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docjones last won the day on October 22 2021

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  1. Hi all, thats the question. How to add a button on the unidbgrid left top corner (column[0]) ? thanks
  2. Hi this i'ts very old post.., it is possible download the bar js file or demo project ? thanks
  3. solved. that error was not the problem.
  4. Hi I'm have my unigui app installed in iiss 7, all it's working fine, except i'm using a custom js files included in servermodule and in files folder, and IIS could not locate, it's using a incorrect folder I only have that problem running into iis, running as standalone .exe all it's working fine. wpark.dll it's in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WGpark\ and that's my uniservermodule custom files. files\leaflet\leaflet-src.js files\leaflet\leaflet.wms.js files\leaflet\leaflet.editable.js files\leaflet\leaflet-bing-layer.js files\leaflet\leaflet.awesome-markers.js files\leaflet\leaflet.numbered.marker.js files\leaflet\path.drag.js files\leaflet-cluster\DistanceGrid.js files\leaflet-cluster\MarkerCluster.js files\leaflet-cluster\MarkerCluster.QuickHull.js files\leaflet-cluster\MarkerClusterGroup.js files\leaflet-cluster\MarkerOpacity.js files\leaflet-cluster\MarkerCluster.Spiderfier.js files\leaflet-cluster\MarkerClusterGroup.Refresh.js files\leaflet\proj4.js files\leaflet\proj4leaflet.js files\geomap\events.js files\geomap\geobasic.js files\geomap\geomap.js files\geomap\geoobject.js files\geomap\geocluster.js files\gpark\gpark_data.js files\gpark\gpark_map.js files\gpark\gpark_object.js files\gpark\gpark_toolbar.js files\gpark\gpark_dialog.js files\gpark\gpark_search.js files\gpark\gpark_filter.js files\gpark\gpark_edition.js tested path ./files.. , /files .. \files , etc etc.. and same problem.., i don't know why IIS it's searching files in incorrect folder wgpark.dll/files adding wpark.dll to the path. thanks
  5. Hi All. I'm doing and application that load a custom leaflet map in a uniHTMLframe (maps it's loading and working fine), this map create a custom points/poligons and i need to detect when the user click this points and show a unigui custom dialog. The problem it's that how to know the jsname of urlframe (inside javascript) to fire the ajaxrequest and catch the event in unigui application. i can see that urlfame1.jsname it's O2A, and if i put this name in ajaxrequest i can catch the event in the uniHtmlframe onajaxrequest event, but how to get this jsname in jscript ? thats the jscript map. var geoMap = null; var pin = null; function onClicked(sender, args) { var go = sender; //alert(go.id); ajaxRequest(uniframe, 'customEvent', { name: sender.text, id: sender.id } ); } function createTestMap() { console.log('createMap'); var divName = "uni_map_leaflet"; var zoomConf = new GeoMapZoomConfig(20, 10, 22); var config = new GeoMapConfig(GeoMapType.Default, "Mapa de test", 39.466667, -0.375000, zoomConf); geoMap = new GeoMap(divName, config); pin = new GeoAwesomeMarker(geoMap, "PIN", [new GeoPoint(39.476267, -0.375000)], "Pinde prueba", "", true, "frog", "red"); pin.clickEvent.attach(onClicked); pin.createElement(true); } setTimeout(function () { return createTestMap(); }, 1000);
  6. Hi All. I'm doing and application that load a custom leaflet map in a urlframe (maps it's loading and working fine), this map create a custom points/poligons and i need to detect when the user click this points and show a unigui custom dialog. The problem it's that how to know the jsname of urlframe (inside javascript) to fire the ajaxrequest and catch the event in unigui application. i can see that urlfame1.jsname it's O2A, and if i put this name in ajaxrequest i can catch the event in the urlframe onajaxrequest event, but how to get this jsname in jscript ? thats the jscript map. var geoMap = null; var pin = null; function onClicked(sender, args) { var go = sender; //alert(go.id); ajaxRequest(uniframe, 'customEvent', { name: sender.text, id: sender.id } ); } function createTestMap() { console.log('createMap'); var divName = "uni_map_leaflet"; var zoomConf = new GeoMapZoomConfig(20, 10, 22); var config = new GeoMapConfig(GeoMapType.Default, "Mapa de test", 39.466667, -0.375000, zoomConf); geoMap = new GeoMap(divName, config); pin = new GeoAwesomeMarker(geoMap, "PIN", [new GeoPoint(39.476267, -0.375000)], "Pinde prueba", "", true, "frog", "red"); pin.clickEvent.attach(onClicked); pin.createElement(true); } setTimeout(function () { return createTestMap(); }, 1000);
  7. Great post and great idea Azure its the same as microsoft/hotmail acount ? can anybody add steam ? thanks
  8. i know that there a way that you can rewrite your external IISS https conection to a your internal processs http unigui web server.
  9. * Solved. I Copied manually F:\XXXXX\Lib\COMUN\UniguiFramework\uniGUI\unipackages-6.6.0 , to F:\XXXXX\Lib\COMUN\UniguiFramework\Framework\uniGUI\ , and now it's working. But the problem i'ts that uni-package installer install it in diferent folder (tested again) i don't know why...
  10. they are in diferent folder. unigui in F:\XXXXX\Lib\COMUN\UniguiFramework\Framework And unipackages in F:\XXXXX\Lib\COMUN\UniguiFramework\uniGUI\unipackages-6.6.0 They are in diferent folders. , May be thats the problem. but i don't know why theme-pack installed in diferent folder., theme-pack installer don't ask where.
  11. Hi I'm using latest full registed version (1.7.x) Installed FMSoft_uniGUI_Theme_Pack 1.7.x, but this themes not showing in unimainmodule themes property, only list default themes. And if i set one of theme pack in UniGUIMainModuleCreate(Sender: TObject) like theme:='carbon' or theme='uni_carbon' , not working.., i don't know what happend. How can i use theme-pack ?
  12. I think it's not possible at the moment.., and i don't know if this functionality will be included in the future. now nodes are limited to same hyperserver machine. and another question about escability.. ¿ how many connections can handle hyperserver ? , becouse if hyperserver need create and maintain a thead (and session) in every connection we have the same thread's proccess limitation, and that can not be very efficient if we want to have a lot of users (3k or 4k ?¿)
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