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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hello, Try this approach for now: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin //UniEdit1.InputType := 'date'; UniEdit1.JSInterface.JSCall('inputEl.dom.setAttribute', ['type', 'date']); end;
  2. Можно еще попробовать перенести код на клиентскую сторону, в функцию click.
  3. Hello, Sorry for the late response. Yes please, open a ticket in the support portal.
  4. Sherzod


    Nothing from you except clarification, I used a translator, and there was a word - hacked.
  5. You have to use XTemplate with a function.
  6. Hello, In the main container, where layout = accordion: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.defaults = { hideCollapseTool: true }; }
  7. Sherzod


    Hello, Hacked version!?
  8. Approximate solution. 1. type TXPopupMenu = class(TUniPopupMenu) end; 2. procedure TMainForm.UniFormReady(Sender: TObject); begin with TXPopupMenu(UniPopupMenu1).MenuControl.JSInterface do begin JSAddListener('beforeshow', 'function(me){me._clicked=false}'); JSAddListener('click', 'function(me){me._clicked=true}'); JSAddListener('hide', 'function(me){Ext.defer(function(){if (me._clicked == false) {ajaxRequest('+ UniPanel1.JSName +', "hidemenu", [])}}, 100)}'); end; end; 3. procedure TMainForm.UniPanel1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if Button = mbRight then UniPopupMenu1.Popup (X, Y, Sender); end; 4. procedure TMainForm.UniPanel1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if EventName = 'hidemenu' then ShowMessage('hidemenu') end;
  9. На данный момент, можете попробовать использовать два возможных варианта. 1. Назначить цвет: Color 2. Использовать CustomCSS. .customSplitter { border-style: dashed; border-width: 1px !important; } function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.cls='customSplitter'; }
  10. Please adjust your forum email address:
  11. Hi, By default, the grid supports strongly-typed editing of strings, dates, numbers and booleans using built-in form editors. But any custom type can be supported and associated with a custom input control by specifying a custom editor: https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/7.0.0/classic/Ext.grid.property.Grid.html#cfg-sourceConfig
  12. Hi, First of all, please specify, which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  13. function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.hideTrigger=true; }
  14. function beforeInit(sender, config) { // "Expected date format {0}." config.formatText = "Ожидаемый формат даты {0}."; }
  15. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/10479-datetimepicker/&do=findComment&comment=55030
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