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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. И на десктопе открывается мобильная версия.
  2. Это для мобильной версии.
  3. Шрифты, значки же меняются, нет?
  4. Добрый день! procedure TMainmForm.UnimFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UnimDBListGrid1.JSInterface.JSConfig('emptyText', ['<b>Н</b>ет записей...']); end;
  5. Hello, Can you attach a screenshot indicating what exactly?
  6. Hello @Kattes Also try with top.MainForm..., top.ajaxRequest...
  7. Hello, How can we reproduce your issue?
  8. As a workaround, this post may help you:
  9. Hello, Sorry for the late response. I see, we will check this behavior.
  10. Hello, This post may help you:
  11. Hello, You can use Ext.util.CSS.updateRule Like in this post for example:
  12. Your case is not very clear to me. Can you give an example then, possibly on VCL?
  13. Hello @MarcoC Do you have a simple testcase to reproduce?
  14. Hello, Well, about the same, using a variable as you wish: procedure TMainForm.UniDBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Column: TUniDBGridColumn; Attribs: TUniCellAttribs); begin Attribs.Font.Name := 'Century Gothic'; end;
  15. Может, попробуете так?: .x-grid-cell-inner img { width: initial; height: 32px; }
  16. For example for all "UniColorPalette", try: /* Default 10px */ .x-color-picker-item-inner { line-height: 30px; } /* Default 18px */ .x-color-picker-item { width: 38px; height: 38px; }
  17. Добрый вечер, Каким образом выводите изображение?
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