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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hello, What do you mean in general when you say reports and printing?
  2. Hello, One possible solution I think (for all pivotgrids). procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS( 'var cpnl = Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.Panel.prototype;'+ 'cpnl.panelAllFieldsTitle = "AllFields!";'+ 'cpnl.panelAggFieldsTitle = "Values!";' //... ); end; All configs: https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/7.4.0/classic/Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.Panel.html
  3. Approximately how long does an SQL query take?
  4. Hello, Which build of UniGUI are you using? I couldn't reproduce your issue. Can you make a simple testcase to check?
  5. Adjust your forum email address and attach a simple app here.
  6. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6291-new-users-please-adjust-your-forum-email-address/
  7. Hello, First of all please adjust your forum email address.
  8. Как я понимаю, это у Вас в базе хранятся значения?
  9. ? So, were you able to figure it out?
  10. with UniDBLookupComboBox2 do ClientEvents.UniEvents.Values['beforeInit'] := 'function beforeInit(sender, config) {'+ ' config.listConfig = {'+ ' tpl: new Ext.XTemplate('+ ' ''<tpl for="."><div class="x-boundlist-item" style="'+ Self.Font.ToStyleString(True) +'"><i class="x-fa fa-address-card"></i> {val}</div></tpl>'', {'+ ' disableFormats: true'+ ' }'+ ' )'+ ' };'+ '}';
  11. Ну, думаю можете попробовать использовать XTemplate.
  12. But you can insert, say, a UniButton with an icon in the header. There are several examples on the forum.
  13. Hello, With tools, no I guess.
  14. Do you have a simple testcase to check?
  15. Hello, Which build are you using? Where are you using these codes?
  16. I don't understand your case, I couldn't reproduce. Please make a simple testcase or provide steps to reproduce.
  17. Hello, Could you please explain in more detail?
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