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Everything posted by Tokay

  1. The UniServerInstance.ServerResources.MemoryUsed always returns zero. It's obviously wrong value. I'm use latest, 1545, version.
  2. Latest licensed 10.4.1 ARCHITECT with all patches: Embarcadero® RAD Studio 10.4 Version 27.0.38860.1461 Copyright © 2020 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  3. unit Main; //Delphi code interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniGUIRegClasses, uniGUIForm, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniButton; type TTestThread = class(TThread) protected procedure Execute; override; end; TMainForm = class(TUniForm) UniButton1: TUniButton; procedure UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FThread: TTestThread; procedure OnTerminate(Sender: TObject); public { Public declarations } end; function MainForm: TMainForm; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses uniGUIVars, MainModule, uniGUIApplication; function MainForm: TMainForm; begin Result := TMainForm(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TMainForm)); end; procedure TMainForm.OnTerminate(Sender: TObject); begin Sleep(1); //(2) end; procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin FThread := TTestThread.Create(True); FThread.OnTerminate := OnTerminate; FThread.Start; end; { TTestThread } procedure TTestThread.Execute; begin inherited; Sleep(1); //(1) end; initialization RegisterAppFormClass(TMainForm); end. This is the test code. For testing just set break points on the both sleeps. Under windows all works fine: after starting and push the button sleep (1) is activated, then sleep (2). But under Linux sleep (2) doesn't fired at all. In the Lazarus/FPC I fixed the issue with call of CheckSynchronize, but I have no Core sources, and could not run CheckSynchronize synchronously and projects doesn't works. It's critical behavior for our projects! Please, get a look, how is it possible to fix an issue? procedure TService.ManageDaemon; //FPC code begin DoStart; repeat if FDoTerm then Break else { wait a while } Sleep(50); CheckSynchronize; until FDoTerm; DoStop; end;
  4. This form crashes on the latest UniGUI (Linux): object MainForm: TMainForm Left = 0 Top = 0 ClientHeight = 191 ClientWidth = 333 Caption = 'MainForm' OldCreateOrder = False MonitoredKeys.Keys = <> PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object UniNativeImageList1: TUniNativeImageList Left = 53 Top = 27 Images = { 01000000000000000136040000424D3604000000000000360000002800000010 0000001000000001002000000000000004000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000EEEEEEFFEBEBEBFFEBEBEBFFEBEBEBFFEBEBEBFFEB EBEBFFEBEBEBFFEBEBEBFFEBEBEBFFEBEBEBFFEBEBEBFFF3F3F3FF0000000000 00000000000000FAFAFAFFEFEFEFFEF3F3F3FEF3F3F3FEF3F3F3FEF3F3F3FEF2 F2F2FEF2F2F2FEF2F2F2FEF2F2F2FEF1F1F1FEF1F1F1FEB6B6B6FE0000000000 00000000000000F9F9F9FFF7F7F7FED8D8D8FFDDDDDDFFCACACAFFDBDBDBFFCD CDCDFFD3D3D3FFD9D9D9FFCECECEFFFAFAFAFFF9F9F9FFB7B7B7FEFEFEFEFF00 00000000000000F9F9F9FFF7F7F7FEE3E3E3FFDEDEDEFFD4D4D4FFD1D1D1FFD1 D1D1FFDCDCDCFFE1E1E1FFE0E0E0FFDFDFDFFFF0F0F0FFB8B8B8FEFEFEFEFF00 00000000000000F9F9F9FFF6F6F6FEF3F3F3FFEDEDEDFFDCDCDCFFCBCBCBFFC9 C9C9FFD8D8D8FFE6E6E6FFECECECFFF4F4F4FFF6F6F6FFB9B9B9FEFEFEFEFF00 00000000000000F9F9F9FFF6F6F6FED1D1D1FFC3C3C3FFB2B2B3FF7B7C80FF9F 9F9FFF9C9C9CFFC7C7C7FFE5E5E5FFF0F1F0FFF4F4F4FFB9B9B9FEFEFEFEFF00 00000000000000F9F9F9FFF5F5F5FECFCFCFFFB3B3B3FF9B9B9BFF999DACFF7E 7DBAFF7A79BFFF9D9EA6FFB1B1B1FFB9B9B9FFC5C5C5FFB8B8B8FEFEFEFEFF00 00000000000000F9F9F9FFF3F3F3FEDADADAFFC8C8C8FF9898BFFF706ADCFFB4 AEE8FF7972D4FF6362D0FFB9B9B9FFCFCFCFFFE2E2E2FFB6B6B6FEFEFEFEFF00 00000000000000F9F9F9FFF1F1F1FED6D6D6FFC1C1C1FF6262D6FF6263BBFF7C 78D9FF6F71D2FF7679D0FFC1C1C1FFC7C7C7FFD9D9D9FFB3B3B3FEFEFEFEFF00 00000000000000F9F9F9FFEFEFEFFEC6C6C6FFC1C1C1FFA0A2B6FF696DB7FF77 78D9FF7B7ADEFF949498FFA3A3A3FFADADADFFE0E0E0FFAEAFAEFEFEFEFEFF00 00000000000000F9F9F9FFEBEBEBFEEDEDEDFFE8E8E8FFD9D9D9FFBEBEBEFF6B 69E0FF8383E0FF8787AFFFADADADFFC5C5C5FFD2D2D2FFA6A6A6FE0000000000 00000000000000F9F9F9FFE8E8E8FED1D1D1FFCFCFCFFFC4C4C4FFC0C0C0FF93 93C5FF8785D6FF7F7ADBFF6B68C8FFA2A2A2FFB1B1B1FF9F9F9FFE0000000000 00000000000000F9F9F9FFE5E5E5FEDADADAFFCECECEFFCCCCCCFFBCBCBCFF6B 67DCFF7E7AD7FF6562DBFF464DC9FF696969FF999999FEF4F4F4FF0000000000 00000000000000F9F9F9FFE2E2E2FEBFBFBFFFCBCBCBFFB7B7B7FFB7B7B7FF87 86B7FF5658C3FF7471CAFFBEBDC9FFCACACAFEF2F2F2FF000000000000000000 00000000000000F9F9F9FFE0E0E0FEE4E4E4FFE3E3E3FFDFDFDFFFD8D8D8FFCE CECEFFC6C6C6FFAAAAAAFFC0C0C0FEF6F6F6FFFEFEFEFF000000000000000000 00000000000000FCFCFCFFDCDCDCFEDDDDDEFEDCDCDCFED8D8D8FED4D4D4FECE CECEFEC1C1C1FEACACACFEFBFBFBFF0000000000000000000000000000000000 000000} end end
  5. I'm switch platform to the Linux and try to compile 'action' demo app from your demos folder, but have no success. Error occurred: [DCC Error] Main.pas(21): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TAction'. How is it possible to compile it? I'm use 1535 revision. Also the uniGUIISAPI unit Linux version doesn't exists, I had to disable it in the project uses section.
  6. Hmmm. After reboot both systems Windows and Linux all works fine here Thank you for your response!
  7. Hi, I've successfully compiled one of our project the in Delphi 10.4.1 + UniGUI 1535 for Linux(Ubuntu). But an issue occurred. Immediately after successfully login an 'Ajax error' message appears: Cannot read property 'store' of undefined. I will note that in Windows all works fine, the issue occurred only under the Linux system. Here is the error log: ----Log skipped---
  8. Also you can set the sslvTLSv1_2 as default connection method in your TUniServerModule. Default value is sslvSSLv3 and it's not a good method on nowadays.
  9. Tokay

