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Everything posted by Beginner

  1. I resolved like this Work FF and other browser procedure TfrmLogin.UniLoginFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS('document.body.style.background = ''url("/files/bg.jpg") no-repeat center center fixed'''); UniSession.AddJS('document.body.style.backgroundSize = "cover";'); end;
  2. Hi All How add this css class or where add for login form ? Anybody help me pls
  3. Trial I found solution who interesting please chek this source If you have any best solution share here Procedure StringExplode(s: string; Delimiter: string; Var res: TStringList); Begin res.Clear; res.Text := StringReplace(s, Delimiter, #13#10, [rfIgnoreCase, rfReplaceAll]); End; procedure loadGridLayout(Mydbgrid: TUnidBGrid; fileName: string); var lines: TStringList; columnInfo: TStringList; lineCtr: integer; colIdx: integer; cnt: integer; begin try lines := TStringList.Create; columnInfo := TStringList.Create; lines.Delimiter := '^'; lines.StrictDelimiter := True; lines.DelimitedText:=fileName; for lineCtr := 0 to lines.Count-1 do begin if trim(lines[lineCtr]) <> '' then begin StringExplode(lines[lineCtr], '~ ', columnInfo); cnt:=Mydbgrid.Columns.count; for colIdx := 0 to cnt-1 do begin if Mydbgrid.Columns[colIdx].FieldName = columnInfo[1] then begin Mydbgrid.Columns[colIdx].Visible := StrToBool(columnInfo[2]); Mydbgrid.Columns[colIdx].Index := lineCtr; end; end; end; end; finally lines.free; if assigned(columnInfo) then columnInfo.free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.saveGridLayout(Mydbgrid: TUnidBGrid); var lines: TStringBuilder; i: integer; begin try lines := TStringBuilder.Create; with Mydbgrid do begin for i := 0 to Mydbgrid.Columns.count-1 do begin lines.Append(IntToStr(Mydbgrid.Columns[i].Index)); lines.Append('~ '); lines.Append(Mydbgrid.Columns[i].FieldName); lines.Append('~ '); lines.Append(BoolToStr(Mydbgrid.Columns[i].Visible)); lines.Append('^'); UniApplication.Cookies.SetCookie(Mydbgrid.Name,lines.ToString, Now+(10.0/1440.0)); end; end; finally lines.free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.UniFormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin saveGridLayout(UniDBGrid1); end; procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin loadGridLayout(UniDBGrid1,UniApplication.Cookies.Values[UniDBGrid1.Name]); end;
  4. Hi All How to set cookie dbgrid columns visible when user check to visible or hide some column? Example user hide some column uncheck or check and save to cookie and enter again to application columns visibles read from cookies How do it this? Thank advance
  5. Other theme support your component? Windows 10 or Mac theme?
  6. Hi thank you for you I have question after I added before init config.baseCls="btn"; config.cls="btn-danger"; Other button not poperly rendered How solve this problem? Unigui last trial
  7. I found what problem before run I need change something like move button or change caption like this after that compilled and run task will kill.. In RAD XE3 work everytime when pushing RUN without changing something but RAD Tokiyo need change something before run second time
  8. Thank you for your effort And where i can read about flex layot theme? In unigui too many option about layot config for me I don't know when use hhox or vbox or form,border , region etc
  9. @mohammad http://dropmefiles.com/D5aHQ
  10. Trial Edition But another exe not unigui app i can't kill before compile Sorry on Delphi Xe 3 Windows 7 work fine But Delphi Rad Tokiyo 10.2.2 OS Windows 10 can't kill task by RAD 10.2.2 pre build command if this command run cmd .exe "taskkill /F /IM test.exe /T" Tasks killed all
  11. Hi everybody, mohammad Can you help me how design right? I have MainForm, Frame_child Mainform layot = hbox in main form have 3 panel 1 panel layot = vbox and width =100% (for the top) 2 panel layot = absolute and height = 100% (left sidebar) 3 panel layot = absolute and hight =100% and flex =1 (center) Frame layot = hbox in frame 2 panel 1 panel layot = vbox and width =100% 2 panel layot = absolute and heigh = 100% But in MainForm not properly show Frame_child in panel 3
  12. Fenix How change IDE Theme like you or like Visual Studion Dark theme? I use RAD Berln
  13. Hi all I have question how hide this row when mouse cursor point I mean when cursor move to row grid row hight auto show this description and when mouse move other side then hide row hight half size sorry my english
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