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Everything posted by herculanojs

  1. How could I adapt the code to run youtube video?
  2. From which version this functionality is included. And which ones would be of the demos? In the trial version also available for testing?
  3. the problem was with some extension installed in the browser
  4. I'm kind of lost on how to add the code.
  5. implemented in oncreate the form, but still persist. I put it in the login form for testing
  6. Unfortunately in Brazil we are experiencing major problems with covid since 2019, and there is no possibility for this at the moment.
  7. In version the option in MainModule - BrowseOptions.boDisableMouseRightClick has no effect. Even if set to true, the browser continues to display the context menu. How can I make the browser menu to be disabled?
  8. I managed to solve it. It was putting in the wrong event. The correct one would be: UniTreeMenu1.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Values ['treeMenu.afterCreate']: = '';
  9. If I put the code directly into the designer team, it works perfectly. However trying this way, it doesn't work. How should the value be for ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values ['????????']: =
  10. I would like to know how can I report this at runtime? function treeMenu.afterCreate(sender) { sender.el.setStyle('overflow-y', 'auto'); } something similar ? ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['treeMenu.afterCreate'] :=
  11. How do I put these properties at runtime? function treeMenu.afterCreate(sender) { sender.el.setStyle('overflow-y', 'auto'); sender.el.setStyle('overflow-x', 'auto'); }
  12. how can i do this runtime? ?? ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['treeMenu.afterCreate'] :=
  13. I was able to identify the problem. For some reason when creating the triggers and leaving the same visible = false, they were not found afterwards. Tanks
  14. Hide works fine, but show gives error.
  15. very good, can you make the sources available?
  16. I don't use fastscript, I use the TMS Scripter
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