    Layout centered

    For example, I needed a centered layout. Which Demo I need to open? Clientside Alignment - Dock and Align, Features Demo, Layout Accordion, Anchor, Border, Fit, Form, ...? I think it's much better to demonstrate the solutions, not only features.
  10. Отдельных валидаторов, к слову, очень не хватает! Вот в качестве js события, как остальных всех.
  11. Ок, спасибо, ecUpperCase + function keypress(sender, e, eOpts) { var allowed = "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"; var c = e.getCharCode(); if (allowed.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(c)) === -1) { e.stopEvent(); } } сделали то, что нужно.
  12. Редактор, к слову, к базе привязан быть не должен. То есть значения лежат не в базе.
  13. Как это в коде или на форме будет выглядеть?
  14. да, какую маску и какой компонент тут лучше использовать?
  15. Как лучше выполнить редактор 16теричных значений? TUniEdit? TUniFormattedNumberEdit? Задача: редактировать 16теричные цифры, например: FE10
  16. Благодарю! Работает так, как нужно!
  17. Можно ли как-то в TUniHTMLMemo вместо перехода по ссылке (при клике юзером по ссылке) вызвать какое-либо событие на сервере в Delphi и его там обработать, не переходя в TUniHTMLMemo на стороне клиента ни на какую другую страницу? В обработчике события нужен Url или какой-то идентификатор ссылки (их в TUniHTMLMemo несколько, необходимо различать, куда кликнули).
  18. gerardocrisci, As a solution you can use RadCORE
  19. Thank you! I download it, and it works great. it would be good to see it in the main UniGUI package.
  20. Tokay

    Layout centered

    To Farshad or Sherzod. I think that It's a good idea to add another aligment samples like this to the components package. Flex is extremly great feature of package (instead of VCL), and I think that it needed to be demostrated as much as possible. VCL (and LCL also) have no flex, and many your customers (me too) have no idea how it great works. All other VCL features we already seen thousands times and no need to show it again and again.
  21. Yet another question. I see that CheckListBox is marked by done: CheckListBox (Done). Where it could be found? I use the 1535 complete version.
  22. You want to talk about risks. Ok. At this moment is the huge risk of using not-full sourced components code. For example our case. Our projects are absolutely incompatible with FMX (with the Delphi/VCL and Lazarus/LCL compiled and works fine also under Linux). The FPC/LCL version of UniGUI is with unknown perspectives. We would have to rewrite UniGUI ourselves to the FPC/LCL, but have no full sources. We've already done a lot of work: about 100 forms and 4 projects are successully translated to the UniGUI. Under Windows generally they works well. But more and more our customers are switching to the Linux. And we don't see any way out. We understand this risk, but had hope for a Lazarus version. But now we at the bottom.
  23. The Lazarus/FPC support. Lazarus have very good Linux support. It is very actively developing. The Lazarus(IDE) works directly in the Linux. And it's absolutely free for using! The indy already works under the FPC. It doesn't even need to be rewritten. Most of the code could be compiled without change in the delphi code mode (different units in the code could have different compilation modes).
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