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Everything posted by epos4u

  1. Dear Brother Hayri, so sorry to hear this, may you have a speedy recovery, please ignore my earlier post as i had no idea may Allahthallah give you good health my brother
  2. epos4u

    Happy Eid

    Eid Mubarak to everyone
  3. epos4u

    Happy Eid

    Eid Mubarak to everyone
  4. Hi, just tested, do not work with mobile components also the web cam stuff is only flash based, hence will not work on most systems
  5. Hi, Will NumberFormatter work with Unimedit for mobile
  6. epos4u

    Parent form

    Hi, Use Frames, see the mega demo for example
  7. epos4u

    js script

    Perfect, thank you so much
  8. epos4u

    js script

    Bugra Yener Sahinoglu, Thank you
  9. epos4u

    js script

    Hi, could someone please guide or help to assign a js script to update edit fields for address input Thank you js script ---------- function Read(postcode) { var country = 'GB' var urlfmt = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?components=postal_code:'+postcode; if(country != undefined) urlfmt += '|country:'+country; var content = web.Download(urlfmt); var obj = JSON.parse(content); var lat = obj.results[0].geometry.location.lat; var lng = obj.results[0].geometry.location.lng; var addrurl = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng='+ lat + ',' + lng + '&sensor=false' var addr = web.Download(addrurl); var addrObject = JSON.parse(addr); var data = GetAddressComponents(addrObject.results,postcode); if(data == null) return postcode; var street = ReadComponent('route',data); if(street == '-') street = ReadComponent('locality',data); if(street == '-') street = ReadComponent('administrative_area_level_4',data); var town = ReadComponent('postal_town',data); var county = ReadComponent('administrative_area_level_2',data); return postcode + ',' + street + ',' + town + ',' + county; } function GetAddressComponents(results,postcode) { for(i=0;i < results.length;i++) { for(j=0; j< results.address_components.length;j++) { var component = results.address_components[j]; if(component.long_name.replace(' ','') == postcode.replace(' ','')) return results.address_components; } } return null; } function ReadComponent(name,components) { for(i=0;i<components.length;i++) { var component = components; for(j=0;j<component.types.length;j++) { if(component.types[j] == name) return component.long_name; } } return '-'; }
  10. epos4u

    google maps api

    Marlon,thank you for prompt reply, could you give me example please how to call and get data back many thanks,
  11. epos4u

    google maps api

    Hi, can someone please help with retrieving the json information back from this code please so i can use them to update fields in a dataset https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?components=postal_code:m168lz|country:GB many thanks,
  12. Hi Lema, i get the same with Delphi Seattle
  13. same here, i think Farshad is testing us lol i am sure it will be up soon
  14. Hi, that should not happen if you have installed the correct runtime library, try re-installing the runtime again, and restart the pc
  15. Hi, make sure you have installed the runtime library
  16. edit UniGmaps.pas and look at this { Use your own Google API Key. Get it there: https://code.google.com/apis/console/} {$IFDEF DEBUG} MyGoogleAPIKey = 'A'; <<<<<< enter ur own API key here
  17. are you using your own API key ?
  18. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/4470-ordering-unigui-beta/
  19. can you attach your project so we can see what is going on
  20. sorry missed the last l in typing http://epos4u.4irc.com/cloud/qr.dll/m
  21. QR Logo project type in what you need, click on Get QR Code then click download button to get QR image as jpg http://epos4u.4irc.com/cloud/qr.dll/m my mistake missed the last l in .dll
  22. epos4u

    desktop mode

    originally that was the case, then it was dropped. in a way its a good thing as we can focus more on web based
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