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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hello, Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  2. Добрый день, Может Вам сюда!? http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Mobile_Tutorial:_Using_the_Web_Browser_Component_(iOS_and_Android)
  3. Sherzod

    Can't activate

    Get License Key, Web link to License Key...
  4. Sherzod

    Can't activate

    Have you tried to generate a new key?
  5. Sherzod

    Can't activate

    Hi, Can you give a sequence of your actions? Can you check the keyboard layout, capslock?
  6. Hi Andy, Sorry for the late response. Try to make these changes: 1. getEl() replace with element procedure TMainForm.UniFormReady(Sender: TObject); begin with UniImage1.JSInterface do begin JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.element.select("img").elements[0]).dom.setAttribute("alt", "");'); JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.element.select("img").elements[0]).dom.setAttribute("id", "image-unique-id");'); JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.element.select("img").elements[0]).dom.setAttribute("usemap", "#image-map");'); end; with UniImage2.JSInterface do begin JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.element.select("img").elements[0]).dom.setAttribute("alt", "");'); JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.element.select("img").elements[0]).dom.setAttribute("id", "image-unique-id2");'); JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.element.select("img").elements[0]).dom.setAttribute("usemap", "#image-map2");'); end; end; 2. imageMap.js 3. Clear browser cache
  7. İngilizce versiyonu var mı?
  8. One possible solution... 1. UniImage1.ClientEvents... function mousedown(sender, x, y, eOpts) { var me=sender; if (!me._img) { var src = me.getEl().down('img').dom.src; var imgMain = me.getEl().down('img'); me._img = new Image(); me._canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); $(me._img).load(function() { me._canvas.width = imgMain.getWidth(); me._canvas.height = imgMain.getHeight(); me._canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(me._img, 0, 0, me._canvas.width, me._canvas.height); //console.log(x, y, me._canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data); var rgbData = me._canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data; ajaxRequest(me, 'getColorRGB', ['r='+rgbData[0], 'g='+rgbData[1], 'b='+rgbData[2]]); }); me._img.src = src; } else { //console.log(x, y, me._canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data); var rgbData = me._canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data; ajaxRequest(me, 'getColorRGB', ['r='+rgbData[0], 'g='+rgbData[1], 'b='+rgbData[2]]); } } 2. UniImage1.OnAjaxEvent procedure TMainForm.UniImage1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if EventName = 'getColorRGB' then UniPanel1.Color := RGB(Params.Values['r'].ToInteger(), Params.Values['g'].ToInteger(), Params.Values['b'].ToInteger()); end;
  9. It will not work this way. I will analyze.
  10. Hi, Can you please explain in more detail?
  11. First of all, please adjust your forum email address:
  12. Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  13. One possible solution I think. procedure TMainForm.UniFormReady(Sender: TObject); begin with UniStatusBar1.JSInterface do begin //[0] = Panels[0] JSCode(#1'.getRefItems()[0].setStyle("font-weight", "bold");'); JSCode(#1'.getRefItems()[0].setStyle("color", "red");'); JSCode(#1'.getRefItems()[0].setStyle("background-color", "yellow");'); //[1] = Panels[1] JSCode(#1'.getRefItems()[1].setStyle("font-weight", "bold");'); JSCode(#1'.getRefItems()[1].setStyle("color", "white");'); JSCode(#1'.getRefItems()[1].setStyle("background-color", "black");'); end; end;
  14. Hello, I have faced this issue before, but I didn’t save the solution seems. This post may help you:
  15. Please adjust your forum email address first:
  16. Yes, in this case they are rigidly defined in the code.
  17. Well, add them then. Please see this demo: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\CalendarPanel
  18. Hi, Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using!?
  19. Have you added CalendarID = 5 to UniCalendarPanel.Calendars?
  20. Please explain in more details, for what purpose? How do you do for UniButton?
  21. Sorry for the late response. Can you try to use this approach? procedure TMainmForm.UnimFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS('Ext.Msg.getStandardButtons().ok.text="OK!!!"'); UniSession.AddJS('Ext.Msg.getStandardButtons().yes.text="Yes!!!"'); UniSession.AddJS('Ext.Msg.getStandardButtons().cancel.text="Cancel!!!"'); UniSession.AddJS('Ext.Msg.getStandardButtons().no.text="No!!!"'); end;
  22. Maybe you want something like this CustomCSS: .x-calendar-weeks-weekend-cell { background-color: lightgray; }
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