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Library to build Unigui forms on runtime

Mohammed Nasman

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I'm looking for solutions to add new forms at runtime, there was library called Xilib that allow dev to create forms on runtime based on XML files, is there any solution like this with unigui?


Also I'm not sure if anyone has used scripting engines to that and can allow end user to design forms on runtime like tms scripter or fast script.



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Thanks Mohammad,

But I think you misunderstood me, I don't want to create forms (defined in design time) at them at runtime, I want users to be able to design forms on runtime, I want to make something like BPM (Business Process management), and each process is not defined with code, it will be defined on runtime and will have a workflow to flow

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  • 5 years later...
On 03/04/2019 at 16:14, Mohammed Nasman said:

Obrigado Mohammad,

Mas acho que você me entendeu mal, não quero criar formulários (definidos em tempo de design) para eles em tempo de execução, quero que os usuários possam projetar formulários em tempo de execução, quero fazer algo como BPM (Business Process Management), e cada processo não é definido com código, ele será definido em tempo de execução e terá um fluxo de trabalho para fluir

Hello Mohammed Nasman,
I have the same demand as you. Did you happen to manage to solve it? If so, could you share how?

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