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Everything posted by delagoutte

  1. Hello, My unigui app is divided on 2 app. first app is used only for identification of my client. When the client is identified on first app, the client is redirected to an other appp on other server. So for exemple, i have client 1,2,3 that are affected to server1 and client 4,5,6 that are affected to server2. this allows me to do a load balancing on many server. i would like implement a backup url for the second app. for exemple, the user1 identify it self and must be redirect to app on server1. i would test that this app is online and if it is not online the client will be redirect to server3 (server backup) so how can i test if an unigui app is online or not without creating ghost unigui session that are used only for test ?
  2. I do'nt use UniSession.Synchronize issue for filtering. Could you do a simple test case with your problem ?
  3. also , if you fire event on each setting column filter, it is not very good. it is better to set all value and after applyfilter
  4. i do what you want to do. for this i save filter value in database. For restore value in filter: GridAO.Columns[j].Filtering.VarValue:=getSavedFilterValueForColumn(i); And Afterrestore i call a procedure for apply filter value to dataset (see http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/9283-sorting-filtering-issue/&do=findComment&comment=47993 ) This procedure is also call in oncolumnfilter but i fired oncolumnfilter only when the filter is changed by user
  5. hi , as Georges Soares, i have many install of runtime on my production server with many app that was compiled with many version of unigui. but if I am not mistaken, there is not a problem because all app calls the unigui version with which it was compiled.(unless you have changed the default paths in your app config) an app compiled with unigui call the the files in directory uni- farshad, i don't see the problem having many version of framework on server. could you explain ?
  6. doc in sencha active multisort : http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.5/#!/api/Ext.grid.Panel-cfg-multiColumnSort set limit (default 3): http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.5/#!/api/Ext.data.Store-cfg-multiSortLimit in unigui : for limit at 10 aGrid.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['store.load'] := 'function store.load(sender, records, successful, eOpts)'+#13#10+ '{'+#13#10+ ' sender.multiSortLimit=10;'+#13#10+ '}';
  7. sorry , it's a copy of my code. fIdxStr is a gloval var that i use for display the current sort in the status bar for inform user. I'm using firedac and fdquery. See demo gridcolumnsort for apply a sort with cliendataset and adapt my code
  8. see the demo : http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/desktop/mdemo.dll Form Controls -> combo trigger
  9. M477H13Utry add in beforeinit : config.multiColumnSort = true;
  10. see http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/4940-unidbgrid-multicolumnsort/&do=findComment&comment=47923
  11. clientevents->unievents : function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.multiColumnSort = true; } On grid : procedure TMainForm.MainGridMultiColumnSort(Columns: TUniDBGridColumnArr; Directions: TUniSortDirections); var I: Integer; IndxFldNames: string; begin IndxFldNames := ''; fIdxStr:= ''; //read the multisort for I := High(Columns) downto 0 do begin case Directions[I] of True : begin IndxFldNames := IndxFldNames + Columns[I].FieldName + ':A;'; fIdxStr := fIdxStr + Columns[I].Title.Caption +' Ascendant, '; end; False: begin IndxFldNames := IndxFldNames + Columns[I].FieldName + ':D;'; fIdxStr := fIdxStr + Columns[I].Title.Caption +' Descendant, '; end; end; end; //apply sort to dataset unimainmodule.MainQuery.IndexFieldNames := IndxFldNames; end;
  12. i'm using the sencha doc : http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#!/api As other framework, it is a little difficult when you start with it, but with the time i do something with it.
  13. uniMainModule.RecallLastTheme is set to false on your both apps ?
  14. I have same problem with a Tunicontainerpanel. the X and Y value arenot the global position but the postion of clik in Tunicontainer panel. Is there an issue ?
  15. carousel is a component in the touch part of unigui.
  16. i think it is a bug. so if you can have your video url list and change current url of unimvideo when current is finished with onEnded event
  17. sample : Linkify.zip I don't have error but the cell are not draw
  18. I have data in database (plain text) that are display on dbgrid. I would like search url in content and create on the fly, hyperlink for this url finded. For this i try to use 2 js lib : http://benalman.com/projects/javascript-linkify/ or http://soapbox.github.io/linkifyjs/docs/ for this i use this code for benalman lib : aGrid.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['reconfigure']:= 'function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns, eOpts)'+#13#10+ '{'+#13#10+ ' columns.forEach(function(col) {'+#13#10+ ' col.renderer = '+#13#10+ ' function(v)' +#13#10+ ' { return linkify(v);} '+#13#10+ ' });'+#13#10+ '}'; linkifyStr(v,{}); with soapbox lib but it don't work for both i have the error JS Error: Argument 1 of Node.insertBefore is not an object. ext-sync-min.js:8:2362 Could you give me your help please with this lib or other ?
  19. issue : add function focus(sender, e, eOpts) { sender.blur(); }
  20. no it is not working. while i don't click on an other control the btn keep the style .x-btn-default-toolbar-small-focus
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