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Wilton Ergon

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Everything posted by Wilton Ergon

  1. I already tried to use sockets tcp ip within uni, to send messages, but the message to create a chat, but the message only goes to a vcl recipient, could not get back, just because everything is executed in threads,
  2. i find solution. configure mainmodule NavigateKeys Next HandleBrowse = true Key = 13 form in grid webOptions KeyNavigation=knDisabled
  3. I have activated in my mainmodule the keynavigate option, where pressing enter (chr 13) step to the next field, this setting, makes pressing enter on the grid, the focus is lost, I tried to disable keynavigate when entering the grid, but grid onenter event is not triggered, is there any way to avoid this behavior? I need the enter key to move between fields, but enter can't lose focus on the grid
  4. do you have 2 kidneys? you may need 1 to buy Syncfusion licenses
  5. voce faz da mesma forma que no delphi vcl, basta nao usar componentes visuais..
  6. Accurate based on the address entered by the user to calculate the distance between that address and a previously defined destination location. the destination place I already have the coordinates, the place of origin I only have the address it is possible? If only the source address is not enough, I can ask the user to select their address on the map, to capture the exact coordinate of where it is.
  7. I have a form that I create all the controls dynamically, and I will place them in a tuniscrollbox, in the web version we have suspendlayouts and resumelayouts to improve the response time when creating components, in the mobile version, does not accept the call of these functions. see sample uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\SuspendLayouts we don't have a matching example for mobile
  8. I am creating many components dynamically using mobile components, I noticed that resumelayouts and suspendlayouts cannot be called, there is another way to improve performance in dynamically creating mobile components.
  9. what you suggest is correct, a servermodule thread will be created to execute your process. I prefer to create something like this in a separate exe, to avoid any problem with my unigui server, if you have server access to run other applications I would do that.
  10. try this on another drive, it is not recommended to use servermodule for this try add uses Winapi.Windows;
  11. see this http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3511-kill-application-recompile-and-auto-start-in-browser/&tab=comments#comment-16374
  12. If there is a code js to allow the automatic editing of the grid, for me already solves, until it exists natively, I have long sought this feature, and saw that there are many requests of this forum without solution. My users have long complained about having to press enter to edit the registry.
  13. I am also looking forward to such a feature that will allow you to improve typing
  14. have a unique database: Advantages: Deploying a new customer, just create a new user or store Backup is also easier as it is just a bank. disadvantages: separate benches Smaller banks are usually faster. faster backups, You can restore the backup only from one client without affecting the others. reports will run faster because you won't have to do filters by user or store. In this model, on a shared server, where you will have numerous banks, you can have a specific bank for common public tables that are not managed by clients, such as CEPS tables, STATES, and other information that can be standardized for all banks. you will have to see what may be best for you
  15. The use of datamodules, I see just for the sake of organization, another advantage as already said is that if you put all the business rules in it, you can easily share it with another vcl desktop application, no matter how many forms your project will have, and only avoid excessive data search in forms, and not allow its user to open all their forms at once. select * from without where is not a good idea
  16. With current features, the pivot grid is unusable. The end user wants to move the columns to recreate other views, and this is basic to any pivotgrid, I look forward to news.
  17. On a screen with many rules, I would leave the grid for viewing only, and put the controls on the form, using tunidbloockupcombobox and tunidbedit for data entry, so you have more freedom to handle events. grid would be read only.
  18. he remote query feature, and simply a way to open the query by passing a filter, always avoiding a select * from table I always avoid using dblookup, I prefer to create a generic search screen, where I can include more search features for my user, and I can easily reuse this in every project.
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