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  1. Hi Farshad How can I get the server monitor form instance? If this is not possible and the monitor form instance can not be obtained even using a class helper, you could allow getting instance of this monitor form in the next version of uniGUI, and then write it here? Thank you Tomas Halabala - REGULACE.ORG (developer of LangMan localization components for Delphi)
  2. Hello, Langman components can be used for this purpose (see uniGUI DEMO Project at http://www.regulace.org/downloads/1/LangMan-components ). If you have pointer to the server monitor form, then create on it the TUniLangManClient after create this form and it will be perfect. Tomas
  3. Yes, any resourcestrings can be localized using TUniResourcesTranslator component from LangMan Ultimate components package. see http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3722-tools-for-localization-to-other-languages/?p=17802 or http://www.regulace.org/products/51/LangMan-Ultimate
  4. LangMan components see http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3722-tools-for-localization-to-other-languages/?p=17802
  5. Hello all I got permission to start this thread, thank you Farshad. I am engaged in developing unique components which make it possible to fast and simply localize applications in Delphi to other languages. These components are called LangMan and are also adapted for use with uniGUI. They are available free for personal use and who would be interested in a commercial license may use the current discounts (25%) until the end of the year. Additional discount of 10% can be obtained using the following discount code: LM37216b (valid until: 2014/1/31) More information can be found at the following links: http://www.regulace.org/topics/5/LangMan-for-Delphi http://www.regulace.org/products/50/LangMan-Premium http://www.regulace.org/products/51/LangMan-Ultimate http://www.regulace.org/articles/27/LangMan-VIDEO-tutorials I wish to all a nice day and enjoy the rest of the year! Tomas Halabala http://www.regulace.org
  6. I can not English very well explained. But the problem occurs only when another package has in header: requires uniGUI17Chart;
  7. Hi Farshad, after each upgrade uniGUI in Delphi XE3 I must rewrite header in the file uniChart.pas follows: interface uses {$IF CompilerVersion > 22} VCLTee.Chart, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.Series, {$ELSE} Chart, TeEngine, TeeProcs, Series, {$IFEND} Classes, SysUtils, UniPanel, uniGUIRTTI, uniGUIConst, UniGUIClasses, ExtPascal, Ext, ExtChart, ExtData, UniGUIApplication, UniExtUtils, Controls, UniGUITypes, UniGUIFont, Windows; For compatibility with the new delphi I recommend this form.
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