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Everything posted by ZigZig

  1. Hi Roberto, How did you solve this issue? I got the same one... Thanks!
  2. Erich, This article could interest you : https://www.sencha.com/blog/optimizing-ext-js-4-1-based-applications/ Ex: in uniEvents of TUniPanel, you can set this function : function beforeInit(sender) { sender.xtype = 'container'; } That will make your application faster if you use lot of TUniPanels. By the way, that was exactly my answer to a previous post you made last year: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3621-how-to-increase-performance-of-runtime-created-components/&do=findComment&comment=19148...
  3. I confirm that TscExcelExport requires Excel to be installed : "Microsoft Excel dient dan ook op de PC geïnstalleerd te zijn" ("Microsoft Excel needs also to be installed on the PC") see : http://www.scip.be/index.php?Page=ComponentsExcelExport. If you don't want to install Excel on your server, I recommand TMS Flexcel. Best regards.
  4. Hi rasaliad, Each session has its own instance of MainModule, with its own properties: if many users are connected at the same time, each user will get its own Mainmodule in its own session and its own properties (thus its own pointers to server addresses). If you use global vars, you could have the same pointer used by concurrent users at the same time: global vars belong to UserModule (which is the same for all sessions).
  5. Dear Michael, It seems that you're not considering previous answers... f you take a look at the topic about optimizing ExtJs (https://www.sencha.com/blog/optimizing-ext-js-4-1-based-applications/) as I suggested to you here, you will find answers to most of your questions. For example : you can get something like "Client.PaintLocked" by doing this : { Ext.suspendLayouts(); // batch of updates Ext.resumeLayouts(true); } To avoid waste of time when filling grids, you have this trick : UniSession.JSCode(myGrid.JSName+'.store.suspendEvents();'); //do something to myGrid UniSession.JSCode(mmyGrid.JSName+'.store.resumeEvents();'); UniSession.JSCode(myGrid.JSName+'.view.refresh();'); (see also this topic : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3837-clear-stringgrid/?p=18367) About Panels, you can decrease loading time with this trick : function beforeInit(sender) { sender.xtype = 'container'; } (as I suggested here) By the way, Farshad said that you could send a complete test case... and Zilav suggested that you use DBGrid and ClientDataSet with 2 fields being name and value, and utilize afterpost event to modify the needed fields. But I feel that you prefer to complain than try the solutions we offer you. Hum... I'm not sure that creating a handful of controls at runtime is Delphi standard... Anyway, a Web application is not a local PC application. You must think about architecture, server tasks and client tasks, asynchronous communication with Ajax, etc. Thinking that you can do the same thing with uniGUi (in a Web project) than with VCL (in a local application) is, imho, a huge mistake. If you want to do so, I suggest you to try Intraweb or WebFMX (http://www.cybelesoft.com/webfmx/) : there you can build your application as a stand-alone executable and share it on the Internet. But you cannot do that with uniGUI, that's not the purpose of this wonderful framework.
  6. Well... If you don't see any other solution than create 100 controls at runtime or design edit forms for every possible joined sql statement, I think that you really need to think about the way you analyze/modelize your application... For example: do your 100 fields need, for each one, titles, controls and button created and shown at the start of you application? Couldn't it be possible to show only 1 control and 1 button on the specific field you're mousing over? In that case, you just need to create 1 button and 1 control, and show it over the field that your mouse is over... Anyway, I don't think that the problem is about uniGUi performances, but about the way you want to make your application. This article could interest you : https://www.sencha.com/blog/optimizing-ext-js-4-1-based-applications/. Ex: in uniEvents of TUniPanel, you can set this function : function beforeInit(sender) { sender.xtype = 'container'; } That will make your application faster if you use lot of TUniPanels.
  7. "Good idea, or am I totally on the wrong theory?" That was exactly my suggestion (22th Nov 2013)... Anyway, I cannot figure why you need to create 100 controls in runtime. That is not a good practice, far from OOP, MVC and other design patterns. Doing that with uniGUI is as odd as doing that with standard VCL or FMx forms. Maybe you first need to think about the way you analyze/modelize/build your application, before trying to create so many controls...
  8. You can use an user-friendly URL (ie : http://www.mydomain.com without /myISAPI.dll) if you install "URL Rewrite" extension on IIS (see http://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/url-rewrite).
  9. Thanks a lot! Is it possible to secure this page (with password) ?
  10. Hello, is it possible to view the server status of an ISAPI uniGUI application (something like http://myserver.com/myApp.dll/serverStatus)? Thanks for your answers!
  11. You cannot use visual components (like THtmlViewer) other than uniGui components in a uniGui project.
  12. ZigZig

