); // listen virtual keyboard keys cmp.inputEl.on({ mousedown: function(ev) { if (ev.target.tagName === 'TD') { // We trigger change event only on textfield with the focus if (document.activeElement) { if (document.activeElement.id === cmp.inputEl.dom.id) cmp.fireEvent('change'); } } }, delegate: '#keyboardInputMaster' }); VKI_attach(cmp.bodyEl.dom); }
  8. Hello, Sorry for the delay Can you try with this custom CSS?: CustomCSS: .x-form-trigger.fa { display:table-cell; background-image:none !important; padding-top:5px; border-width: 0; } Best regards,
  9. Hi, I couldn't reproduce, works for me Please make a simple testcase for this if possible
  10. Hi, One possible solution: UniMemo -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { sender.bodyEl.dom.addEventListener( 'keydown', function(e) {if (e.key=='Enter') {e.stopPropagation()}} ); } Best regards,
  11. Yes, I think this can be done by adding these iconic fonts to the Delphi IDE
  12. They are included in the framework \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\ext-6.5.3\build\...
  13. Hi, First of all, please visit here: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6291-new-users-please-adjust-your-forum-email-address/
  14. Hi, Thanks for the update. Can you make a simple testcase for your issue?!
  15. First of all please visit here: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6291-new-users-please-adjust-your-forum-email-address/
  16. Hi, Are you using a trial edition?!
  17. Hi, I think is it possible, But I think it's better for you to create a derived component
  18. Hi, http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/deployment_options.htm
  19. Hi, One possible solution: 1. UnimDBListGrid -> ClientEvents -> UniEvents -> function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.cls='customHeader'; } 2. UniServerModule -> CustomCSS: .customHeader .x-toolbar { background-color: red; background-image: none; border-color: red; color: white; }
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