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Everything posted by Abaksoft

  1. Hi Nobody work with UniTreeView + UniFrame ? Related topic : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5027-each-unitreeview-node-uniframe/ Need help Thx
  2. Hi all, Do you realize the scope with uniGui ? Here is a Poster (in attachment) that you can reproduce (some think like) in your service offering. Maybe it can help... All the Best... business.pdf
  3. Hi Farshad, installing version 0.98 Build 1144 Delphi XE3 Pro 32 & 64 bits win 7 Pro 64 bits when I open the Group uniGui2013PlusGroup.groupproject (as ususally) there are somme units with a (x) : uniDateUtils.pas uniZlibEx.pas uniGYUServerForm.pas uniGUIControlLogin.pas uniGUICssEditor.pas UniGUIFormTypeForm.pas UniGUIModuleTypeForm.pas UniGUIPromptForm.pas UniGUIPromptProject.pas UniChartDlg.pas UniGuiMTools.pas But, when compiling and installing components (as ususally), all is OK and all works fine. is it normal ?Thx.
  4. Hi all, For your stingy customers, who don't wont to pay for a VPS , Here is a solution : Suggest them to use there own computer as a web server. How ? 1. Just suscribe a free Dynamic DNS (many companies on the web) this will capture your IP rooter (dynamic) and convert it on a smart DNS : mycompany.your_freeDNS.net 2. Put your uniGui_project.dll in a virtual ISAPI directory (as well describe in the UNIGUI Help .pdf) 3. Install ExtJS : "FMSoft_uniGUI_Plus_runtime_0.98.10.1144" on this computer (Farshad ! is it legal to copy Sencha ExtJS "uniGUI_Plus_runtime..." at our customers? ) 4. Configure your rooter : • Forward your port • Or use NAT > DMZ idicate your local Ip (your network card server ) Note : using DMZ is on your own risk (no security). Use instead port forwarding method. • Allow port 80 HTTP 5. run your uniGui_project.dll on your prefered browser, from any computer like this : www.mycompany.your_freeDNS.net/MyAlias/uniGui_project.dll _________ MyAlias : is your virtual ISAPI Directory (on the server) Ofcourse : you must keep this computer Turn ON 24h/24h All the Best...
  5. Hi, Moved on Active Bug Reports. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  6. Hi Farshad, Just put a TreeView in a UniForm, set border style = None - no Raised, - no 3D,.. as I don'nt want borders. Then the Top line still appears ! Thx.
  7. Hi Sokel, you have a Demo here : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2669-fastreport-demo/?hl=fastreport Regards.
  8. It has been 1436 years, was born the prophet Mohammed صلى الله عليه و سلم . محمد Many well changes, since, appears in the world. Today, we need : UniPeace ! Best wishes.
  9. Hi 2Rib, Thank you for sharing your index.zip Can you upload it again (it seems bad ZIP file). Best regards.
  10. Thx Lema >> 2. Use your domain name and give a subdomain name to the VPS Is that possible if my actually domain name was buy from a company A and my new VPS from a company B ? Thx
  11. Thx Lema >> 2. Use your domain name and give a subdomain name to the VPS Is that possible if my actually domain name was buy from a company A and my new VPS from a company B ? Thx
  12. Hi, A good article : http://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/url-rewrite-module/creating-rewrite-rules-for-the-url-rewrite-module Ok, Let say you have just suscribe a VPS server, and you want to hide your IP adresse : www.xxx.xxx.x.x/myproject.dll To www.mycompany.com/myproject OK, with rewrite 2.0 module you can do it easily. Question : Is the server just display "mycompany.com" or must i buy a domaine mycompany.com ? In the first case (juste a display), what about a conflict domaine if mycompany.com existe realy ? Thx.
  13. Hi Farshad, A friend (former beta test of sencha extjs), told me that the 5.x is slower then the 4.xx.
  14. Hello John P, Are you using classical Delphi components (DBGrid, DBEdit,...) Instead of : UniDBGrid, UniDbEdit, Uni...? In Unigui application, use only unigui components :-) That could be the problem ! Regards...
  15. Oulala...Oulala, You forge ahead ! Brave work ... سلام الله عليك
  16. Hi, Simple reason for difficulty : Target (client side) is not often windows ! - jedi library can't get android, or mobile systems. - even if you want to get special windows directories (assuming that client is windows), the mainModule can't give this information, because it's a server cession ! Correct me if i am wrong :-) Regards.
  17. Hi Hayri, Can you share how to create a private paypal account as you did ? It will help much developers. Thx.
  18. Hi, 1. To retrieve FireBird Folder (Server side) and others Special windows Folders (Common Application, program Files, system32, ...) Can i use this classical function (uses shlObj) In uniservermodule : ------------------------------------------------- function GetSystemPath(Folder: Integer): string; var PIDL: PItemIDList; Path: LPSTR; AMalloc: IMalloc; begin Path := StrAlloc(MAX_PATH); SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Application.Handle, Folder, PIDL); if SHGetPathFromIDList(PIDL, Path) then Result := Path; SHGetMalloc(AMalloc); AMalloc.Free(PIDL); StrDispose(Path); end; Usage: Showmessage(GetSystemPath(CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY)); ---------------------------------------------------- 2. Why should i use (server side) : uniservermodule.startpath Instead of ExtractFilePath(Application.exeName) What is the difference ? 3. To retrieve (client side) DeskTop directory, can i use In MainModule : GetSystemPath(CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY)) ? Thx.
  19. For who forgot to upgrade there old versions. 0.98.1116 since 30-11-2014 Thank you Farshad :-) Day after day...
  20. Great, Contact FastReport Team :-)
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