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Everything posted by Tokay

  1. TUniServerModule.Title в помощь.
  2. <input type="file" name="file[]" id="file_input" multiple /> <input type="file" name="file[]" id="file_input" directory />
  3. Yes. Both, transacation (TIBTransaction) and connection (TIBDatabase) are outsuide of the form unit - they located in the TDataModule.
  4. For example, other db connection adds a record. DB server is FireBird.
  5. Add multi-file and folder selection (optionally)
  6. The data in the DB chaneges. I try to refresh Grid with it refresh button but nothing is happend. The changes are visible only after the form is reopened. I try to add some code to afteropen of the connected dataset, but this code fired only once when form is opened.
  7. I have this issue too. Is it a way to copy Nodes?
  8. Hello, please add this events to the TUniDBTreeGrid. Thank you.
  9. For this and any other cases we have greate tools for Delphi: Eurekalog, MadExcept, FastMM (in FullDebug mode). Try them. They works fine as in service as in standalone and in the dlls too.
  10. you can attach to runnig servise with delphi debugger and find what happens.
  11. Tokay

    Диалог SaveTo

    Скорее всего можно. Я, увы, не подскажу, не силён в js. Возможно кто-то еще ответит. А что так - без сервера? Сильно загружен, тысячи пользователей одновременно? Сервером это делается в несколько строк.
  12. Tokay

    Диалог SaveTo

    Каша в хотелках, на мой взгляд. Не совсем ясно, какое отношение имеет диалог SaveTo к "Сохранить на локальном компьютере строку введенную в UniEdit". Наличие диалога SaveTo ограниченно веб-браузером, это браузерная фича. Если такой диалог в браузере есть - значит он будет и в унигуе.
  13. Could you produce a dark theme? Like this:
  14. Guess that any of your DataSet are used by more than one thread simultaneously.
  15. UniGUI is not depend on the databases. If your favorite DB is supported in the Delphi in TDataSet manner then it supported by UniGUI.
  16. And if you have more than one user?
  17. Hello. Is there a way to change color of Items of a TUniTreeView? In VCL I could write this code: if SomeCondition then Sender.Canvas.Font.Color := clRed in the TreeViewCustomDrawItem, and all works fine. How I can do it in the UniGUI? Thank you.
  18. And CaretPos in TUniMemo.
  19. Is it possible to set this parameter in a TUniMemo? Thank you.
  20. Please share solution, it could be usefull for others, thank you.
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