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Marlon Nardi

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Marlon Nardi

  1. Thanks @rasaliad Yes, the package UniFalcon contains this components. [01] - FSiGrowl (Web e Mobile) [02] - FSKendoUI (Web e Mobile) - Free [03] - FSMask (Web) - Free [04] - FSButton (Web) [05] - FSMap (Web e Mobile) [06] - FSColorPicker (Web) [07] - FSEdit (Web) [08] - FSToggle (Web e Mobile) [09] - FSMenuButton (Web) [10] - FSComboBox (Web) - Free [11] - FSCalcEdit (Web) - Free [12] - FSGoogleChart (Web e Mobile) [13] - FSTheme (Web) (News Themes - Vulkan, Future and Crystal for new versions of UniGui ) [14] - FSToast (Web e Mobile) [15] - FSConfirm (Web e Mobile) [16] - FSPopup (Web) [17] - FSQrCode (Web e Mobile) the value of the complete package, with source code and installer is $ 85.00 dollars. if you want to renew the components after 8 months, the cost of the renovation is only US $ 29.00 dollars. https://store.falconsistemas.com.br Att,
  2. Up http://jira.fmsoft.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/4/FSD-715
  3. Example the latest version uniGui. Serverside its worked. https://github.com/marlonnardi/extjs-ux-paging-toolbar-resizer/blob/master/ux/PagingToolbarResizer.js function beforerender(sender, eOpts) { if (sender.pagingBar) { sender.removeDocked(sender.pagingBar, true); sender.addDocked({ dock: 'bottom', items: [Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', { pageSize: sender.store.pageSize, store: sender.store, displayInfo: true, displayMsg: 'Visualizando {0} - {1} de <b>{2}</b>', emptyMsg: "Não há registros", plugins: Ext.create('Ext.ux.PagingToolbarResizer', { displayText: 'Registros por página', options: [25, 50, 100, 150, 200] }) })] }); } } Visit my Store https://store.falconsistemas.com.br PageSizeExtension.rar
  4. https://store.falconsistemas.com.br https://app.falconsistemas.com.br -> user: teste@teste.com - password: teste https://jsontodelphi.com https://app.icbcelula.com.br
  5. News Compatible with the latest version of uniGui. Delphi 2007 - 10.3 RIO UniClientEventsPropEditor.rar
  6. Site: https://www.embarcadero.com/ Overview: https://www.embarcadero.com/products/rad-studio Community: https://www.embarcadero.com/products/delphi/starter Wiki: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Main_Page News: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/What's_New YouTube:
  7. I really liked the new IDE https://community.embarcadero.com/blogs/entry/new-in-10-3-ide-ui-improvements-in-the-main-window
  8. News New component available in the uniFalcon package - FSConfirm It supports: Callback ScreenMask personality Native support for FontAwesome Dialog -> (Confirm) Alert Prompt personality (text, password, field required) 6 Themes more 6 colors differnt incredibly fluid, clean and beautiful Store -> https://store.falconsistemas.com.br Demo -> https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/?tela=tfrmconfirm Confirm.Question('Hello','Are you sure to continue?','fa fa-smile-o', TTypeColor.blue, TTheme.modern, procedure(ButtonCallBack: TConfirmButton) begin if ButtonCallBack = Yes then begin if chkScrenMask.Checked then Sleep(2000); end; if ButtonCallBack = No then Confirm.Alert('Canceled', ' ', 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', TTypeColor.blue, TTheme.modern); end ); Confirm.Alert('My Alert', 'Description optional', 'fa fa-bug', TTypeColor.red, TTheme.material); Confirm.Prompt('Prompt!','Enter something here', '', TTypeColor.orange, TTheme.light, procedure(ButtonCallBack: TConfirmButton; Result: string) begin if ButtonCallBack = Yes then Confirm.Alert('Your Confirmed ',Result); if ButtonCallBack = No then Confirm.Alert('Your Canceld ',Result, 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', TTypeColor.red, TTheme.modern); end );
  9. New features for the FSToast components. Now with enhanced callback support and support for ScreenMask Store -> https://store.falconsistemas.com.br Demo -> https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/?tela=tfrmtoast Sample code (Execute Long process) Toast.ScreenMask.Enabled := True; Toast.ScreenMask.Text := 'Long process executing...'; Toast.Question('Confirm','Execute long process?', procedure(ButtonCallBack: TToastButton) begin if ButtonCallBack = Yes then begin Sleep(3000); Toast.Success('Sucess','Long process executed!'); end; end );
  10. class function TSistema.GetNavegador: string; var C : TUniClientInfos; begin C := UniApplication.ClientInfo; if ciIE in C then Result := 'IE' else if ciFireFox in C then Result := 'FireFox' else if ciOpera in C then Result := 'Opera' else if ciSafari in C then Result := 'Safari' else if ciChrome in C then Result := 'Chrome' else Result := 'Other'; //(or and) you can use it with userAgent and add browsers according to your need .. if UniSession.UserAgent <> EmptyStr then begin if (Pos('chrome',LowerCase(UniSession.UserAgent))> 0) then Result := 'Chrome'; if (Pos('chrome',LowerCase(UniSession.UserAgent))> 0) and (Pos('opr',LowerCase(UniSession.UserAgent))> 0) then Result := 'Opera'; if (Pos('chrome',LowerCase(UniSession.UserAgent))> 0) and (Pos('edge',LowerCase(UniSession.UserAgent))> 0) then Result := 'Edge'; end; end;
  11. Na grid marque a opção ForceFit, você também pode ajustar para cada coluna informando o Flex, 0, 1, 2 etc..
  12. Components Delphi for uniGUI https://store.falconsistemas.com.br 💙 [01] - FSiGrowl (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de Dialog) [02] - FSKendoUI (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de gráficos utilizando a API do KendoUI) [03] - FSMask (Web) - (Edit com alteração de mascara em tempo de execução) [04] - FSButton (Web) - (Componente de Botão personalizável) [05] - FSMap (Web e Mobile) - (Google Maps) [06] - FSColorPicker (Web) - (Componente de seletor de cores) [07] - FSEdit (Web) - (Edit com suporte a força de senhas) [08] - FSToggle (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de Toggle personalizável) [09] - FSMenuButton (Web) - (Componente de botão com menu) [10] - FSComboBox (Web) - (ComboBox com suporte a ValueID) [11] - FSCalcEdit (Web) - (Componente de Calculadora) [12] - FSGoogleChart (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de gráficos utilizando a API Google Charts) [13] - FSTheme (Web) - (Componente de temas para o uniGui) [14] - FSToast (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de Dialog) [15] - FSConfirm (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de Dialog) [16] - FSPopup (Web) - (Componente de Popup) [17] - FSQrCode (Web e Mobile) - (Gerador de QrCode) [18] - FSKeys (Web e Mobile) - (Secret Keys para os componentes da Google) [19] - FSMultiUpload (Web) - (Componente de Upload e MultiUpload) [20] - FSSignature (Web e Mobile) NEW - (Componente de Assinatura - Signature Pad) [21] - FSPix (Web e Mobile) NEW - (Gerador de QrCode PIX em Delphi) [22] - FSHighCharts (Web e Mobile) NEW - (Componente de gráficos utilizando a API do HighCharts) [23] - FSCamera (Web) NEW - (Componente de acesso a câmera (webcam) compátivel com o Google Chrome) [24] - FSQrCodeScanner (Web e Mobile) NEW - (Componente de leitura de QrCode, Barcode e mais 15 formatos) For support send e-mail to suporte@falconsistemas.com.br Components for Delphi | uniGUI, IntraWeb, FMX, VCL : https://components.falconsistemas.com.br
  13. Marlon Nardi


