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Everything posted by jrp

  1. Hello, How to change the Font (Name, Size, Style etc) of the summary row in UniDBGrid? Thank you
  2. Hello Harry Rogers, Could you share how you implemented calling wkhtmltopdf.exe from UniGUI app? Thanks
  3. Thank you Harry Rogers and irigsoft, I will try.
  4. Hello, In my application, when the user click "Show Report" then the application prepare a HTML file and display it in a new tab. How to convert it to a PDF file so the user can download it? Thanks
  5. Hi pep, Thank you very much for your component. I have made my first chart with it. Could you please show how to print the chart? Thanks again
  6. Hello, Anyone can help me with this?
  7. I do not use the standard approach because the login form will always appear first, and people have to login to use the application. In the test case, I make the login form appear first because the UniTreeMenu only visible to logged in users. Users who do not login see different things.
  8. In the full project, I use it to do things after someone login.
  9. Hello, My project do not use CustomCSS. Here is the test case: UniTreeMenu.zip Thank you
  10. Hi Sherzod, I use UniGUI I made a new project to test, and the Color property works, like you said! But in my current project, it does not work. I will try to make a test case from my current project.
  11. Hello, How to change the background color of UniTreeMenu? Changing the Color property do not work. Thank you
  12. Hello, Sorry to revive this post from 2019. But the code to create chart series at runtime still only work in OnCreate event. It does not work in OnClick event of UniButton. How to make it work in UniButton.OnClick? I use UniGUI Thank you
  13. Hello, I can't see any videos and links in this thread...
  14. Themes like uni_mac and uni_mac_yosemite have rounded corners forms
  15. Thank you Sherzod. For another newbies like me, here is the solution using callback: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage('Test', procedure (Sender: TComponent; Res: Integer) begin UniEdit1.SetFocus; end ); end;
  16. Hello, I have this simple but very annoying problem. The SetFocus method of UniGUI controls do not work after ShowMessage. To reproduce this problem is very simple: 1. Put a UniEdit on the form (UniEdit1) 2. Put a UniButton on the form (UniButton1) 3. In the OnClick event of UniButton1, paste this code: ShowMessage('Test'); UniEdit1.SetFocus; Run the project, then click UniButton1 and see it.
  17. Hello, What is the difference between UniSimplePanel and UniContainerPanel? When to use UniSimplePanel and when to use UniContainerPanel? Thanks
  18. jrp

    Rest API

    That's cool cyracks. I hope someone will show us how to do it with UniGUI.
  19. jrp

    Rest API

    Hi cyracks, I want to do something like what you wanted to do: work in MainModule and get rid of the forms. Have you figure out how to do it?
  20. Thank you Sherzod, this is what I need. It works!
  21. Hello, How to prevent editing of some rows in UniDBGrid by checking the field value of the current record? Something like: if UniDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName('id').AsInteger=100 then begin //prevent editing end; Where to implement that code? Thanks
  22. Hi Sherzod, Thank you very much! I forgot to install UniGUI packages 😅
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