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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hello, Sorry, not enough information I think Can you provide additional information?
  2. Hello, Which build are you using? Can you give us a little more details?
  3. Hi, One possible solution: type TExUniCustomDBGrid = class (TUniCustomDBGrid) end; procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to UniDBGrid1.Columns.Count-1 do UniDBGrid1.Columns[I].Menu.MenuEnabled := False; TExUniCustomDBGrid(UniDBGrid1).DoConfigureJSColumns(UniDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet); end;
  4. Hello, One possible solution: Uses ... , UniGUIJSUtils; procedure TMainForm.UniButton14Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniCanvas1.JSInterface.JSCode('var me='#1'._cc_; if (me) {me.fillStyle="'+ uniColor2Web(clGreen, 1) +'"; me.font="20px sans-serif"; me.fillText("test", 100, 100)};'); end;
  5. Или же, используйте так...: 1. ClientEvents -> UniEvents -> function beforeInit: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.cls='customVGrid'; } 2. UniServerModule -> CustomCSS: .customVGrid .x-grid-cell-inner { white-space: initial; }
  6. Добрый день, Попробуйте этот Custom CSS, UniServerModule -> CustomCSS: .x-grid-cell-inner { white-space: initial; }
  7. Добрый день, А что в логах ?
  8. Hi Cristian, Use setText() instead of text
  9. Hi, http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/10898-progress-information-for-tunifileupload/&do=findComment&comment=58979
  10. Добрый день, Попробуйте это решение: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if ClientDataSet1.Locate('Id' ,90, []) then begin //UniSession.AddJS('setTimeout(function(){' + UniDBTreeGrid1.JSName + '.getView().getNode('+ UniDBTreeGrid1.JSName +'.uniRow).scrollIntoView()}, 500)'); UniDBTreeGrid1.JSInterface.JSCode('Ext.defer(function(){'#1'.ensureVisible('#1'.getSelectionModel().getSelected().getAt(0))}, 100);'); end; end;
  11. Firstly, Congratulations, I think you are making a great product! Secondly, Can you make a simple testcase for this (with UniSpeedButton and UniHTMLFrame with your logic (without FabricJS))?
  12. Вы пробовали увеличить второй аргумен функции setTimeout?: setTimeout(fn, 500) к примеру
  13. Добрый день, Я предполагаю что нод который содержит запись, должна быть раскрыта
  14. Hi, To start, I will try to give here gradually, JS functions for these features...
  15. Maybe something like this as one of the possible solutions 1. UniStringGrid -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> function edit(editor, context, eOpts): function edit(editor, context, eOpts) { var ctx=context; ajaxRequest(this, '_edit', [ 'rowIdx='+ctx.rowIdx, 'colIdx='+ctx.colIdx, 'oldValue='+ctx.originalValue, 'newValue='+ctx.value ] ); } 2. UniStringGrid -> OnAjaxEvent: procedure TMainForm.UniStringGrid1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var rowIdx, colIdx: Integer; oldValue, newValue: string; begin if EventName = '_edit' then begin // some conditions if (Params.Values['rowIdx']<>'')and(Params.Values['colIdx']<>'') then begin rowIdx := StrToInt(Params.Values['rowIdx']); colIdx := StrToInt(Params.Values['colIdx']); oldValue := Params.Values['oldValue']; newValue := Params.Values['newValue']; // // some conditions // Params.Values['oldValue'] // Params.Values['newValue'] // (Sender as TUniStringGrid).Cells[colIdx, rowIdx] := ''; (Sender as TUniStringGrid).Cells[colIdx, rowIdx] := oldValue; end; end; end;
  16. The code should be something like this, and you should put it in ClientEvents or in CustomJS: YourButtonJsName.setDisabled(true/false);
  17. Sorry, please give more details How do you want to check the value?
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