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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. If the question is still relevant var myText = yourUniHTMLMemoJSName.getValue().replace(/<br\s*[\/]?>/gi, '\n'); myText = myText.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, ''); alert(myText); //tested window.clipboardData.setData("Text", myText); //not tested or may need to use jQuery: http://jsfiddle.net/8kEAF/1/
  2. Sherzod

    Sort UniDbiGrid

    Hi Kanatshym. Try: http://jsfiddle.net/Vandeplas/5aKdc/3/ yourGridJSName.store.sorters.clear(); yourGridJSName.view.refresh();
  3. Or runtime or desingtime: UniTabSheet1.TabVisible := False; UniTabSheet2.TabVisible := False; does not help?
  4. in runtime: uses ... UniGUIApplication ... procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS(UniPageControl1.JSName + '.items.getAt(0).items.getAt(2).tab.hide();'); end; Or runtime or desingtime: UniTabSheet1.TabVisible := False; UniTabSheet2.TabVisible := False; ....
  5. Solution: Hide: UniSession.AddJS(UniPageControl1.JSName + '.tabPanel.hide();'); Show: UniSession.AddJS(UniPageControl1.JSName + '.tabPanel.show();'); http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2939-how-to-hide-header/&do=findComment&comment=17616 or hide / show by index, example index=2 Hide: UniSession.AddJS(UniPageControl1.JSName + '.items.getAt(0).items.getAt(2).tab.hide();'); Show: UniSession.AddJS(UniPageControl1.JSName + '.items.getAt(0).items.getAt(2).tab.show();');
  6. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3751-how-use-accordion-layout/&do=findComment&comment=17929
  7. Hi. Try this: UniPanel1 -> ClientEvents -> UniEvents add beforeInit function beforeInit(sender) { sender.layout = 'accordion'; sender.items = [{ title: 'Panel 1', html: 'Panel 1 content' }, { title: 'Panel 2', html: 'Panel 2 content' }, { title: 'Panel 3', html: 'Panel 3 content' }]; }
  8. Hi codeb! Try this: UniDBGrid1 -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents add reconfigure function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, the, eOpts) { // columns[your_column_index] columns[0].width = 110; columns[0].renderer = function (v, m, r) { var id = Ext.id();Ext.defer(function () {Ext.widget('progressbar', { renderTo: id, value: v / 100, width: 100 });}, 50);return Ext.String.format('<div id="{0}"></div>', id);}; } http://ext4all.com/post/progress-bar-inside-a-grid-cell Sincerely.
  9. Hi ganzqgy. Try this: in designtime: UniDateTimePicker1 - > ClientEvents - > UniEvents add beforeInit function beforeInit(sender) { sender.setMinValue(new Date(2013,0,1)); sender.setMaxValue(new Date(2014,11,31)); } or in runtime: UniSession.AddJS(UniDateTimePicker1.JSName + '.setMinValue(new Date(2012,0,1));'); http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10241626/extjs-datefield-initialising-date http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1056728/where-can-i-find-documentation-on-formatting-a-date-in-javascript Sincerely.
  10. Hi eelias. If I understood correctly, try this: UniSession.AddJS(UniScrollBox1.JSName + '.scrollBy(100, 100);'); Sincerely.
  11. Hi mehmet pak Try this: UniComboBox1 - > ClientEvents - > UniEvents (Ext.form.field.ComboBox) add beforeInit function beforeInit(sender) { sender.matchFieldWidth = false; } Sincerely.
  12. Hi eelias. Use document.title try uses ... UniGUIApplication ... UniSession.AddJS('document.title = "test";'); Sincerely.
  13. Hi eelias. The width of the vertical scroll bar can be found so: 'document.getElementById("'+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'_id").parentNode.offsetWidth - document.getElementById("'+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'_id").offsetWidth;' I think you can always reduce to this value in the calculation, regardless of the visibility of scroll... or use grid.headerCt.forceFit = true; UniDBGrid1 - > ExtEvents - > reconfigure function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, the, eOpts){ sender.headerCt.forceFit=true; } Sorry if misunderstood the question. Sincerely.
