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Jean-Marc Kiener

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Jean-Marc Kiener

  1. Ah, i see: TuniMainModule.NavigateKeys.SelectText does it in general.
  2. Hmm.. i have a TUniStringGrid with two Columns. The first columns shows a text, the second column shows a decimal value. I fill the values for the grid in the OnCreate event of the form. I tryed the solution above but it aligns my second column always 'left' instead of 'right'. Any ideas what i am doing wrong here?
  3. Hi all out there, i am stucking with that thing. My customer wants that the app has "Open Sans" font everywhere. so i added following to the "CustomMeta" property: <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,300i,400,400i,600,600i,700,700i"rel="stylesheet"> That sheems to work as far i can see. I was able to do the most of the GUI with setting the font and parentfont properties of the unigui components, However, there are some components where that sheems not implemented ( TUniTabsheet, TUniMainMenu, TUniPopupMenu per example ). So, is there some CSS magic or so where i can set the font type of all components to "Open Sans"? Regards
  4. Add properies for setting font / parentfont for menu items.
  5. Hi folks, I tryed following: ts := TUniTabSheet.Create(Self); ts.Name := 'tab'; ts.OnClose := TabSheetClose; with ts do begin Closable := True; PageControl := pgeMain; Caption := 'Test'; ParentFont := false; Font.Name := 'Open Sans'; Font.Height := -12; end; It sheems that the Font properties has no influence of the look of the tab caption. Maybe a propertie "TabFont" would be nice...?
  6. Hi Farshad, i set the MatchFieldWidth property to false. It looks better but some extra long entries are stille line breaked (See Picture in the attachment). But its good enough for me :-).
  7. Hi, I fill combobx items with strings. However, some of the strings are longer than other. If the combobx width is not wide enough this entries are shown with a line break in the popup. But i want per item just one line in the popup. How can i set the combobx to cut off longer textes? Of course, if i choose an entry in the popup the whole text should be copied in the combobox text property.
  8. Works very well, thankyou! A key combination who does not work in firefox is Ctrl + N. This shortkey will always open a new firefox windows. Th OnAjaxEvent get never called.
  9. Hi Delphi Developer, Thanks for your replay. Sorry for the delay. I will test it out as soon i have time. Very busy days...
  10. Ah OK. Good to know that rave is thread save. Anyway I think it is a good approach to export creating of reports to a external task.
  11. Because RAVE is not thread save as far as i know we did the following: 1. Make a own Reportserver program who can called from your MainModule (we did a simple vcl programm with tcp connection made with delphi standard components + Rave + Gnostice for PDF Export ) 2. Call the Reportserver from Mainmodule via tcp connection (Any other Remote connection will do the job as well) 3. Wait until PDF is created and saved to disk from Reportserver ( Maybe ask Job status by polling Reportserver) 3. Grab the created PDF from the disk and present it to your customer.
  12. Hi experts, I try to build a form who let the user edit data from a database. I figured it out ( thanks to this forum :-) ) how to configure F1..F8 Keys so i can handle it exclusively in my app (the browser ignores them). The form property monitoredkeys stuff does the job. Great! Now i want do this with Ctrl+S, Ctrl+D, Ctrl+E etc. Is this possible?
  13. In my case here there TDatasource.OnStateChange is heavely used to enable/disable visual components. That's the reason why it is located on the TuniFrame instead of the TUniMainmodule or TDataModule. Or is there a proper way to set Properties of visual unigui controls on a form from TUniMainmodule?
  14. Ah, i saw that i also can do the same on the TuniFrame. Still my question: TDatasource on TUniFrame or TUniManimodule/TDatamodule?
  15. I moved all TDatasource components to the TDatamodule unit. Now i can do it like this: for I := 0 to self.ComponentCount -1 do begin if self.Components[I] is TDatasource then begin TDatasource( self.Components[I] ).AutoEdit := UniServerModule.AUTOEDIT; end; end; That seems to work. What is the right approach to locate a TDatasource on a Unigui project? Till now i placed the TDatasource on a TUniFrom or TUniFrame and the database components (Connection, Querys) on TUniMainModule or a TDatamodule. Cheers Jean-Marc
  16. Hi folks, I try to set AutoEdit property of one or more TDatasource located on a TUniFrame. I tryed following code below but ControlCount is always 0. procedure TMyFrame.UniFrameCreate(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin for I := 0 to self.ControlCount -1 do begin if TComponent( self.Controls[I] ) is TDatasource then begin TDatasource( self.Controls[I] ).AutoEdit := UniServerModule.AUTOEDIT; end; end; end; Any ideas?
  17. if i use a TDatasetEdit Actionhandler i get a AV.
  18. I still wondering if it is there a solution for this. For remeber, a few of us asked for a dblookupcombobox who can only store entries from the list like it is in style csDropdownList but also must able to filter the dropdown entries by starting typing in the edit field. if i set the style property to: csDropdownList I can only use the mouse for select an entrie in the dropdown list. Only entires in the dropdown list can be stored, thats OK. csDropDown I can start typing in the edit field and the dropdown list get filtered. However, i cannot choose by key a entry in the filtered list. If the value in the edit field not matches a entry in the dropdown list, nothing happens when i exit the combobox, the value is there as it is and no Keyvalue is set. The combobx should always have a valid entry.
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