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Everything posted by stiaan

  1. Hi Ronny Are you running Apache using a AD user account? Stiaan
  2. No problem. Glad to be able to share!
  3. Source as promised...kbmMemTable needed... ADControl.zip
  4. Let me do some cleanup, and I will share.
  5. I have recently developed a Active Directory browser using UniGui and Delphi XE. I have tested it with large environments...20000+ objects. You will notice that the AD Treeview is dynamically loaded, which makes the experience very near to "Active Directory Users and Computers". NOTE: it still has very basic functionality Just extract the files from the ZIP into a folder and run the ADCONTROL.EXE. It's listening on port 8077. Make sure that the account running the ADCONTROL.EXE is logged onto the domain, as the logged in account will be used to read from AD. Use any domain account to log in to the login page. ADControl.ZIP
  6. Just another thought. NEVER use SHELLEXECUTE. ShellExecute is only available when Explorer.Exe is running. Always try and use CreateProcess instead, especially in the context of a NT service or an ISAPI DLL.
  7. Hi I have had allot of success with this execute function from both the standalone and ISAPI DLL modules. The main thing is to understand where the paths are pointing to when running in the context of a standalone service or an integrated ISAPI DLL. I would suggest getting the paths right in the beginning of the MainModule.pas file: procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); var dwExitCode, dwRes : Dword; begin //Setup all my paths sBinPath := IncludeTrailingBackslash(ServerModule.UniServerModule.StartPath) + 'bin\'; sTempPath := IncludeTrailingBackslash(ServerModule.UniServerModule.TempFolderPath); . . I hope this helps Stiaan
  8. Adding new themes doesn't seem to be successful. Unfortunately I don't have the time to understand the issues. I will try at some later stage.
  9. Hi Bruno Can you share this please. I'm interested in this. Regards Stiaan
  10. Thanks for the feedback. I will experiment and will give some feedback.
  11. Hi I was hoping to be able to load new themes into the UNIGUI framework. I have searched the site/blogs finding little information regarding this. Is there a simple way of doing this? The themes I have in mind are found at: https://market.sencha.com/extensions/clifton-theme Thanks for the support and great product! Regards
  12. Thanlks for the info...will check next time myself... http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-1/#!/api/Ext.grid.property.Grid-event-celldblclick celldblclick( this, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts ) Thanks for the info!
  13. Hi I need some help getting the integer values from columnIndex and rowIndex from the following JS call: function OnCelldblclick(sender, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) If I add the following function: alert( rowIndex ); It show that rowIndex is an object. [object HTMLTableCellElement] Your help is much appreciated! Regards Stiaan
  14. Hi I'm in total agreement that UniGUI is the best product by far for what it does. I'm also more than willing to pay for it. Farshad, will you be releasing source code as part of the purchase as well? Regards Stiaan
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