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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hello, Are you using Client-side alignment?
  2. Hi, Can you make a simple testcase to check?
  3. function chart.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.axes[0].maximum = 7; config.axes[0].minimum = 1; config.axes[0].majorTickSteps = config.axes[0].maximum; config.axes[0].renderer = function(d, b, c, f) { if (Ext.isArray(d.cLables)) { var a = d.uLastIx; if (f === null) { a = 0 } d.uLastIx = a + 1; if (a < d.cLables.length) { return d.cLables[a] } } if (d.hideLabel == true) { return "" } if (Ext.isNumber(b)) { return Ext.util.Format.number(b, "#") } return b } }
  4. Hello, First of all, please specify the edition and build of Unigui.
  5. Hello, Sorry, I don't really understand what you want.
  6. Можете ли Вы воспроизвести эти поведения на онлайн демо? http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/desktop/mdemo.dll
  7. I don't fully understand your case. Sorry, but as the saying goes, the right question is half the answer. I'm sorry for my misunderstanding.
  8. Well analyze this argument: particlesJS.load('body' 'body' -
  9. Good. Your case is not very clear. Can you clarify in more detail?
  10. Thanks. You can try this approach for now: UniChart -> ClientEvents -> UniEvents -> [chart] -> function chart.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.axes[0].renderer = function(d, b, c, f) { if (Ext.isArray(d.cLables)) { var a = d.uLastIx; if (f === null) { a = 0 } d.uLastIx = a + 1; if (a < d.cLables.length) { return d.cLables[a] } } if (d.hideLabel == true) { return "" } if (Ext.isNumber(b)) { return Ext.util.Format.number(b, "#") } return b } }
  11. Hello, I haven't been able to resolve the "issue" yet.
  12. Hello, I haven't been able to resolve the "issue" yet.
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