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Everything posted by mikromundo

  1. Very good to hear that my friend !!! I'm no MVP ...I am not as knowledgeable about DELPHI as many of you who are in the group, but I have been working hard to create something simple to use, even if "it is a bit out of the standard", but the goal is to allow you to not need to change components existing projects and the native use of uniGUI. Thanks again to @Farshad Mohajeri , @Sherzodand all FMSOFT´s family !!!
  2. Thks @picyka.. Unfortunately, I didn't find another solution natively. As it is not an operation made several times, the cost is not so bad.
  3. @albertovesx @deljavan SORRY !!! 1 year after...And not answer !!! pPesquisa is a EDIT SEARCH content. I rebuild menu..It´s only way I found it.
  4. Hi @warat mookdaanan I made a "source base" project that help us with "problems" like this( layout, responsiveness ).. Please, if today still a problem for you, look this video: See what can we do with Project RadCORE:
  5. Hi @Sherzod Thanks again for your patience. When the application starts, SCROLL goes to the TOP, OK !!! But, the components should be created at the beginning of the form, only that they are created at the bottom, because, as we left in the design time the scroll bar "further down", it assumes this position. That's what I'm trying to solve and trying to explain to you. I apologize for the "bad" communication. scrollbox.mp4
  6. Hi @Sherzod Almost...see the test case again, please !!!! What I realized is that the SCROLL works ... but the initial POSITION of the components remains in the "ON CREATE" state of the frame, that is, hidden at the bottom. ButtonsSpeedButton.rar
  7. Hi @Sherzod Same error on Frame Ready:
  8. Hi @Sherzod Some info about the post above ?
  9. Hi @Sherzod I change a DEMO of uniGUI to make a test case: ButtonsSpeedButton.rar I changed one of the demos to make the demonstration easier. There are several objects in the FRAME. Please Overwrite the SpeedButton DEMO( C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\AllFeaturesDemo\units ) for you to test ok. When processing, SCROLLBOX does not return to the top. ButtonsSpeedButton.rar
  10. Wait a minute ... I did the test alone and saw that the ScrollBox is already going to the top automatically. So it must be something else generating the conflict. I give you feedback. Thanks in advance for your attention.
  11. @Sherzod do you can help me ? Please... I have this issue with the same code above:
  12. Hi, @varandor uniGUI will be your best choice !!! See in the DEMOS folder, the example "html2ajax". This will give you an idea of how to integrate.
  13. Hi everyone... I’m always trying to improve resources.My "solution": [[cols:xs-12 sm-6 md-3 lg-3 xl-3 4k-3 8k-3]] the idea of using "hint" is that we are independent of ExtJS (in a way). There is no future incompatibility or minimum version to use the features. I don't want to appear arrogant, please, far from it. I just found a viable solution. SIMPLE and FAST to be used. There's still a lot to do !!! Responsiveness is and will always be a delicate subject (I always say this to everyone).
  14. Hi @jaromir and thank you for your words. RadCORE have a HELP doc in English. All updates are sendind in english too( https://radcore.pro.br/web/updates/ ) We are >130 users around the world. ( 16 countries ) @multimesut is turkish @augusto.pellis is Italian. Despite not being fluent in English like other users, we maintain healthy communication in the private group of RadCORE users. With the help of GOOGLE translator we communicate well. I am available to help you and / or answer your questions.
  15. Thanks to all !!! Choosing uniGUI to apply RadCORE resources (which were started on FMX and VCL) was the best choice I made. I hope that uniGUI will grow even more, in Brazil and worldwide. If RadCORE, in any way, is contributing to this, it will give me the feeling of accomplishment, because @Farshad Mohajeriwork is great and it is up to us, users, to spread the word about uniGUI.
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