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Everything posted by sertatar76

  1. add source code: UniDBGrid1.Grouping.Enabled := True; UniDBGrid1.Grouping.FieldName := 'COUNTRY'; UniDBGrid1.OnColumnSort := UniDBGrid1ColumnSort; not work. If in desing add UniDBGrid1.Grouping.Enabled = True then it`s work. What should I write in UniDBGrid1.JSInterface.JSCode(...) ? GridGroup_Test.zip
  2. sertatar76

    grid summary

    Thank you, I understand. It works.
  3. sertatar76

    grid summary

    I did it, but got a error if not UniDBGrid1.Summary.Enabled then begin UniDBGrid1.Summary.Enabled := True; // UniDBGrid1.OnColumnSummary := UniDBGrid1ColumnSummary; // UniDBGrid1.OnColumnSummaryResult := UniDBGrid1ColumnSummaryResult; UniDBGrid1.JSInterface.JSCode('var me='#1'; var _view=null; var _lockedview=null; if (!me.lockedGrid && !me.normalGrid) {_view=me.getView()} else {_view=me.normalGrid.getView(); _lockedview=me.lockedGrid.getView()}; '+ 'if (_view) {_view.summaryFeature.summaryBar.show()};'+ 'if (_lockedview) {_lockedview.summaryFeature.summaryBar.show()};' ); end; Cannot read property 'summaryBar' of undefined
  4. Thanks, what you need. Added name and it works
  5. Probably not, I did not quite understand what was meant
  6. Hi I wanted to clarify to the "When creating a control dynamically" I need to recreate chart. ... FreeAndNil(UniChart1); UniChart1 := TUniChart.Create(Self); UniChart1.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Add( 'chart.beforeInit=function chart.beforeInit(sender, config)' + '{config.colors = ["#556677", "#112233", "#995577]}'); ... It not work.
  7. FMSoft_uniGUI_Professional_1.50.0.1475 I change color for TUniBarSeries. What am I doing wrong? ChartsBarChart.zip
  8. Fixed and updated to Leaflet 1.3.1 LEAFLET_NEW.rar
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