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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. today we met face to face with farshad. in v94 we can create our self component. please be patient.
  2. Please don't forget add that under servermodule.customfiles files/js/itoast.min.js files/css/itoast.css
  3. you can change sessiontimeout adn ajaxtimeout in servermodule properties.
  4. I am using Delphi 2010(14) and i compiled it with that. if you are using different version of delphi change in notification.dpk uniGUI14, ExtPascal14, uniTools14, uIndy14 to your delphi version. For example for XE2(16) change that uniGUI16, ExtPascal16, uniTools16, uIndy16
  5. Merhaba, notofication.dpk dosyasını notepad++ ile açın. orada unigui14 gördüğünüz yerleri unigui16 yapacaksınız. unigui16 sizin sürümünüz olan xe2. kısacası 14 gördüğünüz heryeri 16 yapın. düzelecektir.
  6. Hi Again, I'd be proud to share a new component whose name is TUniCaptha. You can see it in here : http://hayriaslan.net:8076/ Features with default values : canvasFont: '15px "Lucida Grande"', canvasTextColor: '#111', errorMsg: 'Please try again.', successMsg: 'Captcha passed!', onSuccess Ajax Event, onError Ajax Event. TuniCaptcha.rar
  7. Hi everybody, i want to share TuniNotification component. it's support HTML tags, Youtube videos, Custom css and Clicked Event! You can see it in here : http://hayriaslan.net/iis/UniNotificationDemo.dll Features : Theme:string - default:'default' - A string specifying the theme to be used. This value is a hook into the css, so you can create your own theme. The possible options are: 'default' 'asphalt' 'jetblack' 'frosted' 'square' 'mono' title:string - default:'Message' - Specify an optional title heading that will show on the top of the notification in bold text. position:string - default:'bottom right' - A string specifying where the notification will appear. possible options are: 'top right' 'bottom right' 'top left' 'bottom left'
  8. Hi Mehmet, I updating on days go by kendochart for my company. i will share that as soon as possible. we can do what you want. ---------- Selam mehmet, Kendo chartı gün geçtikçe ihtiyacımız doğrultusunda geliştiriyorum. istediğin şeylerin ikisini de zamanında bizede lazım olduğu için yaptım. Component bölümüne eklemiştim fakat maalesef kaynak kodlarımızı çalan mahkemelik olduğumuz bir firma var ve oda kullanmasın diye geri kaldırdım. istersen özelden sana gönderebilirim son halini.
  9. as you know we have car tracker software whose name is MyGPS. at once we see 534 connected user. our unigui software using max 70MB and %1 cpu. i think you have a wrong thing.
  10. if UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TUniForm1, False)<>nil then begin // Form is already created end; You can use that.
  11. go to uniservermodule. in properties you see supress errors. Check both.
  12. I get this error as well
  13. you are using a vcl component. For unigui all components in the form must be uni element.
  14. Hi Farshad, When an ip address which is in the blockediplist try to connect, we want to learn it. In addition to, we want to change this text: "Access Denied IP "
  15. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1741-formatted-input-for-uniedit/ Read the end of topic carefully
  16. I know it. But not it. When you write an ip address to uniservermodule.blockediplist, this ip can't connect to your program. When it try to connect, it see Access Denied "it's IP".
  17. Hi, I blocked one ip and i want to learn when it try to connect. How to learn it?
  18. i am changing component for ease of use. when i finish, i publish download url. because of this i removed link.
  19. Hi, We are know that after v0.90 Kendodataviz not work. I create a component whose name is UniKendoChart and its works very well. İn this version you can change that properties : KendoType LegendPosition Title ValueTemplate ToolTipTemplate SeriesTemplate Theme DivName And onclick event. This component create for D2010. If you want to use it different version, you must do that: Go to KendoChart.dpk Change uniGUI14, ExtPascal14, uIndy14, uniTools14 to your version of delphi. (ex: uniGUI16)
  20. Hi Semper, I search the other examples such as UniKendodataviz and they are also use this method.
  21. Hi Farshad, I use this because i am used to using this. Thanks for your information.
  22. Hi, you can show value of database like that: . . . adoquery.active:=True; while not eof do begin tmp:=tmp+',"'+IntToStr(Trunc(FieldByName('hiz').AsFloat))+'"'; next; Application.ProcessMessages; end; tmp:=Copy(tmp,2,length(tmp)-1); UniSession.AddJS('var querydata = new Array('+tmp+');'); UniSession.AddJS( 'for (var t=0; t<'+IntToStr(ADOQuery.RecordCount)+'; t++) {' + 'series.data.values[t]=querydata[t];' + 'series.data.x[t]=t;' + '}' );
  23. mmurgas we can't see an attached image. And can you explain again exactly what do you want to make?
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