    Clear StringGrid

    Hi codeb, I think I found a nice solution : BEFORE clearing your uniStringGrid, put this line in your code : UniSession.JSCode(myUniStringGrid.JSName+'.store.suspendEvents();'); AFTER clearing your uniStringGrid, put the lines: UniSession.JSCode(myUniStringGrid.JSName+'.store.resumeEvents();'); UniSession.JSCode(myUniStringGrid.JSName+'.view.refresh();'); By the way, if some of your operations are too slow (ie creating components in runtime), you can do this : BEFORE your slow operation UniSession.JSCode('Ext.suspendLayouts();'); AFTER your slow operation UniSession.JSCode('Ext.resumeLayouts(true);'); Everything is fully explained here : http://edspencer.net/2013/07/19/sencha-con-2013-ext-js-performance-tips/ Hope it'll help you.
  13. In your onAjaxEvent, you must test your EventName (ex : if EventName='cellclick' then MessageDlg...) You don't send any parameter to your AjaxEvent (in your ExtEvent, you wrote : []), so you cannot show params.Text (which will be empty).
  14. You can create a component derived from TuniSpinEdit to make it suitable with LiveBindings (see this post : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3823-livebindings-enabled-components/&do=findComment&comment=18311). Once you get this "TUniObservableSpinEdit" (suitable with LiveBindings), you can link it with your DataSet just like a normal TDBSpinEdit.
  15. ZigZig

    Clear StringGrid

    Hi, uniStringGrid is not the most optimized component of uniGUI... Anyway, you can try this : set uniStringGrid.Visible to false before clearing it (or before adding lines), and set it to True after your process try to set the property "DoubleBuffered" to True before clearing it (or adding lines) try to use methods "BeginUpdate" and "EndUpdate" when you change something in your StringGrid. You should notice better performances (but not so good; uniStringGrid is still a crappy component). You can also try to use uniDBGrid instead of uniStringGrid... performances are better in some cases.
  16. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3823-livebindings-enabled-components/
  17. Here is the way to make TUniEdit observable by LiveBindings : unit UniObservableEdit; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Vcl.Controls, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniEdit, WinApi.Messages, WinApi.CommCtrl, Data.Bind.Components; type [ObservableMember('Text')] { identifies the control value name for TUniObservableEdit } TUniObservableEdit = class(TUniEdit) private procedure ObserverToggle(const AObserver: IObserver; const Value: Boolean); procedure DoSetRemoteValue(AIndex:Integer;Value:String);override; protected function CanObserve(const ID: Integer): Boolean; override; { declaration is in System.Classes } procedure ObserverAdded(const ID: Integer; const Observer: IObserver); override; { declaration is in System.Classes } public published end; procedure Register; implementation function TUniObservableEdit.CanObserve(const ID: Integer): Boolean; { Controls which implement observers always override TComponent.CanObserve(const ID: Integer). } { This method identifies the type of observers supported by TUniObservableEdit. } begin case ID of TObserverMapping.EditLinkID, { EditLinkID is the observer that is used for control-to-field links } TObserverMapping.ControlValueID: Result := True; else Result := False; end; end; { The override for DoSetRemoteValue is where TUniObservableEdit calls the observable interfaces to notify LiveBindings components when the user types something. This override is sufficient to monitor user input to TUniObservableEdit. TLinkObservers.ControlChanged is a utility method that does most of the work. You can find the implementation in System.Classes. } procedure TUniObservableEdit.DoSetRemoteValue(AIndex:Integer;Value:String); begin inherited; TLinkObservers.ControlChanged(Self); end; procedure TUniObservableEdit.ObserverAdded(const ID: Integer; const Observer: IObserver); begin inherited; if ID = TObserverMapping.EditLinkID then Observer.OnObserverToggle := ObserverToggle; end; procedure TUniObservableEdit.ObserverToggle(const AObserver: IObserver; const Value: Boolean); var LEditLinkObserver: IEditLinkObserver; begin if Value then begin if Supports(AObserver, IEditLinkObserver, LEditLinkObserver) then { disable the uniEdit if the associated field does not support editing } Enabled := not LEditLinkObserver.IsReadOnly; end else Enabled := True; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('uniObservableComponents', [TUniObservableEdit]); end; initialization Data.Bind.Components.RegisterObservableMember(TArray<TClass>.Create(TUniObservableEdit), 'Text', 'DFM'); finalization Data.Bind.Components.UnregisterObservableMember(TArray<TClass>.Create(TUniObservableEdit)); end.
  18. Hi, Is it possible to make uniGUI components suitable with LiveBindings (see this article : http://blogs.embarcadero.com/jimtierney/2012/10/01/31653/#link2) ? There is currently no observer for those components, so LiveBindings cannot observe a TUniEdit component (for example). Thanks a lot !
  19. In this case, there is no need to show this property in design mode : whatever you set in it, does nothing...
  20. When I set the Filter property of TUniFileUpload to something like 'Music Files|*.mp3", I can upload other types of files. Tested with, XE4, IE11.
  21. I did install on XE4 Update 1 without problem.
  22. Hi, Everything is fully explained in this video : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3481-how-to-deploy-on-iis7-video/?hl=iis
  23. About the first issue (cannot run directly), VCL Mode is not supported in version 0.94: Web Mode (localhost:8077) is the only way of running a uniGUI application.
  24. Maybe you can decrease runtime creation by putting 80 hidden uniPanels on your form (with property Visible:=False or Left:=-4000...). Then, in your loop, you just have to set the right properties of each uniPanel (using FindComponent method), without creating it first. That's not a beautiful way but it can increase your performances. You can also decrease loading time by avoiding "LoadFromFile" method for each image; maybe you can try to put your images in the resources of your application: the size of your .exe/.dll will increase, but loading time could be faster. Finally, why not using LiveBindings instead of programmaticaly linking Captions, Texts and Names to your Tables ?
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