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Everything posted by Tokay

  1. Пробуй. Скорее всего будет работать.
  2. Если я правильно понял вопрос, то лучше знать ID сессии и по нем искать: var Session := UniServerModule.GetSession(SessionID); var MainModule := TUniMainModule(Session.UniApplication.UniMainModule);
  3. Issues: could not possible drop node to the 'non-tree' node as sub-node after drop any events does not fired tree droping shows different icons on the starting of program and later bandicam 2023-01-18 23-22-48-978.mp4
  4. Unigui has nothing to do with databases directly. Therefor any database working with Delphi datasets automatically works with UniGui.
  5. There is no problem to make the base side: just change one, node root, id. But graphical interface of drag-drop is ugly as in UniDbTreeView as in UniTreeView. And it's important for us.
  6. Not, is not the unit, but a library, about 10 units. You can google to find it. Also you can find and use other delphi JPEG library.
  7. This is Delphi JPEG library issue. Could be fixed with it replacing. We've replaced it few years ago with Native JPG library.
  8. What you are asking has nothing to do with UniGUI. In such way works any native application. After AV crash ususally any native application will work unstable or does not work at all. Only app with managed memory like .net or java has more protection from such errors. You must fix AV in any native application, VCL, UniGUI, C++, there is not the difference. Licensed or trial, Delphi, C++, or any other one native language.
  9. All of such errors should be fixed. They could damaging not only one session where it occurred. Reliable recovery from such errors is impossible
  10. Это конвертирует сертификат в формат PEM. Скорее всего он у тебя в другом формате
  11. Yes it is. You should set proper parameters. EL has many cases of email sending.
  12. I think it's better not to use this property in VCL too. Use it from the DataSet, Ado in your case.
  13. That it! Works as expected. Thank you very much.
  14. I need something like this: UniTreeView1.JSInterface.JSCall('editor.startEdit
  15. Works well! Thank you very much. A little question. Could it possible to switch to edit mode with back code? UniTreeView1.JSInterface.JSCall ?
  16. Up. Does it possible in the actual vesions?
  17. Up. Does actual versions have any solution for this?
  18. Up. Please just add few files.
  19. Is uniimage works with this conversion? Yes it is.
  20. I've continue to find soultions for other Jpeg/Bitmap issues. This is converting function that works with UniGui, FMX: procedure ConvertJpgDoBmpStream(FileName: string; Stream: TMemoryStream); var Bitmap: TBitmap; bs: TBitmapSurface; begin Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; try Bitmap.LoadFromFile(FileName); bs := TBitmapSurface.Create; try bs.Assign(Bitmap); TBitmapCodecManager.SaveToStream(Stream, bs, 'bmp'); Stream.Position := 0; finally FreeAndNil(bs); end; finally FreeAndNil(Bitmap); end; end; It works fine, returns BMP, but UniCanvas couldnot load the BMP from the stream. Actually nothing just happens. I also check with loading BMP into the stream from the file and after try to open it UniCanvas1.LoadFromStream(Stream) but without success too. Linux, Ubuntu. Unfortunately we still does not have all the runtime UniGui code, TBitmap code does not exists in the installator and I could not find what is wrong. Farshad please fix the LoadFromStream!
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