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Everything posted by Ronbral

  1. Erich Anwendungen sind auf höchstem Niveau. Schön
  2. Zilav: Parece melhor com uma chave de segurança aleatória e um controle de edição padrão em vez de ... CustomAjax-Rev1.rar ATTENTION! I forgot to clean Edit before sending .... Here's the fix: Const js = 'function keydown(sender, e, eOpts) '+ '{ var event = e; '+ ' if (event.keyCode == 13) { '+ ' var v = this.value; '+ ' this.setValue(""); '+ ' ajaxRequest(@frm@,"LoginEvent",["password="+MD5("@key@"+v)]); '+ ' } }';
  3. Hi! For those who are still in the first steps of UniGui, just like me. Here is the implementation of the Jquery plugin to measure the strength of the password in your projects. PassMeter.rar
  4. There was garbage in a Path property of the ServerModule (cache folder) generating two paths to the Cache folder. ... Depois de implantar meu aplicativo em produção, gerado com o FW HS, pude observar que as imagens embutidas nos formulários não são exibido (no ambiente de desenvolvimento, a exibição está correta), bem como o ícone do aplicativo. Eu vi no log que alguns arquivos não são encontrados no pasta de cache. Eu já verifiquei o acesso à pasta chache tem privilégios totais, bem como a opção de cache persistente (true). mas sem sucesso. Existe alguma coisa para eu fazer?
  5. Congratulations Zemorando! Another refined application for the gallery of the top Unigui level.
  6. Hi Erich! I am currently working with this component in the version JS 6.5.3 and the functionality is normal. See my snippet of code that is just like yours. With UMM do begin If ASSelectDS(sql, '', KMT2) >0 then while not KMT2.Eof do begin //Adiciona e Exibe Evento na Agenda ------------------------------------- Ok AEvent := CalAgenda.Events.Add; // Novo evento <--- AEvent.StartDate := StrToDateTime(KMT2.FieldByName('taa_agenda_data_ini').AsString+#32+ KMT2.FieldByName('taa_agenda_hora_ini').AsString, FmtSettings); AEvent.EndDate := StrToDateTime(KMT2.FieldByName('taa_agenda_data_fim').AsString+#32+ KMT2.FieldByName('taa_agenda_hora_fim').AsString, FmtSettings); AEvent.Title := KMT2.FieldByName('taa_agenda_descricao').AsString; AEvent.Reminder := 'lembrete'; AEvent.CalendarId := KMT2.FieldByName('taa_agenda_id').AsInteger; AEvent.IsAllDay := false; //UniCheckBox1.Checked; //--- KMT2.Next; end; KMT2.Close; end;
  7. How to get the same effect in UniDBVerticalGrid? In a screen with many grids, displaying the selection when there is no focus leaves a polluted appearance.
  8. Following... In my tests I validated that in version the Vertical Grid applied to a run-time generated dataset mem presents the anomaly of not activating the EDIT when double clicking on a field. When compiled in trial version, it works. This is true for the mem dataset ClientDataSet. KbmMemTable (what i use) does not activate the edit in either version. UniDBGrid works perfectly with both mem ds.
  9. Well, since you have opened your heart. Allow me an opinion: FW Unigui really worth every penny of your licensing. You can see the possibilities by using it in a moment. It is very promising. The work done by Farshad and his team has yielded very significant advances for the development of modern Web applications with Delphi. There is nothing like it.
  10. DD, following with the error investigation, I noticed that protecting the update from col ... findVirtualCol when gg.dbColumns is null , "apparently" the functionality has been restored. Of course this is not a solution, as I could see other necessary care, and only a breakthrough in research; because this can help me meet the deadlines for a cursory presentation of what will be a future delivery ... internalRender: if (vertGrid) { if (col.dataIndex != "l") { var _d = record.data._d; if (gg.dbColumns && gg.dbColumns.length>0) { col = findVirtualCol(gg.dbColumns, _d) } } }
  11. Following test case (UG Pro) TestCase_VGrid.rar
  12. I will need to use a series of vertical grids with medical data in my project. The tables are generated at runtime, however I can not display the data in the Vertical Grid. In the example that follows, open the same dataset in a horizontal grid and in the vertical grid. Vertical does not display data, but ERRO_2 in all columns. I have already made numerous attempts based on the knowledge base of the Unigui forum, but I did not get any solution. Please help me.
  13. Hi, I would like to make editing the memos fields of my grid with UniHTMLMemo possible. Based on the GridEditors - Row Editor example, I added a uniHtmlMemo in the uniHiddenPanel and the link to the grid field. The editing works perfectly, however, when I close the form, I receive the attached error. I checked that If I replace the uniHtmlMemo with a uniMemo the error is not triggered. I need help implementing this.
  14. Hi DD, I have added an explicit definition to the fields: ... (tcp_nationality || '/' || tcp_naturality)::varchar(50) as Nac, ... Now it's okay! I also found a solution from Devart via code: https://forums.devart.com/viewtopic.php?t=28427
  15. I use PostgreSQL and local dataset KbmMemTable.
  16. Direct database acess with Devart (UniDac)...
  17. Hi! I'm a beginner in Unigui. When displaying SQL-concatenated fields (varchar) in UniDBEdit, they are displayed as: (MEMO) And I do not find a "DisplayMemo" option to circumvent the situation. What can I do?
  18. Hi Philippe, I had this problem and it took me a few minutes to realize that I had placed my UniDBGrid inside a UniContainerPanel, and this limited the space for the Grid. After setting Container to alClient, everything worked. Make sure you are in a similar circumstance.
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