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Everything posted by eduardosuruagy

  1. Using the example you indicated I made a change, I put UniThreadTimer1 in MainForm, but it crashes when trying to access some information from UniMainModule. How can I access a variable that is in UniMainModule? procedure TMainForm.UniThreadTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject); var FS : TUniGUISession; B : TBookmark; begin if Assigned(UniMainModule.UniApplication) then begin FS := (UniMainModule.UniApplication as TUniGUIApplication).UniSession; // This is the uniSession instance which is the owner of this UniMainModule FS.LockSession; // make sure session is not busy try B := UniMainModule.ClientDataSet1.GetBookmark; try UniMainModule.ClientDataSet1.Append; UniMainModule.ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('F1').AsInteger := UniMainModule.ClientDataSet1.RecordCount; UniMainModule.ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('F2').AsString := TimeToStr(Now); UniMainModule.ClientDataSet1.Post; UniMainModule.ClientDataSet1.GotoBookmark(B); finally UniMainModule.ClientDataSet1.FreeBookmark(B); end; finally FS.ReleaseSession; end; end; end;
  2. I did so, put a UniTimer in my MainForm, when I enter my MainForm I activate my UniTimer in the MainForm.UniFormActivate event. Inside UniTimer I make my select and update some information on the screen. But I realize that my screen freezes for a while even the SQL command inside UniTimer. This way I made this correct?
  3. I would like to execute a query in my background bank, when the user confirms his login the system executes this query to show statistics to the user, and this query can take a long time leaving my application frozen, it can be done without my screen freezing ?
  4. How do you integrate with unigui?
  5. It worked perfect, thanks again and congratulations for your great work.
  6. I already tried to use "Accordion Layout", but as there are many panels on the screen it does not show all.
  7. I understand and know that supporting several people is not easy, because I have clients and I know the difficulty, but thank you very much for your support !! I can use any layout, just need to know if it can look the way I asked. I'll test him and let you know later.
  8. I understand, but since I have no guarantee that I will get support, at least there should be a more elaborate manual showing what each option does, so I think we need support. Unigui is wonderful and I already use it from the first version, but we have to use several different pascoal codes to be able to adjust or correct the errors that appear and those codes unfortunately you know. Several features we can only do through the codes made by the support so we seek here in the forum a help. I see the Brazilian community complaining a lot about it. I'll be content with what I really have. Thank you!
  9. Is my subscription still entitled to support?
  10. I already tried to use some layouts but I was unsuccessful. Do you have any idea what it could be? I do not understand much of these layouts there I do not know how to adjust.
  11. Good morning, I would like to have a simple support answer, if I can do something to solve my problem.
  12. Sorry, I can not reproduce. Can you make an example?
  13. In this example would have as in the column "Prestazione" I show an image and when clicking on the image show the hint?
  14. I want the panel to be the same size as the designer panel, but when I run my application it is the size of the form.
  15. I do not understand, you want me to simplify in what way?
  16. Why did you say you couldn't use with HS?
  17. P.S. Dont use with HyperServer(HyperService) ?
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