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Everything posted by mmurgas

  1. several have asked this ... not be today tomorrow maybe ...
  2. Dear, it happens when opening a Form ShowModal and then create a MessageDlg message, I have the completed form disabled on some occasions, at what should it be? example Open form FormXXX.Showmodal; - - - MessageDlg ('? Save info?', MtConfirmation, mbYesNo, OkSave); ... completed form disabled Thanks in advance for your help mmurgas
  3. I recommend you see this ... works well http://www.delphiaccess.com/forum/trucos-y-consejos-16/exportar-ado-a-csv/
  4. Thanks Farshad finally perform the export as a file natively. CSV and it worked perfect. Here is the link (recommended at all) to perform this task Thanks for everything http://www.delphiaccess.com/forum/trucos-y-consejos-16/exportar-ado-a-csv/
  5. I answer to myself MessageDlg('mbYesNo', mtConfirmation, mbYesNo, procedure(Res: Integer) begin case Res of mrYes : UniMemo1.Lines.Add('DResult: YES'); mrNo : UniMemo1.Lines.Add('DResult: NO'); mrOK : UniMemo1.Lines.Add('DResult: OK'); mrCancel : UniMemo1.Lines.Add('DResult: CANCEL'); end; end );
  6. for me this code is correct, but I broke my head trying to export my data // Database if NOT dmArtist.Artist.Active then dmArtist.Artist.Active:=TRUE; // Excel export scExcelExport.DataSet:=dmArtist.Artist; scExcelExport.WorksheetName:='Artiesten'; scExcelExport.HeaderText.text:='Artiesten per ' +DateToStr(Date) ; scExcelExport.ExcelVisible:=false; try scExcelExport.ExportDataset; ExportFile:='Artiesten per ' +FormatDateTime('hhmmss', Time) ; scExcelExport.SaveAs(UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath+ExportFile,ffXLS) finally scExcelExport.Disconnect; // Save export UniSession.SendFile(UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath+ExportFile+'.xls', 'Artiesten.xls'); end; end;
  7. Hola Roberto, esta buena tu demo , aprovecho de pedir tu ayuda .. no he podido realizar lo que tu haces en tu aplicación, ¿como haces para exportar a excel una tabla seleccionada? , agradecería mucho tu ayuda... De antemano Muchas Gracias mmurgas
  8. Estimates, and had the same problem for some time, I could indicate if this problem had a solution? , Is used to export to excel so your help would be very valuable greetings and thanks mmurgas
  9. could you give an example of the latter, I know delphi, but very no java thanks ---- http://www.delphiaccess.com/forum/trucos-y-consejos-16/exportar-ado-a-csv/
  10. Dear Farshad, this is a message previously known, but still I get the message ... Is it possible not to show the user? I take the comment that indicates the link of the forum "In new version you can disable" Object Not Found "warnings." http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/831-object-o5cf-not-found-in-session-list-it-could-be-timed-out-refresh/?hl=object+not+found&do=findComment&comment=2215 Regards, mmurgas
  11. I'm testing the component on my server and I get a message "Class not registered" ... someone has left this message ... regards - answer to question the problem is that Excel must be installed on the server http://embarcadero.newsgroups.archived.at/public.delphi.ide/201004/1004218178.html
  12. Thanks Farshad, indeed I want to make a local pc screen is running the website and pressing a button to display the recording server ... in my path (UniServerModule.StartPath + 'Image \ pict.jpg') Greetings and Thanks
  13. Hello, I'm trying to make a screenshot of an area of my application (map) and leave it in a directory on the server, it works correctly in my local environment (localhost), but when I go to the actual server ... as I can make it work there? show the code. Greetings and thanks in advance mmurgas procedure capturar_area_pantalla_a_bitmap_temporal(ABitmap: TBitmap); var vDesktopDC: HDC; //contendrá el device context handle del escritorio actual begin vDesktopDC := GetWindowDC(GetDesktopWindow); try ABitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; ABitmap.Height := Screen.Height; ABitmap.Width := Screen.Width; BitBlt(ABitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ABitmap.Width, ABitmap.Height, vDesktopDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); finally ReleaseDC(GetDesktopWindow, vDesktopDC); end; end; procedure capturar_pantalla_a_disco_formato_JPG(const fichero:string); var vJpg: TJpegImage; vBmp: TBitmap; begin vBmp := TBitmap.Create; try capturar_area_pantalla_a_bitmap_temporal(vBmp); vJpg := TJpegImage.Create; try vJpg.Assign(vBmp); vJpg.CompressionQuality := 85; //calidad JPG 85% vJpg.SaveToFile(fichero); //save format JPG finally vJpg.Free; end; finally vBmp.Free; end; end;
  14. Thanks Hayri Aslan I need to add a layer with a network of roads that we have digitized, these roads I have them in different formats, among them KML, shapefile, etc. .. can display it on my unigmap? I can load other data as KML (polygons) correctly. regards,
  15. Dear, my question is how it should proceed to deploy a network of roads, this I have it in a KML file, but unfortunately I unfolded it as a layer, can I do this? . Thank you in advance, attached image. MMurgas
  16. hello, could you tell me where to get the demo GridGroupingSummary, can not find it within FMSOFT / demos Thanks in advance
  17. mmurgas

    Query help

    I personally prefer the querys with parameters, have never given me my mistake and order code DM.TablaX.Close; DM.TablaX.SQL.Clear; DM.TablaX.SQL.Add ('SELECT *'); DM.TablaX.SQL.Add ('FROM mytabla'); DM.TablaX.SQL.Add ('WHERE Cod LIKE: param1'); DM.TablaX.Parameters.ParamByName ('param1'). Value: = '%' + trim (edit.Text) + '%'; DM.TablaX.Open; regards
  18. My question is with a UniScreenMask ... I want to use it after asking the user if they are sure to make a trade, but leave the dialog mesagge screenmask takes me ... steps 1. MessageDlg ('Are you sure?', MtConfirmation, mbYesNo, OkSave); 2. UniScreenMask1 .... 3. ShowMessage ('The recording is ok'); Thank you in advance mmurgas ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mi consulta a es con un UniScreenMask ... lo quiero usar después de preguntarle al usuario si esta seguro de hacer una operación, pero al salir el mensaje de dialogo me saca el screenmask... pasos 1. MessageDlg('¿Estas seguro ?', mtConfirmation, mbYesNo, OkSave); 2 . UniScreenMask1 3. showmessage('La grabación esta ok'); de antemano, Gracias mmurgas
  19. Interesting chart type, good presentation, ... my question, how you can show other types of graphs, bar type, stack, etc ... or is this just the bar, thanks and congratulations by google translator ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interesante tipo de grafico, buena presentación, ...mi pregunta, ¿como se puede mostrar otros tipos de graficos, tipo barra , stack , etc...o sólo se debe usar este de barra, gracias y felicitaciones
  20. Guillermo , Muchas gracias por tu ayuda y por sobre todo tomarte tu tiempo para enseñarnos esta genial herramienta.........ahora si me funciona!! Cordiales Saludos, ------------- William, Thank you for your help and most of all take time to teach this great tool ......... now if I work! Best Regards,
  21. disculpen, se que estoy cerca de la solución ..¿como muestro mi icono X ? me imagino que va en "text := '<img src="' + Sender.AsString + '" />';" en Sender.AsString ....pero no se como cargarlo.... favor su apoyo Gracias MM
  22. Thanks ... //{$define UNIGUI_VCL} // Comment out this line to turn this project into an ISAPI module' "I solve commenting the line and reopen the project, do the same when compiled in exe... "
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