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Everything posted by likemike

  1. OK - I try it: I have a problem with images, which were changed by drawing on it and then saved. When I want to open the changed image again, it shows the cached one (which is the original one). As described here: Andyhill has recommended to change the filename of the image after editing. This works, but I don't want to change the name of the image. So I need a trick to force the browser to reload the image (and not not to use the cached one).
  2. Hello! I've one problem with this: If the JPG was changed, the next call always show the original JPG (because it's loaded from the browser cache) - even if I try to open a complete different images. So my question is: how can I force the browser to load the JPG without using the cache? (there was another question in this forum with the solution to add a timestamp behind the pictures name. But I have to preserve the filenames!) Thanks in advance Mike
  3. I don't see any creation of tmpStream... Try this: var tmpStream : TMemoryStream; begin tmpStream:=TMemorystream.Create; TRY TBlobField(FieldByName('li_image')).SaveToStream(tmpStream); tmpStream.Position :=0; UniCanvas1.Color := clWhite; UniCanvas1.Clear; uniCanvas1.LoadFromStream(tmpStream); FINALLY FreeAndNil(tmpStream); END; end;
  4. I have the same problem. Can someone give us a hint, which css to use?
  5. 1. Rename STAR_sisblu_com_br.ca-bundle -> ca_bundle.crt 2. Rename STAR_sisblu_com_br.crt -> certificate.crt 3. Rename STAR_sisblu_com_br.key ->key.pem 4. Install OpenSSL www.hacom.de/temp/Win64OpenSSL_Light-1_1_1k.exe 5. In OpenSSL commandline go to directory, where the files are saved and call : openssl x509 -in certificate.crt -out cert.pem -outform PEM openssl x509 -in ca_bundle.crt -out root.pem -outform PEM 6. Copy the files key.pem, cert.pem and root.pem (certificate.crt, ca_bundle.crt are optional) in to appropriate directory
  6. Try this in UniServerModule->CustomCss: .bigcheck input[type="checkbox"] { width: 25px !important; height: 25px !important; } and put "bigcheck" in the LayoutConfig->Cls of the TUnimCheckBox Sorry - I've misunderstood you... I thought you want to increase the size of the checkbox.
  7. Hello Farshad and Unigui crew! I'm using UniGui only for mobile purpose. Since I've bought the license, there was only few development concerning the mobile components. In a few months an extension of my license is necessary, but I have doubts that the development improves concerning mobile components. As x11 mentioned in this post there are a lot of bugs and meaningful improvements but only few (or none) of that points were done. So please, is there a realistic chance, that development of the mobile components will increase in the early future? I'm sure, I'm not alone with this opinion... Regards Mike
  8. That doesn't work. The next line causes the next AV: for I := SessionManager.Sessions.SessionList.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
  9. I suggest to use Clever Internet Suite. Works good with UniGui. There comes a lot of examples with this components.
  10. Hello! I've found the problem after 30 hours of testing. The error 1400 occurs because of a memory leak. I forgot to free one object in OnCalcFields event of a FDQuery. So the consumption of memory aumented fast.
  11. Hello! I've tried Eureka, but there is no log when the error occurs. Is there a special option I have to activate when debugging services? Regards Mike
  12. Hello! I need some JS-scripts to address a UnimMemo. I use Form->Script: Ext.form.TextArea.prototype.deleteAtCursor = function(txt) { var val = this.getValue(), start = this.inputElement.dom.selectionStart, end = this.inputElement.dom.selectionEnd; this.setValue(val.substring(0, start - 1) + val.substring(end)); this.inputElement.dom.selectionStart = this.inputElement.dom.selectionEnd = start - 1; Ext.defer(function() { this.focus(false); }, 10); } to do a backspace and it works! I use Form->Script: Ext.form.TextArea.prototype.insertAtCursor = function(txt) { var val = this.getValue(), start = this.inputElement.dom.selectionStart, end = this.inputElement.dom.selectionEnd; this.setValue(val.substring(0, start) + txt + val.substring(end)); this.inputElement.dom.selectionStart = this.inputElement.dom.selectionEnd = start + txt.length; Ext.defer(function() { this.focus(false); }, 10); } to insert text and it works, too! But when I put both together in Form->Script, then an error occurs saying: "Ajax Error: unexpected identifier!" Isn't it allowed to have more than one function in a script? Or is there a special syntax necessary? I know, that these problems are based on my lack of understanding Sancha and JS, so it's very frustrating to have to ask every time things, that normally could be done on my own. Thanks in advance
  13. Yes - if the form opens, the memo isn't focused. That means 1. no cursor is visible in the memo area and 2. the virtual keyboard isn't displayed. But I've tested it now on different devices and browsers. It only doesn't work on iOS/Safari.
  14. Hello! I bet, this is a stupid question, but I want to set the focus of an UnimMemo automatically when the form opens. I've tried - OnFormShow -> UnimMemo1.Setfocus : doesn't work - Form1.ActiveControl:=UnimMemo1 : doesn't work Only way to focus the memo is to tap it.
  15. Sorry - you misunderstand me. I mean, why does this not work? UnimMemo1.Text:=UnimMemo1.Text+'Test'; Why does this simple assignment add 2 unwanted linefeeds?
  16. Hello! That works. Thank you! But why is it necessary to do such (normally) easy things so complicated? Isn't it only a bug in UnimMemo where unwanted linefeeds are added?
  17. That works great! Thanks a lot!!
  18. Hello! If I try to add a string to UnimMemo, 2 linefeeds are added: UnimMemo1.Text:='Hello!'; UnimMemo1.Text:=UnimMemo1.Text+'Test'; The result is: So I tried this solution: But this doesn't work with UnimMemo (Ajax error: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'Ext.form.field.TextArea.prototype') )
  19. Hello! It's a step in the right direction. But I need the CellEditor for most of the columns and a "special" editor for a few columns. If I disable option "dgEditing", I have to open my editor for every column which the user wants to edit - that's not good. If I enable option "dgEditing", it works nearly perfect, but to make my editor work correctly, I need to disable "dgEditing" before the editor opens. After closing the editor I try to enable "dgEditing" again, but that doesn't work. Here's my code: procedure TForm.UnimDBGrid1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var columnIDX : INTEGER; begin if EventName = '_doubleclick' then begin columnIDX:=Params['colidx'].AsInteger; if columnIDX=2 then begin try UnimDBGrid1.Options:=UnimDBGrid1.Options-[dgEditing]; FEditor.ShowModal; finally UnimDBGrid1.Options:=UnimDBGrid1.Options+[dgEditing]; // that has no effect end; // here I save the text in my editor memo to the text-field QTable.FieldByName('TEXT').AsString:=FEditor.UnimMemo1.Text; end; end; end;
  20. OK! This is the demo-project "DBGrid Editors" (modified with activated "CellEditor"-property). DBGrid Editors.rar When I want to display a calculator, when the user edits the salary-column, I need an event fireing when the user doubleclick the salary-field. And I want to display an extra editor-form when the user edits the name-colum for example. In my application one column holds a lot of text and calculations, so I need to open a special editor-form when the user double-click this cell.
  21. I don't think that a testcase would be helpful. What I need is an OnEnter-event and an OnExit-event in an UnimDBGrid.
  22. Yes - that's the plan. That means, when the user clicks in the field to fill something in. In a "normal" DBGrid there are the events "OnEnter" and "OnExit".
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