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Everything posted by albertovesx

  1. Hi, 5 seconds.My idea is to stop unitimer at the begining of the event and restart it after finish his function. Something like this: ontimEvent begin ontimer.enabled := False; somefunctionshere(); ontimer.enabled := True; end; But the ontimer keeps adding events
  2. Is it possible to set Unitimer1.enabled := False from Tunitimer.ontimer event? When I do this, client keeps sending ajax request . Should I stop it using javascrip using session.addjs(); could someone show me how to to do this?
  3. Can I use this method to find a component in runtime? It coud raise a memory leak or something? var i: Integer; c: TUniDBCheckBox; begin for i := 1 to 20 do begin c := FindComponent('somename' + i.toString) as TuniDBCheckBox; if c <> nil then begin if c.checked then dosomething; end; end; end;
  4. Autoedit property form UniDBDateTimePicker, similar to the property that DBlookupcomponents have. That is because the reanonly does not work when you set it in db query
  5. Hi, yes I can use multiple page controls, but the problem is the lack of space. The aim of multilavel is to save space.
  6. At least 2 levels of pages. Thank you
  7. Can you sell me only UniSpWebCam component? If that is possible, how much?
  8. I have a similar problem after close a form with dbcontrols.
  9. Use the screen mask property of the buttons.
  10. Hi, Farshad. Can you tell us what software did you use to build your new site http://www.unigui.com/?
  11. ScreenMask can only be activated in client side events linke click from user. I think you must use javascript to do what you want.
  12. How can I convert an standalone project to Isapi if I already create it as standalone and not as combo standalone/isapi?
  13. Sorry, I forgot to mention that the caption property is what I want to hide at desing time.
  14. How can I Hide Tunicontainerpanel at desing time? Sometime is hard to work with the text and dbtext when tunicontainer display its caption.
  15. If I replace all my unipanels with unicontainerpanel, the application will be load faster?
  16. Add in the main form a unigmap component and set visible to false. Then you can add and use unigmap and any other form.
  17. Can someone expert help us to integrate this in UniGUI? <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script> <script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jdfreder/pingjs/master/ping.js"></script> <script> $(function() { ping('https://google.com/').then(function(delta) { alert('Ping time was ' + String(delta) + ' ms'); }).catch(function(err) { alert('Could not ping remote URL', err); }); }); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
  18. Please, can you Incorporate this solution that Delphi Developer share with us? UniRadioGroup1 -> ClientEvents -> UniEvents -> [ Ext.form.RadioGroup[radioGroup] ] add function radioGroup.beforeInit: function radioGroup.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.columns = 2 } Try.. Best regards.
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