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Everything posted by cristianotestai

  1. Just this Post Build Error was ignored and all packages installed ok, but I don't know what " hpp_fix.exe"does.
  2. [Exec Error] The command ""\unigui\hpp_fix.exe" "C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\11.0\hpp\ext.hpp"" exited with code 3. My Library Path: C:\Users\Public\Documents\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI; C:\Users\Public\Documents\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Dcu\Delphi2014; C:\Users\Public\Documents\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\ExtPascal; C:\Users\Public\Documents\FMSoft\Framework\uniTools; C:\Users\Public\Documents\FMSoft\Framework\uniTools\Dcu\Delphi2014 What can be wrong or missing? Thanks
  3. Hi, An alternative is to use client side script with MouseMove, MouseOut, OnClick events and manipulate colors, InputText, Images in the panels or other container component.
  4. Up.. Hi Farshad, As I said I would not have that window Ajax Error, not simply change the text of the message. It would be much better and more elegant, have for example the default message as the image attached, in the format Page and not in a window with an empty message box informing an Ajax Error, which in fact is not a Ajax Error.
  5. Hello Farshad, When there fall internet connection user, occurs Ajax Error window: Server is not available, try later(or other custom text message in this window). Has as these types of cases or even when the server is not available, show the standard screen browse (mfPage format) as attached? Does not make sense have this little window Ajax Error reporting something, which in this case is not correct, because the server is working, and the user's Internet connection is not available. Thanks!
  6. Hi Peter, Below I show the procedures that I use in my project, where for example I sent an email to activate your user account on the site. 1: I saved a key (TGUID) to identify the user token in the Users table in a field called Token. 2: We send the activation email account to the User, the body of the email I add the reference to the link as below: To activate your account click on the link: '<a href="http://myapp.com/?et=AU&t=' + sToken +'">' + 'http://myapp.com/?et=AU&t=' + sToken + '</a>'; Where the parameter et = AU reports that the type of email is User Activation, the parameter t contains the Token(through sToken variable) of the User that was saved in the database. When the User clicks on the link will load the application and in the OnShow(MainForm) event I do check if there are parameters to be validated: TfmHome.UniFormShow procedure (Sender: TObject); begin if (UniApplication.Parameters.Values ​​['t'] = 'AU') then / /Checks if the parameter t (emailtype) exists and is for user activation(AU). begin //Validates Token (checks whether the content parameter t) if (UniApplication.Parameters.Values ​​['t'] <>'') then begin //Now with the GetTokenInfo function below, I check if the value of the parameter t is valid. The GetTokenInfo receives the token sent and validates the information in the database. if dmSessionModule.SystemObj.GetTokenInfo (UniApplication.Parameters.Values ​​['t']) = True then begin //Here I show the screen to the User confirm your user and password to activate the user. ... ... end; end; end; end;
  7. Please add ClientEvents suport to TUniScrollBox component. Thanks, Cristiano Testai Brazil
  8. Hi, The link in first post was broken, this is correct: http://takien.com/980/styling-scrollbar-to-look-like-facebook-scrollablearea-using-jscrollpane.php Farshad, With UniPanel for example, where i should start my selector so I can use the JScrollPane plugin as reports step 2 link? $ (function () { $ (. 'content-area'). JScrollPane (); /*content-area is my UniPanel*/ }); Thanks for help.
  9. Yes.. Possibly need to override something on ExtJS classes or somehow deal custom in Unigui ExtEvents. I will wait a possible Idea or help by Farshad.
  10. Hi, I need a help to use the plugin JScrollPane (styleable scrollbars with JQuery, http://jscrollpane.kelvinluck.com/) In this link http://takien.com/980/styling-scrollbar-to-look-like-facebook-scrollablearea-using-jscrollpane.php, exists the steps to use, but I could not get to work with UniGui, referring up to steps: 2. Initialize JScrollPane to your selector, and 3. Scrollbar Should be hidden if the mouse over on it. Personally, I'm wanting to use this custom scroll to UniScrollBox Component. Any example or idea to make this work? Thanks for help!... Cristiano
  11. Hi Farshad, After some time studying some implementations for my project, I installed Delphi XE3 and updated version of UniGui to see what effects they might have with the update since it was moved to the extjs 4.1 where significant changes have occurred. I'll be posting some issues where this post are: 1) I used the OnChange event(ClientEvents) for some processing on the client after leaving the field, but now, in the hour of content change event being triggered. Which event should I use it now to be triggered at the exit of the field? 2) In some fields(TUniEdit), I has used OnAfterrender event with the following code, but in release does not work: function OnAfterrender(sender) { sender.getEl().setStyle('background-image', "url(../files/img/search.gif)"); } Any change in this sintax? Best Regards, Cristiano Testai Brazil
  12. Hi, I work with chat in my project using a combination of Datasnap and UniGui. First, see the chat demo that comes with delphi using Datasnap. Then you need to adapt your need with Unigui to the client side. This week I'm very busy, but I'll try better detail as I do.
  13. cristianotestai


