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Everything posted by picyka

  1. you can compile your project in debug use it normally, after a long use knock down the server, then if you have memory leak will appear. I even have a case like a few users, the system starts with 28mb memory, after a long use between reports, registers, the system gets a 35mb memory even closing the sessions does not return for 28mb.
  2. Hi HarryG, this is one of the things missing in unigui, components of third party pro system get richer ...
  3. I could not make it work .. can you create an example? I use version 4.2
  4. Which grid event is this code going to? the logic would be to get on the last line press the down arrow to jump to the next page it? does it work in version 4.2?
  5. picyka

    Logs error

    Very good.... tranks.
  6. picyka

    Logs error

    How can I write errors in the unigui log? Example: try SaveObject(O); except UniServerModule.Log.Add('Error method XXXXX'); end; in this situation I would put a log easier to read, and identify the errors of the application ... would that be possible?
  7. btnCopy.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['click']:='function tap(sender, e, eOpts) '+ ' { '+ 'var copyText = document.getElementById("'+UnimMemoCopy.JSName+'_id-inputEl");' + ' copyText.select(); ' + 'document.execCommand("Copy");' + ' }';
  8. Does the above code work? I needed something like that.
  9. DevSulAssist.dll: 00000EE4: 19:18:27 [HttpExtensionProc[]]:EUniSessionException : Sessão inválida ou expirou! : Addr: $01C522FF DevSulAssist.dll: 00000F4C: 19:19:34 [TUniThreadTimer.OnTimer]:EAccessViolation : Access violation at address 01C505E9 in module 'DevSulAssist.dll'. Read of address 00000000 : Addr: $01C505E9 It even works ... I hope this is improved internally, because on the desktop the TerminateOnBrowserClose property works very well. another situation when it is accessed from a cell phone could decrease session time, can I do this in runtime?
  10. Estou usando o Android e o IOS no Android. Eu uso o safari cromo e IOS, nos telefones celulares que eu indiquei para fazer um atalho do sistema na área de trabalho do celular, o intaum é sinônimo de um aplicativo nativo, quando o usuário fecha a navegação não morre na sessão imediatamente você pode monitorar sessões aqui
  11. what code would I put in the timer event?
  12. look that interesting, if I close the browser tab triggers the event, only need to fire when it is closed completely ...
  13. if you access http:\\localhost:8077/m on the pc it works ... more on mobile no.
  14. does not work, but the idea was good ... it would have to be something that seems to know when the browser closes...
  15. Has anyone made this into a component? would be very interesting to use as a filter
  16. bbosnjak did you have problems with paging using TAureliusDataSet?
  17. Hello, did anyone get to use the mapdblclick and mapclick events on the mobile at the same time? always triggers only the mapclick event. Google Translate. Hello, did anyone get to use the mapdblclick and mapclick events on the mobile at the same time? always triggers only the mapclick event
  18. When closing the browser by the mobile is not dying the session, the property TerminatedOnBrowserClose is true, it is a hybrid application in the computer works normal, someone went through this? using the Google Translate!
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