  14. Hi eelias. If I understand correctly, try this: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS(UniPanel1.JSName + '.animate({ duration: 1000, to: { x: 10, y: 10, opacity: 100}, listeners: {afteranimate: function() {ajaxRequest('+UniPanel1.JSName+', ''finished'', [])}}});'); end; procedure TMainForm.UniPanel1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); begin if EventName = 'finished' then begin // Your custom logic ShowMessage('finished'); end; end; Animation EventsEach animation you create has events for beforeanimation, afteranimate, and lastframe. Keyframed animations adds an additional keyframe event which fires for each keyframe in your animation. All animations support the listeners configuration to attact functions to these events. startAnimate: function() { var p1 = Ext.get('myElementId'); p1.animate({ duration: 100, to: { opacity: 0 }, listeners: { beforeanimate: function() { // Execute my custom method before the animation this.myBeforeAnimateFn(); }, afteranimate: function() { // Execute my custom method after the animation this.myAfterAnimateFn(); }, scope: this }); }, myBeforeAnimateFn: function() { // My custom logic }, myAfterAnimateFn: function() { // My custom logic } Due to the fact that animations run asynchronously, you can determine if an animation is currently running on any target by using the getActiveAnimationmethod. This method will return false if there are no active animations or return the currently running Ext.fx.Anim instance. In this example, we're going to wait for the current animation to finish, then stop any other queued animations before we fade our element's opacity to 0: var curAnim = p1.getActiveAnimation(); if (curAnim) { curAnim.on('afteranimate', function() { p1.stopAnimation(); p1.animate({ to: { opacity: 0 } }); }); } Sincerely.
  15. Hello everybody... http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?109728-Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel-Merge-cells-on-different-rows http://www.dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxGrid/samples/16_rows_columns_manipulations/21_pro_rowspan.html How to implement it in UniGUI? Any ideas. Thank you.
  16. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3699-uniradiogroup-multi-column/&do=findComment&comment=17729
  17. Hi uniguibbs. I think, for the time being, it can be implemented using ExtJS (not UniGUI) ... Like this: http://try.sencha.com/extjs/4.1.1/docs/Ext.form.RadioGroup.1/viewer.html Sincerely
  18. Can you give the code where you edit record?
  19. SocialCalc implemented in Javascript. http://www.aosabook.org/en/socialcalc.html Demo: http://plugindetector.com/ru/socialcalc
  20. Hi eelias. Maybe not the best solution... If you created a form with UniPanel1.Visible := False, then 1. Change the Visible property to true: UniPanel1.Visible = True; 2. Then, add beforeInit to UniPanel1 -> UniEvents function beforeInit(sender) { sender.animate({ duration: 1, to: { opacity: 0 }}); } 3. Then you can use your code. UniSession.AddJS(UnPanelMessage.JSName + '.animate({ duration: 1000, to: { opacity: 1 });'); UniSession.AddJS(UnPanelMessage.JSName + '.animate({ duration: 1000, to: { opacity: 0 });'); Sincerely (Sorry if I misunderstood the question...)
  21. Hi Farshad. Please tell me whether it is possible disable synchronization of changes in the grid: grid.store.autoSync = false; And then after the changes the user can save the changes. Using: grid.store.sync (); Is it possible? Thank you.
  22. Hi erich.wanker. I use standard components InterBase. connection and the queries, it's desirable put in DataModule... Sincerely
  23. Hi All. Another interesting feature animation - pulse sets pulsation elements. element.frame("#0000b9", 5, { duration: 1000 }); Sample: UniSession.AddJS(UniButton1.JSName + '.el.frame("#0000b9", 3, {duration: 1000});'); I think may be useful to draw attention to a particular element. Sincerely
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