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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Use both. UniButton1: UniDBGrid1:
  2. Also you can use like this: UniSession.UniApplication.Cookies.Values['phoneID']; For example, demo: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\LoginForm Cookies procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleBeforeLogin(Sender: TObject; var Handled: Boolean); var S1, S2 : string; begin S1 := (Sender as TUniGUISession).UniApplication.Cookies.Values['_loginname']; S2 := (Sender as TUniGUISession).UniApplication.Cookies.Values['_pwd']; Handled := SameText(S1, 'demo') and SameText(S2, 'demo'); if Handled then LoggedUser := S1; end;
  3. When do you run this code? Many controls have the ScreenMask property. For example the grid (UniDBGrid) has a LoadMask property. You can use these properties.
  4. On the client side? If yes, do it on the server side.
  5. Hello, If I understand you correctly, you can see and analyze this demo for example: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\LogRequests
  6. Hello, What error are you getting? What code are you using and where?
  7. Yes. If you mean different workstations, then yes, they will be different. And what bothers you, if you are worried about traffic, actually a little data is sent to the server here.
  8. 1. UniServerModule.CustomCSS: .customTr { background-color: yellowgreen; transition: all 0.3s ease-in; } 2. MainForm.Script: Ext.override(Ext.DatePicker, { update: function(date, forceRefresh) { var me = this; this.callParent(arguments); Ext.defer(function() { me.fireEvent("select"); }, 200); } }); 3. UniCalendar -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> function picker.select(sender, date, eOpts) function picker.select(sender, date, eOpts) { var me=this; me.getEl().select('tr').each(function(el) { el.removeCls('customTr') }); Ext.defer(function() { me.getEl().select('.x-datepicker-selected').each(function(el) { el.up('tr').addCls('customTr') }) }, 0); }
  9. You can try this solution by changing the first parameter to required type:
  10. Помогло ли вышеуказанное решение!?
  11. Hello, How do you start the async operations?
  12. Sorry, for a complete test, need to use the latest available builds. And, it seems to me that he or you are testing for a long time. It's time to decide whether to use UniGUI or not.
  13. Попробуйте: .x-treelist, .x-treelist-item-floated > .x-treelist-container, .x-treelist-row { background: green !important; }
  14. Да я понял это, предыдущую версию хотел уточнить...
  15. Глобально для всего проекта, для всех компонентов UniTreeMenu.
  16. Есть решение, где Вы можете глобально поменять цвет.
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