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SISBLU Software

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Everything posted by SISBLU Software

  1. Any solution Socket Error # 10054? Thanks Wilton for:FaviconOptions foLocalCache=False
  2. In https://examples.sencha.com/extjs/7.0.0/examples/classic/grid/binding.html : no Synchronizing with the server.
  3. But I already loaded the grid on the screen, why do I need every time I walk on the lines, or I click on them SYNC again? Does this not overload the APP?
  4. When I click on the line or walk through the GRID it loads: ext-all.js:20 But when I access SITE SENCHA and click on the lines, I go through the GRID, it doesn't load... This is good because the site is not looking for the file ext-all.js:20, in every move I make, or click. Why does this happen in UNIGUI? UNIGUI: https://examples.sencha.com/extjs/7.0.0/examples/classic/grid/binding.html :
  5. This issue has been resolved? I have this error on my system
  6. Hello, i need help. I run via IIS, LOG files errors: sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00004368: 02:00:22 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00004368: 02:00:22 []:Starting Server. Module Handle: 00000000072F0000 sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00004368: 02:00:22 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00004368: 02:00:22 [TUniHyperServer]:InitInterceptor sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00004368: 02:00:22 [Transport.PoolSize]:516 sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00004368: 02:00:25 []:Server Started. Module Handle: 00000000072F0000 sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 000042E0: 07:01:26 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\SISBLU\sisblu.app\cache\sisblu_exe\n8\8_OETc1tzvm5109EA7B4F\favicon.ico sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00003DA0: 07:01:59 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\SISBLU\sisblu.app\cache\sisblu_exe\n9\9_Bfm8K98Imv109EA7B75\favicon.ico sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00003DA0: 07:03:33 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\SISBLU\sisblu.app\cache\sisblu_exe\n9\9_GurfehS6mM109EA7BE2\favicon.ico sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00003DA0: 07:04:06 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\SISBLU\sisblu.app\cache\sisblu_exe\n8\8_EVyS1IxSFp109EA7C08\favicon.ico sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00003E2C: 07:07:00 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\SISBLU\sisblu.app\cache\sisblu_exe\n13\13_Vdzi6dtBNc109EA7CD2\favicon.ico sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00004344: 07:07:32 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\SISBLU\sisblu.app\cache\sisblu_exe\n14\14_Guxztxfhf8109EA7CF7\favicon.ico sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00005D4C: 08:36:17 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\SISBLU\sisblu.app\cache\sisblu_exe\n0\0_HzxOiWREvJ109EA9500\favicon.ico sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00000938: 09:04:10 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\SISBLU\sisblu.app\cache\sisblu_exe\n7\7_ShMNoZb691109EA9C9A\favicon.ico sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00004344: 09:51:12 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\SISBLU\sisblu.app\cache\sisblu_exe\n6\6_LoLTlEV9au109EA9E48\favicon.ico sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00002084: 11:57:06 [TUniHyperServer.HandleHTTPRequest(), Node:[12]]:Socket Error # 10054 Connection reset by peer. sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00003E7C: 11:57:06 [TUniHyperServer.HandleHTTPRequest(), Node:[12]]:Socket Error # 10054 Connection reset by peer. sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00002084: 11:57:06 [HttpExtensionProc[]]:EIdSocketError : Socket Error # 10054 Connection reset by peer. : Addr: $07469C40 sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 000038DC: 11:57:06 [TUniHyperServer.HandleHTTPRequest(), Node:[12]]:Socket Error # 10054 Connection reset by peer. sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00003E7C: 11:57:06 [HttpExtensionProc[]]:EIdSocketError : Socket Error # 10054 Connection reset by peer. : Addr: $07469C40 sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 000038DC: 11:57:06 [HttpExtensionProc[]]:EIdSocketError : Socket Error # 10054 Connection reset by peer. : Addr: $07469C40 sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00005D4C: 11:57:06 [TUniHyperServer.HandleHTTPRequest(), Node:[12]]:Socket Error # 10054 Connection reset by peer. sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00005D4C: 11:57:06 [HttpExtensionProc[]]:EIdSocketError : Socket Error # 10054 Connection reset by peer. : Addr: $07469C40 sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00001200: 11:57:15 [SendCommand Error, Node: 12]:Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused. sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00001200: 11:57:16 [SendCommand Error, Node: 12]:Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused. sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00001200: 11:57:28 [SendCommand Error, Node: 12]:Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused. sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00001200: 11:57:29 [SendCommand Error, Node: 12]:Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused. sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00001200: 11:57:41 [SendCommand Error, Node: 12]:Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused. sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00001200: 11:57:42 [SendCommand Error, Node: 12]:Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused. sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00001200: 11:57:53 [SendCommand Error, Node: 12]:Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused. sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00001200: 11:57:54 [SendCommand Error, Node: 12]:Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused. sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00001200: 11:57:54 [Node #12]:Node Status request timed out. Node purged. sisblu_hyperserver.dll: 00003DA0: 13:44:17 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\unigui\ext-7.0.0\build\classic\locale\locale-.js
  7. https://app.sisblu.com.br/ ITS ok I made the settings, where is the error? https://www.app.sisblu.com.br/ doesn't work
  8. https://app.sisblu.com.br/ ITS ok https://www.app.sisblu.com.br/ ERROR
  9. Securing an ISAPI site should be done by installing your SSL certificate in Microsoft IIS which is beyond the scope of this guide. ????
  10. Hello I received from: HOSTGATOR STAR_sisblu_com_br.ca-bundle STAR_sisblu_com_br.crt STAR_sisblu_com_br.key how should I do?
  11. Hello, I use: IIS (Application.exe, and hyper-server.dll ) I have a Wildcard SSL certificate. I can't configure server to work https. Can you help me how to make this work?
  12. When I enter the system and click to view a PDF it shows the error. So I restart the system some 2x or 3x then the error doesn't appear anymore... This is not constant...
  13. this is: http://www.nfe.fazenda.gov.br/portal/consultaRecaptcha.aspx?tipoConsulta=resumo&tipoConteudo=d09fwabTnLk=
  14. Hi, how to fill a field on a website using unigui? In delphi i use: Webbrowser.OleObject.Document.all.Item('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$txtChaveAcessoCompleta', 0).value := Edit1.Text;
  15. Perfect... Remove spaces at the beginning and end of text (including blank lines): UniMainModule.IBQCFEOBS.Value:= TrimLeft(TrimRight(UniMemo4.Lines.Text)); --------- TMEMOFIELD use: UniMainModule.IBQPROTOCOLOLINHAS.AsString:= TrimLeft(TrimRight(IBQPROTOCOLOLINHAS.AsString));
  16. UniMemo , but UniMainModule.IBQCFEOBS.Text:=UniMemo4.Lines.Text But it happens with both components. If I use DBMEMO without any blank ending lines and save to the database, it adds a blank ending line
  17. Not work! When I insert a new line, in the memo it adds a blank ending line. Problem is that when writing to the database, it is always writing this blank line
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