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Everything posted by albertovesx

  1. Why dont you put the messageDlg inside procedure?
  2. Maybe this is a wuestion for embarcadero forums
  3. Try to not use quickreport. It is not threadsafe. Use FastReport instead.
  4. Hi, everybody what is the diference among Tuniscreenmask, Tdbgrid.screenmask and Tdbgrid.WebOptions.loadmask? Where do we have to use them? Best regards.
  5. Reference: function OnBeforerender(sender) { uniform1.unidbcombobox1.setEditable(false); }
  6. RegisterAppFormClass app --> main
  7. This is how I export a dataset to excel using flexcel from tmssoftware. This example has the basic. var FileName: string; XLS: TExcelFile; Format: Tflxformat; F1: integer; Row: integer; begin if not DataSet.IsEmpty then begin XLS := TXlsFile.Create(True); try XLS.NewFile; format := XLS.getDefaultFormat; format.Font.Name := 'Times New Roman'; format.Font.Color := clwhite; format.FillPattern.Pattern := TFlxPatternStyle.Solid; format.FillPattern.FgColor := $00AE631E; F1 := archivoxls.AddFormat(formato); //Apply f1 format to the first row and first two columns XLS.SetCellFormat(1,1,f1); XLS.SetCellFormat(1,2,f1); // set name of the fields XLS.SetCellValue(1, 1, 'NAME FIELD ONE'); XLS.SetCellValue(1, 2, 'NAME FIELD TWO'); row := 2; DataSet.First; while NOT DataSet.Eof do begin XLS.SetCellValue(row, 1, DateToStr(DataSet['FIELDONE'])); //TYPE DATE XLS.SetCellValue(row, 2, DataSet['FIELDTWO']); //TYPE STRING Inc(row); DataSet.Next; end; FileName := FormatDateTime('YYMMDD_hhmmnnss',now)+username+'.xls'; XLS.Save(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + filename); UniSession.SendFile(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + filename); finally FreeAndNil(XLS); end; end;
  8. I found the solution. I had a table opened on desing time. The table has calc fields and some other fields use ongettext event. I still dont know exactly the problem, but closing the table in desing time solved the problem.
  9. I was working with a project and suddenly this error appears when I type the url Un error ha ocurrido en la aplicación Access violation at address 00829D19 in module 'CeccEvalW.exe'. Read of address 00000068 Reiniciar la aplicación I know this is too general and you need a simplied test case; but I want to know if this error has a comun source. The project was working really well and now I cant runnig it again. The last thing I did, before the error, was modified a fastreport. Searching for a solution I erased all fastreports components and code asocieted, but the error remains. I have compiled other projects and worked fine. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. Hi, thank you for the tip. I hope it works for db controls too.
  11. I am a little confused. I already have a sencha licence, so in my case I need to pay again or only for UNIGUI?
  12. DefaultCollapse property with values True or false. The idea is that we can define at design time if the unipanel should be appear collapsed as default behavior.
  13. UNIGUI, Firefox 19.0.2, Windows 7, Delphi XE3 up 2. I really don know if this is an error or the normal way showmodal works. 1. Application raize an error when a component is referenced in anonymous procedure on showmodal. a. Add anotther uniForm to the project, b. place an uniLabel or uniEdit c. add the unit to the main form a. place a uniButton and main form and add this code. UniForm1.showModal( procedure(res: integer) begin Uniform1.UniLabel1.Caption := 'This raize an error'; end ); Best Reagards testCase02042013.zip
  14. Fikret, It seems that the problem is that Firefox (from version 19) has a native pdf viewer and its not compatible with fastrepor pdf format.
  15. Semper, it is really cool,. thank you.
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