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Everything posted by eduardosuruagy

  1. You can do the test with unigui's own demo, I just put a button and the code: ShowMessage (ClientDataSet1City.AsString);
  2. I am trying to select the description of UniDB TreeGrid, as shown in the attached video, but only the description is shown when opening the tree. When I click the button I execute the code: ShowMessage(ClientDataSet1City.AsString);
  3. I sincerely think that these layouts should have a manual explaining what each one does, because it is only with examples that sometimes they do not know. It's just an opinion!
  4. Eu uso essa opção mas só funciona quando o menu esta aberto. function treeMenu.afterCreate(sender) { sender.el.setStyle('overflow-y', 'auto'); }
  5. Eu uso essa opção mas só funciona quando o menu esta aberto. function treeMenu.afterCreate(sender) { sender.el.setStyle('overflow-y', 'auto'); }
  6. When UniTreeMenu is retrieved the scroll does not appear.
  7. I'm using Hyperserver and would like to know if it has any way to find out if there is any user logged into the system. I have to update my database and I can only do this without any logged in user.
  8. Project1.exe: 00000BE0: 09:00:51 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< Project1.exe: 00000BE0: 09:00:51 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. Project1.exe: 00000BE0: 09:00:51 [TUniServerModule]:Debug Mode = ON Project1.exe: 00000BE0: 09:00:51 [TUniServerModule]:Starting HTTP Server on Port: 8077... Project1.exe: 00000BE0: 09:00:51 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Started on Port: 8077 Project1.exe: 000025F4: 09:01:06 []:Exception : Config Option: OFB->uniFMask:{beforeclose:true}<br/>is refering a previous request,<br/>it's not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler.<br/>Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead. : Addr: $00705E46
  9. I had the same problem, I created a test application with the following forms: FormLogin MainForm FormCompany I put in the onReady of the MainForm the following code: procedure TMainForm.UniFormReady (Sender: TObject); begin FormCompany.ShowModal ( procedure (Sender: TComponent; Result: Integer) begin end); end; In the FormEmployee form I only have: an Edit, a Label and a button. Soon after leaving the login screen the error appears. In debug mode this unit appears in error.
  10. In my record screens I would like to restrict the accented letters in the Edits fields, type these letters á, é, í, ... How can I do this on the client side? On the server side I get it, but I think it's faster on the client side.
  11. Este código parou de funcionar na versão mais recente, alguém tem alguma idéia do que aconteceu?
  12. do you have to remove accentuated letter-typing from the client side?
  13. I created yes, it is attached in this post. I've created a video showing the error.
  14. I already do this, but sometimes the session is closed and I can not delete it from the database. You have no other way to do that? Just by the same database?
  15. I am in doubt about Hyper Server, if I put a variable publish ServerModule, will all sessions be able to see if its value changes?
  16. It works perfectly thank you very much for the answer, now why the filter does not follow the size of the column anymore? In the previous version I did not have this problem.
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