    Olá Vinicius, já havia comentado esta questao na lista nddv, mas coloco abaixo para todos do forum: Pelo que eu vi, o CSS atribuido ao Main Menu é o indicado através do arquivo tema do CSS (uni-xtheme-blue.css, utilizado por padrão). Eu não utilizo Main Menu no meu projeto, mas acho que por enquanto você precisará debugar pelo FireBug ou outro plugin para o browser, onde está a referencia no arquivo CSS e alterar diretamente no arquivo CSS para o estilo que vc pretende usar. Mas conforme o Farshad postou no forum(http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1199-how-can-change-main-menu-font-to-tahoma/page__p__4114__hl__main+menu__fromsearch__1#entry4114), o sistema de Temas no ExtJS 4 mudou relacionado ao ExtJS 3, e com isso se vc criar um arquivo de tema pessoal(meutema.css), pode não funcionar. Particularmente eu ainda não fiz a atualização para o release 0.90 da UniGui -> ExtJS 4, pois ainda é recente e terão seguidos builds de melhorias e ajustes, mas em breve irei fazer... []'s Cristiano Testai
  14. Olá Flávio, O Farshad postou a situação atual do projeto, e do que será feito daqui por diante no tópico http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2467-latest-status-in-development-and-future-of-unigui/page__pid__11243__st__20#entry11243 Para mim foi positivo suas declarações e a principal questão será com o formato de licença da Sencha. Veja lá, abs.
  15. Hi, You can use any database as needed. This refers to the framework of access and not particularly to UniGui! I use DBxpress(Devart Driver) with SQL Server.
  16. Ainda não estou usando a 0.90, estou esperando ficar mais estável. Mas vi algo sobre alguns issues como estes sendo discutidos. Vc já fez o teste com o ultimo build? []'s
  17. Hi, Current release 0.90 is based on ExtJS 4!! Regards, Cristiano Testai
  18. Legal, estarei também postando as questoes por aqui!
  19. Hi Farshad and all! I'm need of assistance in a matter that I'm a few days ago trying to understand and find a solution. I am sending a simple example attached with two UniPanels which CSS properties are assigned in afterrender event, where through the property "position: fixed", they are fixed at the bottom and top of the browser. In the browsers on desktop, everything works perfectly, but testing on an iPad(iOS 5.1), the panels do not appear. I need to do the same example work on IPad/IPhone(iOS) and Android. I studied several articles on "position: fixed" on mobiles. Before the release of iOS 5, was not supported by some reasons. But since the release of iOS 5, the property "position: fixed" is supported, as can be accessed at the links below in the IPad/IPhone, and work ok: http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2011/12/position_fixed.html " http://bradfrostweb.com/blog/mobile/fixed-position/ My question is why and what would be the solution to work properly on IPad/IPhone, where other examples without UniGui, the "position: fixed" is supported. As I said earlier, this code example from my test project, I tried two different ways to assign the css, but neither worked. Thank you very much for your help in this matter. I need that my "chat panels" in real project work too in mobile. Best Regards! PanelFixed.rar
  20. The Embarcadero reviewed the license for Rad Studio XE3. At least some good news: "We now have a final license agreement. There should be nothing in the final EULA -- when it is truly finalized in the RTM version -- that should cause any problems for partners or our customers. The license (EULA) is basically similar to the XE2 file. The EULA (which is included with every shipping product) will become "final" when the we sign off the release to manufacturing build. We have included portions of the final EULA below. Note that any Professional edition restrictions still included are only related only to the use of "dbExpress" technology and do not restrict the use of technolgy partner or other 3rd party client/server or multi-tier technologies by Professional edition customers."
  21. Hi zilav,

    Have you seen my answer in post "Help with Center Page"?



  22. Hi, I have in production (eg www.mysite.com) on a Windows 2008 server with IIS 7, an Isapi app(MyApp.dll) running ok. On the server the directories are configured in: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mysite Where, within the mysite folder is my MyApp.dll and other necessary folder, such as ext-3.4.0, files, etc.. What I need is to create another application, called MyAppTest.dll (which is the same application in a test environment) and can use it. How should I do to have both applications in use? I need to create different ports for each one? Setting up another domain? Thank you for all the help.
  23. Hi, I agree with you Zilav and Farshad .. you're right.. but what is your opinion on this scenario: There is a simple registration form activities. For each activity there is a field for the user to inform the customer, related to the customers entity. To this i see two alternatives: 1) On the registration screen, create a field for the customer number with a button for a auxiliary consult(other screen), where the user can inform the customer number without consulting, or performing a consult through this screen. Point Positive: With an auxiliary screen, you can have multiple forms of information search and filters, with only customers according to a pre-selection(essential for Web). Negative point: You need to validate the output of the field, because the user can enter an invalid client number, without using the query screen auxiliary. 2) Not having query screen customers, but have a ComboBox for the user to enter the initials of the client's name and the ComboBox will present the names found in the database. Point Positive: No need for field validation. Negative point or Requirements: You will need an efficient way to show customers every change of text entered by user, as does most of the sites. Need to be careful because it will be necessary to provide multiple requests to the server or perform some caching process for the client side. If the second view is the most appropriate, any idea how to accomplish it? Thanks
  24. Hi, I have a TUniHtmlFrame, and server side i do: UniHtmlFrame.HTML.Add('test'); How is the syntax using UniSession.AddJS? UniSession.AddJS('fmMain.UniHtmlFrame...???'); Thanks
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