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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. How? In most modern browsers, opening a local file using a link (href) is not possible for security reasons. This limitation is due to security policy.
  2. Please adjust your forum email address:
  3. Hello, First of all please specify which edition and build of uniGUI are you using?
  4. Hello, Yes, this is an issue for "for attribute doesn't match any element id". Need to check.
  5. Hello, Can you test this approach for now? MainForm.Script -> Ext.define(null, { override: 'Ext.form.Label', afterRender: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (Ext.isEmpty(this.forId)) { this.getEl().dom.removeAttribute('for'); } } });
  6. Hello, And? What would you like?
  7. Пожалуйста свяжитесь с ними, есть и продление. Да цена ниже.
  8. Доброе утро @Serg Попробуйте связаться с https://prodmag.ru Спасибо.
  9. Strange, in principle this should always return the actual "IP".
  10. So you open the desktop application on mobile devices? Can you check the above solution on desktop (PC, notebook)?
  11. They are used to customize ExtJS Themes. And in the case of uniGUI, they are useless...
  12. Are you using a mobile device? If so, which device, browser? And what application do you use: mobile or desktop?
  13. Are you using a mobile device? If so, which device, browser? And what application do you use: mobile or desktop?
  14. Well then you should have at least specified exactly which platform ))
  15. Hello, Please check out the demo: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\GridFiltering-2
  16. Have you checked the solution from the link above?
  17. Sorry for late response. One possible solution: 1. UniEdit1... function keydown(sender, e, eOpts) { var customVar = ajaxRequest(sender, 'getCVar', {}, false).responseText; alert(parseInt(customVar) + 5); } 2. procedure TMainForm.UniEdit1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if EventName = 'getCVar' then begin // Instead of 10, "any variable"... UniSession.SendResponse(10.ToString()); end; end;
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