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Everything posted by delagoutte

  1. create your css for apply to button onruntime : UniSession.AddJS('$(''#'+TUniControl(YourButton).JSId+''').addClass(''YourCssClass'')'); and for remove UniSession.AddJS('$(''#'+TUniControl(YourButton).JSId+''').removeClass(''YourCssClass'')');
  2. there is no aditional task ? we can use an extjs theme without adaptation or other task? hum, i doubt i had already work on method for produce custom theme,but ithink that it's unprofessional crafts, see : but i would like having an "official"method that is not DIY. I would like to have a tutorial with the best practices and start working on a theme with good foundation
  3. Yes ? no ? new template are produced with last version of unigui. Can you share the methods for produce it ?
  4. Hello, Farshad/FMSoft would you be able to produce a tutorial on "how to create a custom theme" ? Where to start? tools needed ? how to proceed ? how to add in unigui adn how to deploy ?
  5. any news for pivot grid in next version ?
  6. with this code UniStatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := 'long text long text long text long text long text'; that is not the property item.text that is modified (it keep the initial value), there is a new property item.html that is created with this new value. a unigui bug ? So for my problem i fixe it with a patch like this : if (item.html){ tip.update(item.html); } else { tip.update(item.text); }
  7. there is a bug with this method : if you set the text in runtime, the text in tooltip is the text that was define in design time
  8. ok it works on a sample project, probably a bad option in my code, i'll check it. thank you
  9. for style, it is ok but for the hint/tooltips, nothing is displayed
  10. i have a status bar with X panels. the first panel width is set to 200px if the text on my firstpanel is longer than 200px, it is write over the second panel. what can i do for having "..." in the end of text and having the full value in the hint ?
  11. Hayri Aslan, Where can we buy your component and where can we see demo ? (http://www.aslanhayri.com/demo/UniSpecialDemo.dll seems to be KO) Are they compatible with unigui extjs 6.5 version ?
  12. Hi fenix, We will probably buy your component but i think "having checkbox for multiselect" could be better for user experience. Could you add this in a wish list for a futur version ? ps : on your demo button, if you select icon style : light -> you have a problem with displayed icon
  13. Hi fenix, i have many question about your component : -TUniSFComboMultiple : is it possible having Checkbox for select items ? -TUniSFHold : is there methods show and hide
  14. hum , maybe it is UniSession.Synchronize; that i need ?
  15. In my app, when a user connect to the app, there is many configuration for his environment. i have a code that is is like this : if userconnnect = true then begin LoadMainGridtitle; //set column title with user value LoadMaingridColumnconf; //size, position, hidden... LoadMaingridFilter;// load saved filter value and apply LoadMainGridSort; LoadRightPanelConf; // size ans collapse state if not panelRight.collapsed then LoadFrameTree;//create frame TFrmTree and Assign to panel LoadLeftPanelConf; if not letfRight.collapsed then LoadFrameForLeftPanel; ..... end; All this code generate a big js (700ko) that is send to client by unigui but during this generation the client don't see anything move in front of his eyes. i would like do a thing like this but i not sure it is the best and the simple way. What do you think ? LoadMainGridtitle; //set column title with user value --->>send to client for apply in client side LoadMaingridColumnconf; //size, position, hidden... --->>send to client for apply in client side LoadMaingridFilter;// load saved filter value and apply --->>send to client for apply in client side LoadMainGridSort; --->>send to client for apply in client side What is the best way to do this ? i think a thing like but is it a good way and is it the simple way ? if user.connectd then begin LoadMainGridtitle; //set column title with user value unisession.addjs('ajaxrequest('+mainform.jsname',"LoadCustomConf",[value=1]'); end; ...... procedure tmainform.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if eventname = 'LoadCustomConf' then begin if params.values['value']=1 then begin LoadMaingridColumnconf; //size, position, hidden... unisession.addjs('ajaxrequest('+mainform.jsname',"LoadCustomConf",[value=2]'); end; if params.values['value']=2 then begin LoadMaingridFilter;// load saved filter value and apply unisession.addjs('ajaxrequest('+mainform.jsname',"LoadCustomConf",[value=3]'); end; ........ end;
  16. An other problem : if you use the combo box for changing pagesize it seems that it is changed only on client side. If you change datasource on server(on applying filter for exemple), it used the value that is in weboptions.pagesize and not the value that is in combo. How can we change value on serverside when we change on client side ?
  17. for extjs 6 change ptStore.pageSize = value[0].data.field1; by ptStore.pageSize = value.data.field1;
  18. For the moment i'm using ExtEvents function keypress(sender, e, eOpts) { if (e.getKey() == 13 ) { ajaxRequest(sender, 'select', [""]); } } it's seems working but is there a better solution ? an option that i don't know the meaning ?
  19. i see that with extjs 6.5 we could have advanced filter https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.5.0/classic/Ext.grid.filters.Filters.html (See features ->Filtering implementations) I would like this to be implemented natively in unigui
  20. Open demo project Gridfilter Add Unicombobox on unihiddenpanel for column "Company Name" (or other) set property filtering.editor with this unicombobox.(no items for the moment) launch your app on filter for column "Company Name" type somme letter +Return ---> the event onColumnFilter is not called Add items to your combobox -> if you select an item in the list -> the event is called but not with free entry + Return How can i do for having event onColumnFilter that called when i type Return like a simple uniedit in demo gridfilter2
  21. Is it possible that you share the method for produce a custom theme ?
  22. i have removed : - "cache" directory of my unigui project (i have message "Error deleting folder" in unigui log) - files my project .map and .rsm Since i have deleted this files -> no hang during more 24 hours. i think it is fixed. Thanks for your help farshad
  23. no, i have not analyze unigui log file. I'll do it. I come back to you when I have more information
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