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Everything posted by mhmda

  1. See this: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.2/
  2. You can use developer tools in the browser to see the index.html that generated by the server. Not all of your code generated to html at once, the Unigui works as web app ajax based, you google the web about ajax to understand how it works and learn at least basic web development to get the maximum of the framework.
  3. Why would someone modify Extjs js files? you can add custom js files to your project via servermodule. It's not recommended to modify Extjs files, if you want to do custom things to your component you can use the events: 'Unievents' / 'Extevents'.
  4. mhmda

    fieldlabel fill

    It doesn't make any sense at least from the front-end point of view.
  5. The 'Grouper' property in design time in the inspection panel at left side in the IDE.
  6. In my project I used 'UnimDBListGrid' NOT 'UnimDBGrid'.
  7. It is the backbone for the developer we already use it. Thanx
  8. I downloaded your samples and run them both and they work very well.
  9. For me the two projects works just fine....
  10. mhmda

    Mobile demos

    Clear history and storage
  11. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/8954-me-myself-cart-a-new-mobile-app-with-full-source-code/page-2&do=findComment&comment=46555
  12. Great video It would be nice if it was in English
  13. The server knows ONLY the public IP address of client, this how NAT works.
  14. Layouts is exists to solve this issue it changes the view depending on the available space in client browser, please spend sometime to practice 'layouts' and then you will find out that it is the most important thing in Front-End design and will save you time/code.
  15. Hi, When you add item add it as html and set 'direction' something like this: UniListBox1.Items.Add('<table style="width:100%;direction: rtl !important;"><tr><td>السلام عليكم</td></tr></table>');
  16. Bad use. The best way is to use 'DBGrid' True
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