    Corrigido, favor entrar no site https://store.falconsistemas.com.br e baixar novamente. -- Fixed, please enter the site https://store.falconsistemas.com.br and download again.
  14. Marlon Nardi


    Hello rtalmeida I checked it here, and actually this component is not working for this 1480 version, the previous versions are ok. I'll fix it and make it available for everyone to download this fix. when it is corrected, I will communicate again. -- Olá rtalmeida, eu verifiquei aqui, e realmente este componente não está funcionando para esta versão 1480, as versões anteriores estão ok. Vou corrigir e disponibilizar para todos baixarem esse fix. quando estiver corrigido, volto a comunicar. https://store.falconsistemas.com.br
  15. .x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-item-text { font-size: 14px !important; } or update the margin .x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-item-text { margin-right: 0px !important; }
  16. Congratulations GerhardV! You are doing a great job, this greatly enriches our uniGUI community.
  17. Farshad, If it were possible , my dream code would be this one. A mega challenge, however, would benefit many projects . var HS: THyperServer; S : TUniGUISessions; U : TUniGUISession; vI, vII: Integer; MyClassOrVar: TMyClassOrVar; begin if NodeZero then begin HS := THyperServer.Create; HS.Lock; try for vI := 0 to HS.Nodes.Count -1 do begin S := HS.Nodes[vI].SessionManager.Sessions; for vII := 0 to S.SessionList.Count - 1 do begin U := S.SessionList[vII]; MyClassOrVar.Add(TUniMainModule(U.UniMainModule).MyClassOrVar.Name); end; end; finally HS.UnLock; HS.Free; end; end; end;
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