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Everything posted by p2rcoder

  1. Hello, https://www.screencast.com/t/T805577E This happend when I scroll with mouse wheel, position in fixed column and other columns shift... last trial
  2. ok, I changed UniPanel to UniContainerPanel and code to FOptionsFrame := TQMImportProductOptionFrame.Create(self); FOptionsFrame.Parent := pnlOptions; FOptionsFrame.Align := alClient; FOptionsFrame.Show; now frames became visible
  3. ok, there is no error after change TFrame to TUniFrame but stil dont visible after .Show
  4. last trial I have form with tree and options panel. On options panel I show different frames which depends on selected node. I crated CustomFrame and several another frames inherited from custom. When I try to create frame I get error https://www.screencast.com/t/2gHWz5Mw35z code: procedure TfrmQuadMagic.SetTaskFrame; var task_code: string; begin task_code := quTask.FieldByName('rtl_task_code').AsString; if Assigned(FOptionsFrame) then FOptionsFrame.Free; if task_code = 'PRODIMP' then FOptionsFrame := TQMImportProductOptionFrame.Create(pnlOptions); <-- error here if Assigned(FOptionsFrame) then FOptionsFrame.SetOptions(quTask.FieldByName('rtl_options').AsString) else FOptionsFrame := TQMCustomOptionFrame.Create(pnlFrameOptions); end; This happened only when TuniCombobox at frame. When I deleted it and added only TuniMemo - frame created without error, but it doesn't show.... FOptionsFrame := TQMImportProductOptionFrame.Create(pnlFrameOptions); FOptionsFrame.Show; not visible after that
  5. I use last trial, looking for ability to migrate all functions that I need to web using unigui
  6. I need copy clipboard data to grid, not load from file
  7. Hello, Is it possible using unigui basic components to copy data on desktop from Excel and paste it in browser for ex. to unigrid? Maybe somebody already implement this? Thank you.
  8. p2rcoder

    IIS 8.5

    anybody tried to compare unigui performance on different version IIS and Apache? Is there any difference?
  9. is this a free component? can't find it in google... also, Is there easy way to copy data from Excel and paste it in grid at unigui application?
  10. p2rcoder


    For parse content from opened page for example. But it is browser security restrict... May be somebody know workaround, how to get source html from frame or how to simulate in one window work with 2 sites? I try to implement simple content management App and I need to get selected by user text from frame.
  11. Ok, I saw here that somebody implemented work with PayPal - how can I add to paymant system "return url" - for return customer back to site after he did payment? Can I do something like "www.myunigui.com/payment&code=xxxx&state=1" ?
  12. IIS log: iquadapp.dll: 000010F0: 09:04:04 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. iquadapp.dll: 000010F0: 09:04:04 [TUniServerModule]:Erasing Cache Folder... iquadapp.dll: 000010F0: 09:04:04 [TUniServerModule]:Cache Folder Erased. <0> Files deleted. iquadapp.dll: 000010F0: 09:04:04 []:Server Started.
  13. Yes, not client, I meant both computers where Delphi and where server
  14. After uninstall 13xx trial edition and manual delete FMSoft folder I have installed last trial edition (both server and client). In delphi app complited successfully but I cant run it in browser... All paths to ext and uni folder set by default, permission to unigui folder added but still "Loading..." message. In console I see errors https://www.screencast.com/t/JpzIFSXjuv. When try to open CSS file in browser see white screen . This CSS file already present in folder c:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework I already reinstall all several times...
  15. So, it is not possible to create pages with unique urls?
  16. Question is not about unigui bottleneck, but how to create page like at simple site with own url and which limitation if I need 1M pages
  17. Is there sample how to do this with drug and drop XLS file in browser?
  18. Hello, I have, for example, base with 1M products - I can see them in table but I want to have ability to see each product in stand alone page with self URL, description and another meta-tags. Is it possible with unigui? If yes - how to implement that? Each page should be present in Google index.
  19. I can't find in latest trial version how to change expanded icon in treeview? I have replaced standard icons with imagelist and I don't see any property or event where I can change collapsed icon to expanded and back. Is it possible? Thank you
  20. Hello, does it possible to do ComboMultiple in the same style as default unigui combobox in demo (without rounded corners and shadows)? And second - to do popup sweet alert without "noise", just onlly smoothly popup? Maybe property to choose style in design mode for first and second. Thank you.
  21. TUniTreeNode Expand(Recurse: Boolean) Should this method work in unigui? last trial
  22. so I cant open site from client side and get it content?
  23. What does it mean? For ex. client enter data to edit and i can get this data from server. But I cant get source code of the page which I opened in UniURLFrame? Application runs at the server, clients works with App in browser from any point in the world.
  24. So I have one idea, can I open on client side "browser in browser" in my application, load some url/urls in this subbrowser and send source of opened page to server side? which components I should use for this? Can I create an invisible form with this "subbrowser" that the client could not see it? Thank you.
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