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Everything posted by andyhill

  1. Hi - Can anyone tell me why this string fails to define inside a javascript function ? It says right ")" missing ??? ' ... ' var ss = "<HEAD><SCRIPT src=\"files/print.min.js\"></SCRIPT><LINK rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"files/print.min.css\"></LINK></HEAD>";'+ '...
  2. Good to know about ... sourceConfig = {Prop2" ... How can we add "Items" collection editor to the PropertyGrid for respective components ?
  3. A third button would be a last resort as once clicked the Prompt has finished and closed, however a Function Button in the Prompt Edit Box would allow interactive updates by the user of the contents of the Edit Box before OK/Cancel.
  4. I have a need for a Function Button in the Mobile Prompt Edit Box (right), please show me how this can be done. Thanks in advance.
  5. Although I have found Desktop Programs never really convert well to WebApps due to the very fundamental differences in presentation, for me it is easier to build WebApps from the ground up than convert old legacy programs. Having said that I would be interested in studying your convert source code if you are willing to share.
  6. I use a TunimHTMLFrame (not TunimURLFrame but should be similar) inside a Panel and set some Panel UniEvents as follows for a predetermined scroll height:- w:= 750; Panel.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Add('beforeInit=function beforeInit(sender, config)'#13#10+ '{ '#13#10+ ' config.scrollable = true;'#13#10+ ' config.minHeight = '+IntToStr(w)+';'#13#10+ '} '); Perhaps you could drop the height declaration and test accordingly.
  7. OK, I had to add WRAP instructions in the Table Tag as well. <table style="border:none; width:100%; white-space: word-wrap:break-all; vertical-align:middle;">
  8. My mobile WebApp builds HTML scripts dynamically for TunimHTMLFrame - all good. I want to on special data cells (not all) within a table override the Width and WordWrap defaults for the <td> </td>. <td style="width: 500px; word-wrap:break-word; border-spacing: 0px; border:none; font-size:15px; padding-top:3px; padding-left:8px; color:'+TxtColourStr+';">'+MaterialStr+'</td>'+ My style data above generally works except for the width: 500px; word-wrap:break-word; please advise how to resolve - thanks in advance.
  9. Hi Gerhard, Per a previous discussion (a very long time ago), do we have Mobile Themes now (larger everything) ?
  10. When you get this to work correctly on Mobile UniGUI please share test project - thanks.
  11. Thanks, I missed the need to be in ReadOnly mode - makes sense.
  12. When one clicks on a URL hyperlink it moves the browser to that page, in HTMLMemo it does nothing ?
  13. I am having trouble with HtmlMemo HyperLinks - how does one execute a URL hyperlink within the memo ?
  14. Added function in the forms 'beforeInit' How do I call it in code not using a button click ?
  15. Your suggestion would show <empty> in the select options (not acceptable), I use a blank line to select a blank line. I have an ajax work around but unigui should be able to show a blank line in the select options -or- offer extra clear button:- [Select] [Clear] [Cancel]
  16. Based on my own experiences. Firstly, I now do all of my web app development in Mobile (unigui has inbuilt desktop emulation) and once complete optionally build desktop versions if deemed necessary (not often). In my opinion it is better to have good looking useable Mobile Screens (phones and tablets) with automatically scaled desktop emulation rather then having good looking desktop Screens with poor finger userbility on auto-scaled down mobile screens. Most of my comments below are based on working with a green unigui (early adopter) but over the years unigui is now slowly maturing. 1) I prefer Forms as in the past there were a few inconsistencies with Frames but there are exceptions of course (HTMLFrame for one). 2) I open Forms with ShowModal (optionally I add CallBack for a very specific purpose -otherwise- the breadcrumb logic is automatically added). 3) Multiple Forms are no issue as the are only created when called (you can destroy after use), if you have many watch your GDI resources (set in SystemModule). 4) Tab Sheets are created on Tab Change with slide in transition, Forms are faster - obviously there are times when Tabs are needed. 5) I have all of my Table / Query logic on my MainModule, in this way it is accessible by all forms in the session etc. The tables / queries are opened / fetched / refreshed when a Form is created or shown (subject to design) that needs access. 6) Looks are subjective. 7) ? 8) Flex 9) All things are possible, some may have excess time and make this for you (check out the examples) but most of us are busy - money always is a good motivator. Note: There is a massive push on the web to have secure websites so please consider a valid Domain Name with a corresponding Digital Certificate.
  17. I would like to assign to a Mobile Editor a URL Image having it Left Aligned Within the Edit Frame. Please advise - thanks in advance.
  18. Bypassed UniGUI and coded it in Sencha, now works. '' Returns 'null'
  19. I have come up with the following work around that uses the CloseUp Event with a deferred reading of the new select value via an ajax event:- // OnCloseUp Event Bug Work Around procedure TMymForm.MySelectOnCloseUp(Sender: TObject); begin // if ByPassMySelectFlag = True then begin ByPassMySelectFlag:= False; Exit; end; // UniSession.AddJS('Ext.defer(function(){ajaxRequest(MymForm.ContainerPanel, "_mySelect_", []);}, 500)'); // end; ... if SameText(EventName, '_mySelect_') then begin ...
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