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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Can you make a simple testcase for this?
  2. Also you can use this approach I think. 1. UniContainerPanel ---> UniMemo (align = AlClient) 2. procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with UniMemo1.JSInterface do JSAddListener('afterrender', 'function(){this.setStyle("width", "100%");this.setStyle("height", "100%")}'); with UniContainerPanel1.JSInterface do JSAddListener('afterrender', 'function(){this.initResizable({'+ 'dynamic: true,'+ 'pinned: true,'+ 'handles: "s e se",'+ 'heightIncrement: 20,'+ 'widthIncrement: 20'+ '})}'); end;
  3. Hello, I think it’s not right to use the editor for such purposes. What do you want to get from this?
  4. Hello, I guess not... For what purpose do you want to use it?
  5. Unfortunately, pdfjs (what you indicate in the screenshot) cannot convert pdf to word...
  6. Hello, Sorry, what do you mean?
  7. Hi, Can you please explain in more detail?! Perhaps I do not clearly understand your question. But I think you yourself must develop the logic for updating the screen, say using a database.
  8. Something is not clear, do you have different versions?
  9. Hello, Sorry, for the late reply. Which build are you using?! Can you make a simple testcase for this?
  10. What performance improvement are you asking? Please specify.
  11. Hello, I'm attaching a simple test case, try... 1. To generate coords, I used an online tool: https://www.image-map.net/ 2. UniServerModule.CustomFiles: files/imageMap.css files/imageMap.js mapImage.rar
  12. Всегда старайтесь использовать последние сборки. Если возможно, создайте тестовый пример, и дайте ссылку для скачивания или отправьте запрос на портал поддержки: http://unigui.com/support/support-portal
  13. Я не смог воспроизвести. Сохраняем, как в демо, к примеру: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\CanvasDemo\
  14. Hi, Can you make a simple testcase for reproduce?
  15. Простите, но мне не до конца понятно, в чем проблема.
  16. Hi, Can you please provide a screenshot?
  17. Если не триальная версия, пожалуйста, настройте Ваш email форума:
  18. Which edition? Are you using a trial edition? If not, please adjust your forum email address first:
  19. Can you please specify, which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?!
  20. Здравствуйте, Пожалуйста уточните какую версию и какое издание UniGUI используете.
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